16 Answers
2 of 3 of my daughters
13 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
Must be a daughter thing, i have two beautiful daugters, at least i think so ,i haven't seen them for 10 years.
Oh Bulletman... I know how you feel. I am going on a year with my eldest... now she can't even be bothered to email on special occasions... :(
13 years ago. Rating: 16 | |

I know that it feels really nice, doesn't it? Especially when they run toward you when you come home and wind around your legs..awww
You know strangely enough the ones I have now do not do that leg winding thingy dunno why but they are there to greet me and want to be petted and oh yeah hope I don't forget how to use the can opener they might get miffed at me then LOL
My cats, b/c my loved ones and friends either died or moved out of state. If my step-daughter was living in my state, she would invite me to holiday and all other family gatherings. That's what she said
13 years ago. Rating: 15 | |

So sad when friends/loved ones pass on or move far away...holiday times are especially rough :(
Well... you are not alone. A different set of circumstances but the same result as many of us. Curious isn't it?

I spend every holiday alone (all my family are in other states). I'm good with it. I like me so I'm good with my own company :)
same for me, everyone lives so far away I hardly ever see anyone anymore,I too am often satisfied with my own company, or the company I have found here!
My little Sabrina, always happy to see me, she may be only a dog but i love her.
13 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Careful bulletman, Sabrina might read that you said "she may be only a dog" She believes it was a typo and you really meant to say "she may be god" Dogs can be good company for sure.
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