People that love you always need you, cause they need to give and express their love to you or need to be loved by you, cause love is mutual.
In future I want to be a person with so many challenges, because feeling nothing doesn't mean it isn't hurting. And normal be a realistic person with positive energy , to live maximum... Believe in God and in my religion, because believe in something and feeling that exist something saint its simply a pure feeling.
''Love is blind'' best proof is that mothers love their babies in their stomach even without seeing them. And a love without challenges doesn't sound good. By the way , I am speaking for universal love. When we love someone , maybe we can be called ''naive'' , but no one can understand that when we love someone , we love them with their imperfections that is what make them specially .
I haven`t fall in love yet.
In fact i don`t hate, but usually make me nervous. If i work hard i can understand and then i like the subject. I am a person that hurry up and then involved things so that make me very nervous. Last week i had a national test that depends in registration in high school, it was a test with 100 questions, 50 % of questions were from natural science and the others from social sciences. I finished all but when i started to work in math, i was so depressed so i just surrounded options with no reading the questions. After the exam i was so sad and pessimistic for my life because that made me understand that musn`t do something that make me feel bad. So i think i will go to study social sciences in high school even why i don`t like them very much but the directions in high school in my country are limited.
Koizora `` Sky of love `` . A korean movie.
Drama movies.
Need time to think for a true answer. Don`t know, maybe by living every moment of life complete best moments. I`d say that my best moment in life is enjoy the challenges, because sometimes they make you understand that you are stronger than you think...
1.Controll - your feelings.
2. Love - who deserve to love.
3.Fight - never give up.
4.the feeling of reasponsibility.
5. Belief - don`t trust in nobody for 100 %, but also don`t judge the others with not enough facts because it can be a net from the life .etc...