I know they say “everything in moderation” I’m having a hard time with that, Do you think you have an addiction to this site?
It wouldn’t be the first time. In the old daze I’d have to give my mouse to my neighbor so I could function
16 Answers
Addiction? What does that mean? That it cuts into my Kindle time and that I've let 4 cooking shows go unwatched? That I stay curious about other members to the point of mentioning them in my prayers? That dinner is often "in just a minute"? Yes, I'm addicted.......
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
I want to read Dean Koontz on Kindle. (I know you know)
I know what you mean. I actually aquired a slight "spare tire" around the middle from all the sitting on the computer. Need to get rid of it, before it gets too big.
12 years ago. Rating: 18 | |
Who knows why that strikes me so funny ... hoo nose?
Yes..addicted,even though I can`t spend as much time on here as I did previously atm...but I miss it like crazy when I`m not here!(Wondering what you guys are all up to...and who`s behaving);-)Lol...No doubt you`ll all have to suffer me a lot more again soon!;-)
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
I think I have found a balance between this site and doing other things...but after I have missed a few days I wonder how everyone here is...you all are my cyber friends!!!
12 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Bit. My mother advice me not stay so much in this webpage because she is always scared if i let aside learning.
12 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
I don't know Itsmee, i 'm still addicted but it is weaning off, i miss the guts, get your teeth in Questions, it is getting politically correct, i miss the controversial questions, and controversial Answers, now you get suspended as it may offend someone, or it does not agree with member/s views, other than that it is a past time. -- when i was younger i was shy and never stood up for myself, as i got older i don't take bullying from any one, Reality or Cyber. As for you Itsmee you don't offend anyone which i like about you, keep it up Cyber Friend.
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
You’re a Cyber Friend to me.
What we need is an aKaQA, addiction club,
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
I used to LOVE chat rooms. So funny. It seems to me that they are just gone now. No body wants to do that.
The internet is a great distraction from chronic pain.
Iam here again and can'tstay away, so it hapened to me too.
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |


Karma: 21595
Yes it is, -9 grade Celsius and getting golder.
And again double click.
dont know about addiction,,,aka is the only site i have been on ,,,i have no interest in going anywhere else,,,, i hope that answers your question ITSMEE
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Yes, I'm sorry to say that I'm addicted to this site. I have been since it started. My house is messy, my bills havn't been paid. I am behind on other things too- - - such as my laundry .. I go to bed too late, adn get up too late. ....all b/c of this site. ' course, I look up other sights on the internet, if there's something I'm interested in. And I watch too much TV......but not the mindless shows. I watch a lot of interesting and educational stuff on the history channel. and other docs.
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
For some reason she thinks I’m a voracious reader. We couldn’t make it work anyway.”voracious” tee hee.