We are very pleased with our results. Although we were disqualified in th 100mts today, so Italy took the gold. Good luck ,and well done to them.
Yes they are good , pickle onions, pickle gurkins. Lovey jubbly . Then stand back and let the wind go free.
Our government have decided to shut our borders apparently, although you can come from anywhere via a rubber dingy from Calais to Dover, and they will make you welcome, put you in a 4 star hotel, and all at our expence .
I'm having my first dose of vaccine on Sat 6th Feb, that's one thing they seem to have got ahead with here. I think that is one of the good results of leaving the EU.
I prefer to have the vaccine when I'm offered it , next year sometime I imagine.
I don't have a dog, but if I did the dog would be far more important than my phone.
I have a cat, and he comes before anything, I wouldn't want to be without my pussy.
I have a pair that look identical to yours Terry. Mine were free on the good ol NHS.
My brother paid £1000.00 for a private pair, and they were useless.
My batteries last about one week, I wash the tubes and the plug that goes in the ear at least twice a week, I wipe the plugs two or three times a day. DONT PUT THE ELECTRONIC BIT (which goes behind the ear) IN WATER EVER.
Iv'e had mine for 7 years now , can't really do without them, although I would prefer to be able to. Good luck with them, you will find after a while you don't know you have them on, until someone mentions it.
We always put them where they belong, for the same reason everyone else has said, so that they don't bump your car. We haven't used one for 6 months, not been to the supermarket, we've been shopping on line, while covid is around.
Dixon of Dock Green. And Gunsmoke
Apple, Pear, Pineapple and grapes, with yogurt on the top.
I knew one person who unfortunately died from it, he was in his 70's and also had other health problems. I also know four people who had the virus and got through it. They were in their 40's and 50's and they were very ill with it for several weeks.