So, dear commenters. This question is not a joke. I live here in UK few years ago. But, before it I never see so many gay like this what I see in London.
No idea. Ask Microsoft.
Dear Bob, I mean all the Christian denominations are united. So, don't have difference between christian and christian. No more sectarian differences. Everyone is equal.
Your welcome Dear!
Yes. I am trying to do my things better always.
Yes. I wold like to know. Because with this information I can planning better my rest years of my life. Because the present life is the way to the next life. So, if we doing our life better and better now, then our next life will be better and better in the future. Easy.
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I prefer shower. Faster, healthier, more economical.
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"And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died."
New King James version Bible, Genesis 5, 27