    do u have hobby


    +6  Views: 1307 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    I haven't the time for a hobby, always on Aka!


    Writing is your hobby, bulletman?

    Itsmee, if you mean i answer a question with an essay sometimes, i can't help it.:-)

    Sure what all of us do is WRITE. We think out what we want to say. Say it. And then the subject goes on for a long time. You’re a writer. Yes, and sometimes we do short essays. Fun. Huh?

    Listening to audio Books and collecting music Cd's DVDS when I have the money to buy them the Books I just download from the library online for the blind&handicap 


    I LOVE audio books. I think my eyes aren’t good enough for books or the Kindle. Do you have to be totally blind to get the books for blind and handicapped. I am handicapped. (Chronic Pain) Owwwww.

    I’m going to start writing a story about the little dog I found. I may try to get it published but most likely it will be for my family. whovin: How do your read this?

    @itsmee, there is a way to increase the font size on a Kindle to a size readable for you. I joined the Audiobooks and have 3 downloaded to my Kindle, I listen as I do dishes

    My eyes cant focus they just wobble and slowly spin around this make it hard to keep my balance which just plain stinks that I misspell things a lot or miss words in sentences and when I due read things I read slowly and over several times trying least knowing what people mean

    That`s great its..the book idea..go for it!...I listen to audio books when I`m too tired to read..and they drown out my over thinking at night..but I`ve O/D`d on them a bit recently..and once I start listening..I carry on playing the story with hardly any breaks,as it`s too easy to do that!...I prefer to read,as I find it more satisfying...and I like to savour the book in my own time...but I agree they are a great invention!

    My hobby is looking up interesting sites, and subjects I want to know about.......on the internet. Also, my big time- consuming hobby is engaging in akaQA. And , of course, playing with my cats. Right now, my little one is demanding my attention.

    My hobby is electronic design and fabrication, tool and die making and industrial prototype production. It is an art and science to develop a marketable product. There are millions of small businesses producing and selling simple product lines of small gadgets and things like drill bit holders, paper clips, tie wire, glue in an applicator, glass cleaner, etc,etc. National market ready products in the cost (to produce) under $2.OO and a 5% market appeal….is worth $25k to $100K depending on the professional evaluations of its worth. The production gets 8-10% of the retail sales price, sometimes much less. I just produce…no big marketing effort here. Evaluation is a different game.  


    You never cease to amaze me robertgrist!! My moms' ole boy invented several larger items...the indestructable fireaxe...the copperlined fireproof oil-pipe-line used in Texas and a myriad of other his eighties now and he's working a prototype for a cool mobility ya gotta love the human mind!! Peace.

    It is too easy to get sucked-up into a business that produces products for other peoples dreams. I don’t like our culture for depending so much on intelligent people to push money on them for work they are unwilling to learn anything about more than how to sell it or turn it on. Here, buy this TV and you will never be asked to know anything about how it works beyond the on-off button. Rather childish to accept a sandwich to eat and never to question where it came from, how it is assembled and how the ingredients were all made. Our global village is past due for a wake-up call.

    I do so agree rg...waking up is hard to do when immersed in the 'hypnotizin' boogie' that's for getting set to create yet another 'lasagna' layered garden...set to harvest seaweed for my second layer (over newsprint and cardboard), then I'll add these nicely rotting leaves I found in heaps down the block piled near the edge of our is never done once you start to awake! ('s tiring that's for sure) LL xo

    I have many interests, which includes, correspondings and collecting Souvenir Dolls.

    I love to write, creatively.

    I have a friend who loves to paint.


    I a musician, some people say that is their hobby, i can't--  So what do i do?? Well right now, I have about 12 R/C helicopters, not the toy ones in the malls, they have a 3' rotor.  I spend hours of free time fixing them so I can go out and 15 minuted ram it into a tree.  Phone poles and houses are a specialty, I can hit just about anything with em.. Wife calls them neighborhood assualt helicopters. Most of my neighbors know to stay inside when I fly.



    Do you have a camera mount so you can fly it while watching the scene? A phone with a camera in it can do the job.

    I would but i don't know how to fix a phone or camera.


