    how to love and not to be hurt

    +3  Views: 1930 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    10 Answers

    This article says it better than I can...

              Don't miss The Dance

             (Sometimes it's worth it)


    When you love someone, there is always the possibility of being hurt, unless you keep a huge part of yourself TO yourself, in which case the love isn't as satisfying for either of you. 

    If you truly want to love and not be hurt, pick something inanimate, like a book, game, car, piece of clothing or jewelry.....something that can't, by nature, NOT love you back.



    I do have a certain attachment to my umberella Bob,

    And, Hector, your umbrella will be faithful only to you. The only way it will leave you is by someone stealing it. Personally, I'm very attached to my "Black Widow" bowling ball, the one I got for $50, that's been plugged and redrilled a couple of times, and a huge crack had to be fixed, too. Any other bowling ball would have found its way to the trash can, no doubt.

    I Have mine finger tip drilled,is yours drilled that way,Miss Bob,??

    Yes, my dear, fingertip. My partner on Tuesday has used only his middle finger in the thumb hole for years. My other partner has got him using the two fingertips, and I'm encouraging him to cast fate to the wind and put his thumb in, too. He was barely holding onto the ball because he didn't know to put the fingers in as far as the first knuckle and was seriously bowling "fingertip". :D

    Your advice is quite brilliant Bobette. Long live your bowling ball. I feel the same way about my kiln... darned thing ... unreliable but lovely at exactly the same time. :D

    HI FISH-O! Yep, the kiln is your friend. If it does fail, it won't be from misanthropic intent! (I do have a new bowling ball, the successor to my trusted BW; BW travels with me, though, just in case!)

    Real love never hurts (not if it’s reciprocated……). Real love doesn’t hit or put down or insult or those other self-depreciating things……….

    every love experience is great. sometimes we get hurt. sometimes we don't. but take all love experiences with appreciation and recognize that each one teaches us how to be a better loving person. don't hold grudges. don't seek revenge, get better and better and happier and happier.

    ''Love is blind'' best proof is that mothers love their babies in their stomach even without seeing them. And a love without challenges doesn't sound good. By the way , I am speaking for universal love. When we love someone , maybe we can be called ''naive'' , but no one can understand that when we love someone , we love them with their imperfections that is what make them specially .

    Love at a distance...whoever you cannot or would not love up-close and personally.

    You can love anyone but be careful because someday you will be hurt by someone.

    You only hurt the one you love. It's better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all.


    I think the first quote is a little mixed up. "You" can hurt people you don't know in all kinds of ways. Drive-by shootings, bombs in public places, etc.
    It makes more sense to say "You can only be hurt by one you love", but with the random violence nowadays, that's not true either.

    love someone by true love

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