    Why are you here?

    Open-ended question.  You pick where "here" is.  For example, I am here because I sincerely believe that my opinion means nothing to those around me.  I am HERE because I can voice an opinion.  Whether others agree or not is interesting, and I appreciate the vote-ups, but I mostly am happy that I can say what I think and feel.  It's also interesting to read the questions and answers, offer help when I think I can. 

    So, why are you here (wherever that may be for you today)?

    +15  Views: 1701 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago

    Your very good looking for a Bob A man could not look like that You have to be "woman "what a looker,Hi Phyllis nice to meet you have a nice day.

    Hello dowsa. Yep, 100% female. Just use "bob" because it is easier to spell than my real name.

    Good question.

    19 Answers

    I love many of our writers here and i enjoy answering their questions and  comments to thought provoking questions. I like to  write answers that may not even address the question accurately but humorously…although our moderator, Colleen, will on occasion remove my baseless bit of quackery to keep the thread on track ….and she lets me play sometimes too. Its fun, and funny and sad sometimes too. We do get a wide range of questions that you can choose to answer or not…that’s up to you. Finding answers is needed if you are not an expert in the field. Then I read over the found answer and select the web address, copy and paste it into my answer as the source of what I have to say about it. So the work of finding an answer also brings up your computer and search skills which I would like to develop more in myself.    


    If I have to search, I don't answer. I do enough searching for my own questions. I suggest Google sometimes if I don't know. Other times I just pass the question.

    The diversity of people and theire opinion. . It is very educating and fun.

    I am here to answer questions to help others.


    True that !!!

    Thanks Ghost!!!

    Well Pamela you have always helped me and a lot more others! thank you LOL

    Thanks, Mel! Likewise with you,too. :-)

    If it is on this site that you are talking about,i am here because i like to interact with people,give my point of view,hopefully be of help,i also can relate to some of the hardships people face.  The bonus to joining this site is the regulars, we have  a bunch of terrific people with good sense of humours.akaQA has certainly broke my boredom i feel i am doing something productive.


    I hope you didn't lose any points when I marked Robert as Best Answer. Both answers are really good. I didn't know I couldn't have more than one best answer.

    I feel the same way pythonlover. Thanks for putting it into words. TU for you. Regards/yvonne57

    I am here as I learn something everyday and I love all the friends I have made I do try to answer some of the questions the ones I think I know , I love reading comments and the answers they are very amusing I just think its great place to be on good Question Bob

    I am here because i like to help people.Who need answers to voice my opinion this site consist of good people trying to help others .

    It beats the hell out of playing solitaire when I'm bored.


    That's funny, Tommy.

    I am here because I enjoy the interaction between the members.


    You are a member too, Flip.

    I WORK here to earn wisdom.

    My being here is simple, the enjoyment of interactions , right or wrong with other Aka site members.

    I'm here to see whether I'm a human or an animals.according to my spelling am not sure what I am?



    Why am I here? Because I interested for people´s thoughts.

    And I like to help.

    i here for the  free buffet!


    I knew that all along!

    That free buffet only come after you get into six figures? Dang ... I knew this karma thing had to have some benefits. :o)

    This is a great sight to share your input and have people appreciate(sometimes;)) what you have to say. The many caring people on here are at times overwhelming when you find yourself lost in something that seems so hopeless. Everyone rallies around you and I am sure I have felt their love in my darkest times. I feel lucky to have found this sight. It can be really funny and other times very touching as well. Glad to see your enjoying this as much as the rest of us.


    Thanks mom, that's a nice thing to say.

    I am here to help and be helped. I am here to laugh.

    i love this site!! i may not always agree with it but i like to know other peoples point of view.theres everyone on here ;  compassionate people,smart people,funny people(well ignore the idiots and "out to offend "ers) Some nice folk on here

    i enjoy trying to help people. i might have the answer they seek or i might find an answer for myself. you dont always have to be the asker. just sit back and learn something new

    I like it,  I love it , I wants some more of it.   Best I can do!

    I'm here to help, to be sarcastic, and truth be known, for the ego strokes (we all have out insecurities)...


    very fine answer jh. honest!

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