    am so low..get exhasted doing even the school run..surely my kids deserve so much better..what to do..i feel totally rubbish and have so much help looking after them all..nannies/cleaners/security and it time to opt out and give them all a better chance in life...I love them soooo much ..but unfair of them having to live like this!

    +7  Views: 1893 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    You know where to find me. <3

    Thanks so much dearest C...sorry today has hit me really hard...have been trying to ignore plans for the kids` well being..but no longer!..have gmail account..did you see?...I`LL Em you a bit later tonight if that`s O.K....just am not in my right senses now!..xxxxALL love millie xxx

    Get back to me when you can but stop being so down. Negativity is a poison and you do not need that right now. Think of your strengths and how much you've gotten through to this point. You're a fighter. Keep fighting my friend. You are well loved. Use that love to keep you strong. You can do this! (((hugs)))

    Thanks dearest C..And all of you!..I was just being a Drama Queen:-z...I`ve been struggling with low energy and beating myself up about getting everything done !That`s all ;-)xxx

    I`ve just tried to TD my outburst!..But it won`t bloody let me!;-¬

    LOL, just keep collecting the good energy from the people here. Your outburst is fine. We all need to do it on occasion ;)

    Thanks Miss C...but that was some outburst!..;-0

    19 Answers

    I lost my mother to cancer when I was a kid, and her death broke my heart. My biggest hope in life, is that I don't leave my daughter feeling what I went through in dealing with that loss. No...I don't think opting out is a good solution! But, maybe it is time for a heart to heart talk, allowing for a better degree of understanding for everyone.

    I wish you the best Millie, and hope this answer allows you to see things through the eyes of someone who as a child lost their mother. Maybe it's time to talk to a therapist, or clergy, instead of just rolling the thought of opting out around in the back of your mind. Another thing you really want to keep in mind, is that medications and some procedures like dialysis don't leave people thinking the most clearly or rationally at times. My heart is with you definitely has some difficult pathes to travel, and it is then that it is most important to remember those things for which we can be grateful. Believe it or not, behind what you are feeling or seeing at the moment, they are there. It's just that sometimes we forget these things when we feel overwhelmed with all we are going through.


    Thank you so much Shootah..i`m sorry,I`m feeling pretty hopeless at the fault I got sick..the kids deserve better...but I can`t even contemplate giving them up..I love them so much!...sorry..I shouldn`t vent on here...I just want the very best for them ..they are very well provided for and all attend public and 2x boarding schools..but that doesnt make me feel good re myself and what support I can give them...sorry but am really struggling to try and work out what`s best for them...but it`s heartbreaking!...Sorry!

    Millie, just allowing them to know you are there is a support no one else can give them. No one else in this world can give them that, no one.

    keep going millie,when you get this low just think how much the children love you and depend on you,think how devastated they would be if you were`nt  there for them.


    Thanks bowlesy..Yep I have to stay around to keep the little "darlings" in order:-Z

    Come on millie ,your made of tougher stuff, we all know that by your posts over the last months. You will have good and bad days, and today is a bad day, say to youreslf that tomorrow will be a better day. Everyone on here wishes you well , we all want to here that you are feeling better, keep fighting millie. xx


    Thanks Sunny...very much appreciated..just a bad just it a late middle-aged crisis week;-z...Friday day etc etc!;-)Thanks though!Xx

    What would become of our book we are writing??????? I like happy ending's. :)


    Thanks Rick..yep the book;-)..Which volume are we on now;-?...And yep to happy endings!:-) xx

    .Got this today, maybe it'll be of help:;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=2013-01-24b



    Thanks Julie..have just read cheered me up and made me smile to know that my brain may be shrinking!;-)..I think that happened a long time ago!;-)..Am not really depressed as in clinical!..Just a random attack of the blues..but I`ll keep a check on it...(Haven`t been able to do my running which always helps..and I think I may just have a bit too much on at the moment..but I`ll come through)!Hugs to you XX

    (((HUGS)))) right back!

    millie....Never, ever make a life changing decision, when you are in the midst of depression. I can guarantee you, it will be the WRONG one! Take your situation, one day at a time, and try to think outside of yourself. How would THEY feel? How will THEY be affected? How many OTHERS will be affected by my decision? I am not sure what you mean by "opt out" but the people who are around you, as you go through this tough, tough time, are no doubt waiting for you to "opt in". Be patient with yourself and keep moving slowly forward. You can...and you must. Ask for help from a professional who will help you to see things in a better light.   (((millie)))


    moved millie's reply


    Karma: 118280

    Thanks Ducky..I wouldn`t give any of them up without a fight!...I just want them to decide..well except the two littlest!...I think all ar happy enough at the moment...I`d be more than gutted if they decided o wise...just guilt on my part..I should never have got sick!

