    What movie made you cry?

    We just finished watching HACHI, and James is still crying.........

    +12  Views: 1620 Answers: 20 Posted: 11 years ago

    waht was Hachi all about ?

    About a man (Richard Gere ) and his dog, very sad.......r

    20 Answers

    King Kong,when all those airoplanes are shooting at him at the top of that Tower,


    Yes, that part was sad. That's what I'm afraid will happen to Big Foot----if they ever find him. They'll exploit him ,or kill him. Why can't they just shoot him with a camera ?

    @mcm...The way they capture celebrities from miles away with high tech camera equipment, what do you suppose the problem could be?

    The Notebook.     :(


    Id,like to see your note book,if you know what i mean ,wink.wink,nod,nod,Miss Ducky,??

    Every body talks about that. I’m going to have to look it up. Maybe it’s on Netflix. Ducky, I take it that the frown is because the movie was sad?

    Very. :(

    Field of Dreams.


    Digger, wetting your bed, well thats going over the limit abit. lol

    Shawshank Redemption,when "Red"got out of prison and was going to find "Andy",when he was on the bus and he said "I hope to see my friend and shake his hand".Makes me cry every time.


    I watch and rematch that movie. It's good every time!

    I think I've seen that a dozen times, a bit of a classic

    Titanic,..very sad but true...!!


    Which?The story or your pick?

    Forrest Gump

    Grey Friars Bobby.

    The Deerhunter

    country bumpkin

    First time of heard of (seen) Russian Roulette, made me sick at my stomach for days.

    And the image hasn't left your memory, has it...the whole movie was unforgettable.

    Oh yes! I remember it.

    The Deerhunter was definitely a movie that one doesn't forget, even after 30 years.

    Don, it's NEVER on around here. I have it on VHS, though, but don't watch many movies. I'm hooked on Chopped, American Baker, Master Chef, and Hell's Kitchen right now. :)

    That's for bathroom breaks, getting another drink or food, putting clothes on the drying line, or putting the dog out for HIS bathroom break. I answer a few akaQAs and do some TU'ing. Play spider solitaire or a game of Candy Crush. Valuable moments, those commercials. If it's the one with the talking baby worried about the talking mime, I stay and watch before getting something done.

    Sounds like he had a good sense of humor. It's hard to lose a good friend. I love you and am your friend, but it's not the same, I know.

    Good friends are never forgotten. Some of my friends I've known since age 5-6....and I'm 61.

    eh, it's OK. It's all what you make it. :D

    "World War Z".  I just paid 33 Bucks for the wife & me to see it yesterday without realising it was a Bloody Zombie movie.


    LOL (very loudly, too)

    But Brad was in it!
    And it was filmed in Glasgow over here.

    Well, Glasgow, eh? I'll be sure to go see it, then. Pitt doesn't impress me.
    Now, Robert Downey Jr or James Franco....there's a different story.

    Pays to look up your movie before stepping foot on the sticky floor. : )
    Better luck next time. Even looking it up doesn’t solve the problem - it helps.

    O.K. lets all cry now for all of the movies that you wanted to cry at, but couldn't let loose! 


    Yeah let's do that...except for Ben...He's too manly! (HE says) :)

    The sinking of The Titanic,       that is one night I went to bed crying, and during the night I had a nightmare.


    Me too. I wet my bed.

    @digger...way too much water. lol



    ET was great.You kinda got caught up in the fantasy.Funny too.

    phone home

    Koizora `` Sky of love `` . A korean movie.



    Nobody told me that Korean movies were eligible. Can I change me pick?

    Maybe you can.

    Cried in many scenes of Gone With the Wind - - - -When I  saw it for the first time  I was 19---downtown Detroit with my mom.  Especailly when Scarlett came back home, walked into a room  and saw her beautiful young mother  lying dead.......on the dining room table with candles .


    That’s sad. So sad. I saw it shortly after I had my daughter. I wore these yellow heels that I had admired in a catalogue. Apparently I was still a bit puffy and the shoes hurt my feet even as I sat through that very long movie. I limped on the way out even though I carried my yellow shoes.

    It's so long ago I can't recall the name, but Vanessa Redgrave (I think)  was one of the main characters and was dying of cancer at a young age...... back in the 70's I think, perhaps someone out there can remember better than I.


    Lamb, You sure it wasn't Ali McGraw and Ryan O'Neal in " Love Story" about in 1970 or '71 ?

    mycatsmom,I think you are right,and lambshank that was a good movie,and yea I can see some crying over that one.

    mcm, your absolutely right, I was thinking when I wrote that it may be wrong, I hate it when you can remember their faces but can't quite get the name, thank you

    Broke Back Mountain -- I couldn’t get my breath there for a minute --That last scene ...


    I believe it would have won awards if there weren't so many people who worried about it. I think it’s a movie that everyone needs to see. It’s a powerful love story.

    Yep, I think they’re probably homophobic. Sometimes I watch teenage boys on the really fast carnival rides. They sit all still and stiff like they’re in armor or something. Yee Cats! What if they touched??? It’s too bad that this is the way boys are ... it just is. (They touch in football and no one calls them gay)
    You have never sounded insecure. Congratulations. : )

    I had to think about crying, and, yep, I did. It WAS an incredible love story, and I agree that a lot of people are just too homophobic. I absolutely love Jake Gyllenhaal (??); he has never disappointed in a movie; I don't think he got the recognition for BBM that he should have.

    There were several people who gave Thumbs Up on my comment on Broke Back Mountain. I was pleased that people enjoyed it even though they didn’t comment.


    The Horse Whisperer. I could not watch it any further after the horse got hit by the truck.  


    The scene was too real. It haunted me for years.

    No, just couldn't remove the image during my awake hours.

    I never dreamed of it. Just remembered it daily for a long time.

    There is one movie which though I never have seen but still it made me cry . 

    I am not going to tell you its name and it are intelligent then you can easily guess it  ??


    Oh yes, that’s the one I didn’t see but still it made me cry. : )

    Homeless to harvard


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