    what do you want to be in the future

    +4  Views: 2219 Answers: 13 Posted: 11 years ago


    13 Answers

    Still living and happy to be so………...

    Still here, well for as long as I am able anyway.

    A much loved child of GOD...


    You are.

    Dont allways feel it ..

    Healthy and Happy.


    I want to be in the future is live and have peace and harmony.I wish I will graduate.I would love to be a seaman like my father.


    Hi El. Glad you're back .

    Younger but that ain't gunna happen.:)


    An aKaQA,Moderators Asistance,


    Laugh my keester off! ha!

    In future I want to be a person with so many challenges, because feeling nothing doesn't mean it isn't hurting. And normal be a realistic person with positive energy , to live maximum...  Believe in God and in my religion, because believe in something and feeling that exist something saint its simply a pure feeling.



    Hold on. We see what we are supposed to see. Life is a journey. We don't come here because it is supposed to be easy.

    Absolutely, you are right.

    When I grow up, I want to move outta here. But, right now, I don't have anyone to move with ; or to get all my things organized in my house to have an estate sale or a yard / garage sale to move.

    Having a human form has many advantages over that of other creatures here. As a spiritual being there are far more options of form but we tend to work on maintaining recognisable forms and only change along natural ways respecting style and costume. Introducing ourselves in some unfamiliar form tends to dehumanize our recognition. Life here in human form permits social and cultural patterns of recognition that enable and stabilize our expressed being-ness. Lower life-forms seem to be locked into their selected form as a result of time-line security; or space and time would unravel. But to answer the question, I will most likely remain the same as I am now...a Coo Coo Clock on an office wall. 


    What a riot and a half rg! lmao

    Wake up in the morning,stand straight up and walk out to the kitchen and make my coffee, without any pain,,maybe one day<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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