    Millie get this silly idea out of your head.It might solve your problems,  but not your kids,  so really,  who matters more? I guarantee your kids would want you in their life no matter what condition you are in.


    Thanks so much python...I`m just not so sure..they all want so much...I don`t know if o people could give them more...I couldn`t give them more love than I am at the moment..they are my world..maybe just finding it harder to give so much love to my sister`s kids..who expect far more than my own..or it all kicks off!

    Millie, you need to get some emotional balance in your thinking, then you can begin making some practical plans for coping with your own reactions.
    You will find the load is heavy when you are working it out on your own, but sharing it with someone, your burden will be lighter. and help you through this crisis,
    You can always count on us to be there for you. Decisions made in a state of despair are always the wrong decisions. We care and love you.Millie and God bless. 

    Millie just do your best,and rest when you can,when this cold weather is over things will look and be better,if you need help seek it from your docs,or friends,,,We are all rooting for you on A /Q,XXX


    Thanks hector..sorry just a wobble really :-¬I`m fine..has just been a "bit of a week"!..Thank you all for your concern..I shouldn`t have vented all that on here...I was just exhausted and a bit fed up..You`ve all talked me down!;-)..My brilliant AKA friends!..:-)

    Millie please ask your doctor if there is an antidepressant that you could safely take!  Depression gets worse for a lot of people in the winter due to lack of sunlight.  That coupled with all of the other stuff in your life is overwhelming.  I would have never survived the last couple of years without antidepressants- it's very common to be depressed when you have a physical ailment that changes your lifestyle.  Plus, it will show your kids that life can go on and even get better and that depression is a disease that can be taken care of.


    Thanks Doo!...i was just feelin frustrated and sorry for myself!...MY EXERCISING is my cure..but cant do much at the mo..hence the low mood!...I shall keep anti d`s in mind...but I think it was just a bit too much this week...writing my will wasn`t the most fun thing I`ve done in a long time!;-)...and finally facing possibilities beyond my control...but that`s all done now...albeit it set me on a low!...I`M FINE THANKS!....have had my first drink in years...mine was a triple brandy!...HELPED a lot!...i don`t intend to leave you all for a long time yet!...too much to do...and all the abuse Colleen gets..shestill needs a body guard!;-)...can`t let her down!LOL! taking prescrived Vit d twice a day and have one of those mad sad lights flashing simulated sunshine at me 2 hrs aday!LOL

    Millie although your children are living some very difficult times, this is what will make them and shape them into the people which they will become.  I had a difficult upbringing, and we six kids were gathered up like puppies, and taken to an orphanage and later divided up between three foster homes.  It was very difficult for us, not understanding, and the only ray of hope was that she would be well and we would be back together.  That happened a year later.  We are all strong of character, and pretty good people, I feel it indeed made us stronger.  I would not suggest it, but it happened.  If you get the services which our society provides today, you should be able to cope and heal with your children at your side, and their needs met.  Best wishes, and I will pray for your strength and family success.  Regards


    Wow :(

    Yes WOW that must have been tough on you..Thanks for your sweet words..I can cope..I just get days when It gets to me..sorry!Xx

    Sorry nothing, you have nothing to be sorry for, except your health situation. If you didn't feel down, you would not care, or even be human. Bless you Millie, we are all praying for you and the family, right gang!!!

    Right! It's very normal to have down days when you are having daily struggles.

    For everything will come the time but the most important thing is that you love them. I would do everything just my father love me, understand me, respect me, discuss my problems with him etc. I wouldn`t request nothing just love me like the others do with their kids. Lucky them that have a parent like you .


    Thanks jersy..I`m sorry...sometimes I forget how lucky I am...I take too much for granted and that`s wrong!;-¬..I`m sad to hear re your family situation...I hope it may get better for you..there`s always hope! Xx

     Red Hat Hi Millie, just to let you know that Im thinking of you, just like all your friends.I want to tell you , intead of giving yourself a reason why you cant,: give yourself a reason (your children) why you can. Life is never perfect . There will be always challenges, obstacles and less than perect conditions. With each step you take, you will grow stronger, and stronger, with the help of your children, family and friends.To work out what is best for your children, first you have to work out what is best for you, so as you can guide your children. Tomorrow is another day, and the start of the rest of your life.

