    What is it to be happy in life. Just wondering. I have been so unhappy since 1991,but I seem to be coming out of it. What does happiness mean to you?

    +5  Views: 990 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    Twenty one years of being unhappy!!  Wow...I would certainly hope that you're "coming out of it"!  Do you hang out with negative people?  Do you complain about you're life everyday?  You must have had at least an OCCASIONAL day, that you felt good about more of that!  Is anyone, anywhere worse off than you are?  Change your thinking and you'll change your day at a time!


    Oh excuse me...wrong answer. I just read your profile and I quote...
    "I'm pretty happy with life". ???????????

    As you get older different things make you happy. I used to enjoy holidays abroad and going out ' and buying things  more, now I'm just as happy spending time with friends and family, and with my cats.You may be finding something else is making you happy now which didn't in the past.

    If you have 2 Grandkids then you know what happiness is. I adore mine.I can't imagine life without them now. Enjoy the kids.Be happy.:)

    Thats a long time to be unhappy. Happiness for me, is my family, my animals and nature. Surround youself with positive people and stay away from negative people.


    Read last line of her profile.

    yeah, i saw that.

    Ducky, Did not read her profile. Thanks for pointing it out.

    To me being Happy means love your mate,familyAnd enjoy time to you'r self.Like doing things by your self sometimes.Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. i know what u are going through.u are not alone.

    Happy isn't something I experience often. Content, yes, but I am never satisfied with "the way it is" and strive for better of and for myself.   I do experience joy and pleasure, but "happy"...  
    I read your profile. Whatever happened back in 91 has had a devastating effect on you. It is good to hear you are doing better and have family to love and enjoy. 
    Acknowledging my blessings DOES help me feel less miserable. :D

    Happiness is like a puppy chasing its' tail...he catches it...then lets go and begins again! Be like that puppy!""


    my, what a cutie pup!!! makes me elate just looking at her

    I would like to play with this puppy! That would make me very happy!

    play w/ her, adopt her, and play some more, yes.

    You either choose to be unhappy or happy. You make the decision.

    Loving someone, being loved. Good health, physically as well as mentally. Being financially secure. And doing whatever the HELL you want.

    i have to get back to you!!


    Having something to aim for or look forward to every day


    Those two things are so important in life. Without them, why bother is what I sometimes feel.
    ed shank

    A purpose is what we should all feel. Without it were the walking dead.

    Happiness? DIY. Making good, enjoyable atmosphere.

    21 yrs is a long time. WEre you depressed?

    Happiness is a CHOICE. You have to look at life as half-FULL, instead of, half-empty.

    Happiness is a state of mind you decide to have.

    Happiness to me is always in trying  to adopt novel  ideas  from youngsters  , make new friends and have lots of travelling to make your horizons vide...I have travelled from Asia to Europe, Africa, Middle East and USA. I have friends from different cultures  and they give me happiness....

    Learn Art of Giving and earn HAPPINESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Harendra Dave

    To me, happiness is knowing that we are the only known animal who has the ability to choose what we think about.  If we wanna think about unhappy (depressing) things it's easy.  Equally easy is to allow our presence of mind to focus on happy (nondepressing) thoughts/things.

    "You are, or you become, that which you think about most."....David Schwartz in his book "The Magic of Thinking Big".

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