    I collect ring tabs. I put them in liter sized booze bottles. I have over 35 filled. And yes, I'm willing to donate to charity if I could find one that was legit......


    I’ll drink to that jh.

    My hobby is researching and hiking around local creeks and rivers and cut-lines looking for the Sasquatch People...


    photos by Todd Standing


    Lindi, you must get frustrated at not finding

    whoop whoop!!!
    Actually we have seen them several times...they are frighteningly huge and keeping your wits about you is paramount to staying conscious when encounters occur!! Not kidding. Eeeeee!

    My hobby is dancing.Really i like to do very things, i am very curious for different things


    Dancing is beautiful...I wish I could dance...I'm a musician and usually was playing the music so everyone else could dance!! Hahaha! Dance like there's no tomorrow little lady!! Peace.

    Thank you for comment. Really i like so much listening music and dancing, sometime is like the melody make me live in another world and forget troubles at that moment. And the fact is that i don`t know to sing very well but, i enjoy listening music and dancing.

    This is very good my can express yourself beautifully when you is freedom of movement and this is very good for the mind as well...keep dancing honey and never stop! By the way, your English is getting much better since you came to akaQA!! Welcome!!! and Peace.

    I’ve always thought dancers were the happiest people on feet. Times in my life when I’ve done a lot of dancing have been the very best. Oh, how I love it.
    Dance Dance Dance.
    “Music hath powers to soothe the savage breast” People think the word is “beast” but it isn’t. : D
    I know you’re curious about different things. So am I. I bless my computer. and yours so we can hear from you.

    So true, i can`t think my life without computer.

    Blast it! Right after I wrote this I spilled water in to the insides of my Mac lap top. I have photos in there. I have everything in there. i'm not sure if we're going to get another one. Too expensive.
    I'm typing now on this old mac. It's sturdy and just keeps going.

    Blast it! Right after I wrote this I spilled water in to the insides of my Mac lap top. I have photos in there. I have everything in there. i'm not sure if we're going to get another one. Too expensive.
    I'm typing now on this old mac. It's sturdy and just keeps going.

    It`s very bad moment when you accidentally delete your best memories. like your photos, videos etc. Yesterday, accidently i deleted one folder very important for my brother, i feel so bad because i know how a horrible moment it will be if my collection of photos will disappear suddenly. I am searching if i could back the folder of my brother, again.It will be a nice surprise for him.

    Bowling, without a doubt.  I enjoy reading, akaQA, and other stuff. Bowling has been part of my life since 1974.  :D

    Cats..and kids and family take up a lot of time..but I love reading..can`t live without my music/ipod...swimming..running,cycling...not quite strong enough to run quite yet...but I`m speeding up my walking...and my bike is in the shop today .as we speak!...Getting I can try and start back doing some exercise !..Bring it on..and I`m aiming to get back to my running / charity runs hopefully by the Summer..but I know I have to be sensible!:-¬


    Thanks dearest not so sure that it jus
    t want to make the most of it!...Picked up my bike..yippee!!...too much food shop to cycle back and no its..didn`t stick to my list as preached!LOL...just feel like I`m a participant again!!:-)

    U R still on my prayer list !

    Gardening, painting and sketching, interior design, knitting and playing pool.


    Yeh baby..I used to hustle pool..rather PLAY pool as well...I love the angles!! ;)

    Ohhhh .... interior design. How I love it. Painting too.

    I am on a pool league. It's alot of fun. Love all the angles too and bank shots are my thing!

    If/when I'm ever headed to Cali again I will look you up for a game of 'stick' it!! xo

    Any time lindilou. I have my own table and you'd be welcome for sure.

    Painting, card maiking needle felting,reading.

    I am hopelessly fortunate to be a creative person.  I used to make a living as a full time water colour artist and these days I am trying to make a living as a full time potter.  I am combining most of the things I went to school for and those 'things' are the 'things' other people do as hobbies.  There are many days when it is difficult to take my life seriously!

    Soooooooo, I don't really have a hobby except maybe answering the odd question on akaQA. .... And taking classes.  I really love learning new things.

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