             God Bless you and yours. 



    Thanks Dolly...Everyone on here has been so kind!xxx

    millie, you sound like a wounderful person, wish you were my friend in person xx

    Awwhh that`s sweet Dolly..I am your friend !;-) xxx

    millie, that is true, but I guess you are on the other side of the pond. xxx

    I guess I`ll just have to swim then Dolly!;-)

    millie, that would be one way of leaving all your worries behind.

    I`m on my way dolly!;-)

    Bless you millie!  I sure hope you feel better today! Your children need the physical you here on earth for as long as possible.  Be brave and we will all try to help you! Please stay strong!


    Thanks clu..have given myself one hell o a talking to! back on track..i think! XX

    Millie~You are a kind person. A good person. When I first read your post I thought my daughter had written it. Really. You may have health problems. I don’t know. That  would make it more difficult.

    My daughter has no health problems but she’s exhausted. Kids just take it out of you. Watch TV with them. Get out the crayons. Color with them. Buy them little gifts and hide them around the room and let them search for them. Little tiny things ... mean so much.  You are good.

    I thought it was very funny when you said you wanted to TD your outburst. Join the gang. You are one of us. muhahahaha!


    Thanks its..I`d love to be ur daughter! but prob more like your great grand hitting 45 in a cuppla weeks:-( are far too young to be my lovely ma!!!....i THINK it`s all just a late mid life crisis..PLUS 6 DEMANDING "ANGELS"...not exactly what I was bargaining for...but my job is to put them and Grandma First,of couse...just post illness makes me so tired and worrying that I`m not doing so well as the next! XXXGod bless you...mills xxxx

    What is this about putting grandma first? Whaaaaaa?

    Six? OMG.
    I am not young. I’d whisper it if I could. My age is like my weight. I don’t tell just anybody. : )
    Take care sweet girl.
    xxx itsmee
    Get them I-Pads. It will keep them quiet. Get two if they are in your budget.

    Oops its...sorry I wrote that wrong!;-Z..I meant I`m probably old enough to be your gg grandma!:-)(sorry re that)!...Yep 6..three I "own"! lol...3 are on permanent loan!;-0...Nothing keeps them quiet..they`ve got Ipads,Ipods...I..Everything!:-0...The more they have..the more they fight over!LOL..I just leave them to it!;-)(Oh..I wish)!:-)

    Millie, my mom had 6 of us also, one of which was an infant when she had her nervous breakdown, and we were fostered out. Hang in there, it WILL get better, think positive! All the best, I wish I could give you a big hug... Bustie..

    Millie, my mom had 6 of us also, one of which was an infant when she had her nervous breakdown, and we were fostered out. Hang in there, it WILL get better, think positive! All the best, I wish I could give you a big hug... Bustie..



    Thanks witchie..that`s lovely!:-)

    You're welcome millie, flowers always cheer one up.

    Life Is Hard.........

    Delegate some of that to-do list millie-bean, farm out the kids for a bit (?)  and get the respite you so need...exhaustion is a "female dog" that bites bark!!

    My prescription is here>>>>>



    Thanks Lindi..Wow that looks like one great prescription!:-)...I`m doing so much better now thanks..(I don`t have them all,all of the time and I`d only really think of farming them out IF I felt that it was a very last resort..and that it would be in their best interests...(but right now I`d rather be with them supervising the proceedings and not being fully hands on @ the moment..than worrying what`s going on when I`m not there;-(..That was far harder when I was in just lie there getting updates and not being able to be there for them...Doing great thank you for such kindness.(V.M.Appreciated)xx

    My heart goes out to you and your family, Millie. 
    As tempting as it may be to "opt out", consider what wonderful thing tomorrow might bring.
    Your family and friends understand how hard you are trying to do and be as much as you can be for everyone.  Appreciate those who help, and keep letting them know it.
    Your family needs you just as you are.  Don't ever think otherwise. 
    We are all here for you; I'd come right over to help if I could. 


    Thank you Bob..I was just having a bit of a wobble and was overtired and stressed out..(One of those times where you just feel out of depth with all the extensive demands of the family that you are sometimes very scared of failing)!..I am very lucky that I have so much hands on help and emotional support..I think we are muddling through O.K at the moment..You know what its like It`s just all part of the package of the joys of parenting!;-)I`m slowly building up resistance !lol xx

    You are in our thoughts and prayers every day. Just let your children know you love them and they are your number one priority, no matter what. You are loved, millie111. Get well soon!

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