I try to give sound advice and helpful answers... Those questions and answers are buried by non-sense. Question that are posed only to insight arguments. I for one am aggravated that this has been allowed to continue.... IF a member, any member is not here to add to the site, they should not be permitted to antagonize the other members. (no matter how long they have been here or the amount of karma they have).
24 Answers
That would amount to censorship of opinions that differ from what one person or group thinks is correct, or wants. Sometimes I don't agree with what I read, but I still like to see other perspectives, and to try understand why they say what they say. And yes, some people are going to be passionate about different subjects, seeing things and interpreting them based upon different life experiences. If we were all to agree to the same thing, saying all the same thing all the time...we would be little different than sheep following one another, and not even knowing why.
13 years ago. Rating: 28 | |
I just ignore the folks who want to spout off. Some people really like to PO others! Some folks actually believe they are always correct!
13 years ago. Rating: 26 | |
Hmmm. I treat this site like I treat life. There are a few 'debaters" here who I, in general, take with a large grain of salt, laugh at, or ignore. (There is No escape!!). I have seen questions 404d and words taken out of Q's and A's...but, frankly, I agreed with the moderator's decision- Do you Know that Collen is not our only Mod??? She works very hard and many hours to Answr questions and 'monitor Q and As! Colleen and the other Mods need to follow the dictates of admin. There are few dictates/ rules on this site. That is what makes it fun.
13 years ago. Rating: 22 | |

Some questions tie my stomach in knots. I like to keep the peace. This isn't exactly an answer. I an still learning and haven't been a member long enough to make this call.
13 years ago. Rating: 22 | |
No . We are in charge of nothing ,control of nothing ,except how we choose to respond to any given thing . In that respect we control only ourselves and we all all know how that works out LOL !!! Taking or making some ones work worthless is not something I would condone or participate in . I find the sometimes stupid as a cry for help .Look deeper it never hurts to learn how to read people . I truly enjoyed that TV show "Lie To Me " This at ask a question is just another version of that ,entertaining and aggravating as well. We can fix fat ,ugly ,and many other things but stupid is harder and takes a concentrated effort. People post outrageous things for the response it wont work for them there is little or no response . No pay off makes antagonising difficult . Fact : What ever is posted here is seen by all so the evidence of rudeness and moronic thinking is exposed no one stands for that so I would let nature take its course Thats my answer ,you arent alone their is no special treatment for any one . Global free for all .
13 years ago. Rating: 22 | |
Argumentative with who? About what? Having a difference of opinion and "not backing down" could be construed as argumentative.
Censorship should be limited as much as possible.
The people who needle and try to pursue an agenda have 3 moderators to bamboozle. Our moderators aren't ones to be bamboozled.
For the most part, I am fine with akaQA.
13 years ago. Rating: 21 | |
If you want an argument try one with this guy.
13 years ago. Rating: 20 | |
Jenn, this is a question for the administrators. They make the decision as to what is allowed and what is not. If you feel any member is out of line you can message the admin about them.
13 years ago. Rating: 20 | |

William, keep trying, that's all I can say.
I only hope this was not directed to me, i like a good debate, even thou it got well and truely out of hand the other day/night, i don't think i'm abusive, i'm sure some one would tell me if i was, and [please remind me not to answer questions about 'happy people'. i don't agree with lewd questions being posted, i know we have free speech but some questions should be censored, they are only posted i feel for sensationism by perverted morons, so there., have a 'happy' day./ night.
13 years ago. Rating: 20 | |

Why are we here? To answer questions. It seems that there is more dialog between us than answers. We discuss contravercial issues where some members are simply not willing to accept that others do not share their views. As long as we respect one anothers opinion without shoving our dogma down others throats, is a good thing. Is it any wonder that different cultures can't get along, when a handfull of people on this site forget who they are. Supposedly intelligent mature adults. Bad language should be addressed, by way of a warning with consequences. The kiddies who show up here eventually leave once they realize that the format presented here is over their head.
13 years ago. Rating: 20 | |
I agree with admin., if there are vulgar questions or people use profanity then off goes the question. But part of the fun here is seeing opposing viewpoints, why ban freedom of speech? I understand that sometimes people get offended, but the key here or anywhere is to,"NOT GET OFFENDED."
If someone is argumentative then that's their priority and people will see them for what they are. If I don't want to participate in a question than I don't have to. If someone offends me I can just turn the other cheek, so to speak. I think the best thing to do is not take things to personally and to enjoy the discussion or exclude yourself from it if it's something that upsets you. Hope this helps...
13 years ago. Rating: 20 | |
What about cursing , using the f word. calling people inappropriate names. Then those admins should be immediately removed . Who monitors the admins. DALLAS Its good to disagree, Atleast we can.
13 years ago. Rating: 20 | |

No comment..........lol
13 years ago. Rating: 19 | |
If it its not online I have problem reading (eye problems) I will look and see if the liberty has it in large print.
i love it. debating different ideas is great. questions i don't like, i don't answer. things i'm passionate about i love to answer. some things if i don't want to debate about i will not answer. fun pop questions and polls i love to answer. as m.c. hammer said and the name of one of his songs, 'it's all good."
13 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
Jenn, I read your comment in the question section of Randy's question about asking atheist questions and what you wrote is absolutely right on the money. I share your feelings 100%. Thank you for putting your thoughts so eloquently. Sincerely, Bob/PKB
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Jenn, I strive to remind myself to be as kind as possible to the members here. I am sure that occasionally I get under some people's skin. If I upset you in any way, please let me know. You're one of the most gentle members here. Below are my views via a letter to someone who was rude to many of our friends here at akaQA:
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
My E-MAIL Address still does not work apprentley people get it but they cannot get back to me.Ii is now obriendennis408@outlook.co.uk.
8 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'Invalid recipient .... That is the answer i got back from my email account Dennis,,your address is unknown by email..you have to talk to your email account,somebody must be able to help you mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..