15 Answers
I haven't the time for a hobby, always on Aka!
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
Listening to audio Books and collecting music Cd's DVDS when I have the money to buy them the Books I just download from the library online for the blind&handicap
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
I’m going to start writing a story about the little dog I found. I may try to get it published but most likely it will be for my family. whovin: How do your read this?
My hobby is electronic design and fabrication, tool and die making and industrial prototype production. It is an art and science to develop a marketable product. There are millions of small businesses producing and selling simple product lines of small gadgets and things like drill bit holders, paper clips, tie wire, glue in an applicator, glass cleaner, etc,etc. National market ready products in the cost (to produce) under $2.OO and a 5% market appeal….is worth $25k to $100K depending on the professional evaluations of its worth. The production gets 8-10% of the retail sales price, sometimes much less. I just produce…no big marketing effort here. Evaluation is a different game.
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
I a musician, some people say that is their hobby, i can't-- So what do i do?? Well right now, I have about 12 R/C helicopters, not the toy ones in the malls, they have a 3' rotor. I spend hours of free time fixing them so I can go out and 15 minuted ram it into a tree. Phone poles and houses are a specialty, I can hit just about anything with em.. Wife calls them neighborhood assualt helicopters. Most of my neighbors know to stay inside when I fly.
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
My hobby is researching and hiking around local creeks and rivers and cut-lines looking for the Sasquatch People...
photos by Todd Standing
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Actually we have seen them several times...they are frighteningly huge and keeping your wits about you is paramount to staying conscious when encounters occur!! Not kidding. Eeeeee!
My hobby is dancing.Really i like to do very things, i am very curious for different things
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Dance Dance Dance.
“Music hath powers to soothe the savage breast” People think the word is “beast” but it isn’t. : D
I know you’re curious about different things. So am I. I bless my computer. and yours so we can hear from you.
I'm typing now on this old mac. It's sturdy and just keeps going.
I'm typing now on this old mac. It's sturdy and just keeps going.
Cats..and kids and family take up a lot of time..but I love reading..can`t live without my music/ipod...swimming..running,cycling...not quite strong enough to run quite yet...but I`m speeding up my walking...and my bike is in the shop today .as we speak!...Getting serviced...so I can try and start back doing some exercise !..Bring it on..and I`m aiming to get back to my running / charity runs hopefully by the Summer..but I know I have to be sensible!:-¬
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
t want to make the most of it!...Picked up my bike..yippee!!...too much food shop to cycle back and no its..didn`t stick to my list as preached!LOL...just feel like I`m a participant again!!:-)
Gardening, painting and sketching, interior design, knitting and playing pool.
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I am hopelessly fortunate to be a creative person. I used to make a living as a full time water colour artist and these days I am trying to make a living as a full time potter. I am combining most of the things I went to school for and those 'things' are the 'things' other people do as hobbies. There are many days when it is difficult to take my life seriously!
Soooooooo, I don't really have a hobby except maybe answering the odd question on akaQA. .... And taking classes. I really love learning new things.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |