31 Answers (1-30 Displayed)
I worked for an old man that recycled rags and junk metal. I went door to door asking people if they had any, and he followed with his old beat up pickup truck. I got 50 cents per day and a soda every time he stopped at a gas station, etc. that sold the same (3 or 4 a day). At the age of 12 I got a "real" job working 6 days a week on my cousin's farm helping with the "haying" and milking cows. $10.00 per week plus room & board.
13 years ago. Rating: 26 | |
My first job when I was about 13 was in a Nursery that grew Carnations, I had to make cardboard boxes up for the flowers to go into and weed in between the flower beds in a hot greenhouse in mid summer. I enjoyed it but it was really hot work, Although you were only allowed to work about 4 or 5 hours a day at that age, I used to get about £2.00 a week, but it was all mine.
13 years ago. Rating: 25 | |
I was a milk boy from age 11, my first wage was 18 shillings a week which is the equivalent of less than £1, that was for seven mornings a week , 4am till 8am, went to school, after school was collection time,1hr every night, loved every single minute of it, gave me the work ethic I have today, wish I could go back to simpler times, know it,s not possible, but hey ho, life goes on.
13 years ago. Rating: 21 | |

Sorry...I didn't mean to laugh so long. :)
Babysitting. I really liked it if the people said to feel free to have a snack. I did a few times pray on my way home(I lived in the country) as the person driving was buzzed.
13 years ago. Rating: 19 | |

Selling's souvenir's at the Cleveland Browns football games with my oldest brother,I was 10 years old at the time I started helping him,we did it for fore or five seasons,yes every one we at one time had a good football team (60's) and when they won it was a good payday,not so much when they lost.I remember the first game I worked with him (we worked right out side the gates) and they would open up the gates for the people that wanted to leave early toward the end of the game and he told me to run in and check it out,WOW it took my breath away running up one of the ramps and seeing 80,000 people cheering on the Browns,I felt so small,but a time I'll never forget,and he always gave me a fair share of the money,what a great brother he was.We lost him to the vietnam war,not in the war it self,but after he came home he was not the same and he ended up taking his life and he let it be knowen it was because of what that place did to him,tried so hard to save him but he would'nt take the help from the VA or his family...Miss him so much.
13 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
McDonald..... One day... $16.81... I still have the paycheck... I was told that if I didnt respect the trainer that I would never make anything of myself in the company... I told them they could have their $4.00 and hour and choke on it...
All I did is tell them that a key was mislabeled.
13 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
My first joh - paper round. It amuses me when in the America Movies they go from house to house and throw the Newpaper, in my day we went up the drive, feared being eaten by the dog as you pushed the newspaper through the letter box and possibly got your finger caught.
13 years ago. Rating: 12 | |

I AM LOOKING BACK TO MANY YEARS. At about the age of 11 worked for a doctor assisting him in running errands, sterzing syringes, cleaning the dispensary and was paid equivalent of todays 25 cts a day and a chance to use his big bicycle. I learnt a lot and respected value of money. Good question
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |