    Do you look under your bed every night?

    Paranormal,Apparations, Ghosts, Innate fears

    +7  Views: 1362 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    Ghosts don't live under beds...they crawl in bed with you!

    20 Answers

    heck no. the boogie man might be under there!


    Only checking your springs You can "Boogie woogie with me anytime!!

    No, something might be under there. Instead, I would jump the last 3 feet to get there..............


    Hmm i wonder what that could be??ouch,that hurt but was quite nice,

    Only "Me Girl spring "Tester at you service!!

    I did this as a child and then piled all of my teddy bears around me with my favorite one under my pillow for safety.


    I only had one stuffed animal as a child. He was named Peter the Panda and he played Brahms Lullaby. I even brought him to Canada with me. I used to talk to him, telling him stuff like how unfair my parents were, 'cos they are, when you're a kid! :) Alas, he's gone to the Favourite Stuffed Toys place in the sky. lol

    "OH the Bear "Necessities"

    Baloo? He sang that in Jungle Book.

    My sister preserved many of our stuffed animals from when we were young and now my son plays with them. He has a tent in one of his bedroom closets and a jungle with all sorts of primates, a hippo and very large dogs.

    That's so cool, Fishie. It's tough when you're emigrating and can take only so many physical memories with you.

    Don Darling.... Bad men with knives specifically.

    I do remember doing this as a child.

    Um, the bogey man has not been around for quite a while now.


    YES dont have "Coal men any-more!! ALL gas mod cons electric HEE

    Oh yeah, the coal man, the rag and bone man, the dust bin man. Terms I've not heard for many a long year.

    :) I saw a dust boogeyman once... scary!

    Funny, Doo! :)

    "OH YES. "Thought the "Moon had fallen out of the "SKY! and fell under my bed !! I knew it was not the case."when it spoke .It was my Wife looking under the bed  for her "Panties!!


    You naughty boy! ;)

    COULD have been "worse Thought it was the real moon was going to "KISS it "UGH !!

    not my wife's .She just kicks them off they land anywhere.

    No!  The dust bunnies don't like attention at night :)


    Love it, too funny! :)

    Of course the poe is under thier to have a pee in,


    Too funny, Hector! We actually did use those as young 'uns, 'cos the lav was out the back and 'round the corner at our terrace (row) house.

    "YOU should have Check first! I was inside looking foe a "Sweetie I dropped.It was White "Now "Brown "Weep.

    I used to....just checkin' to see if the ex ate all his dinner!LOL!!!

    HELL NO! Theres all kinds of spooky shit under there.

    As a child yes. I had my grandmother look under my bed, before I fell asleep.

    Only if I see a strange pair of shoes next to the bed.

    I check under the bed. I do not linger. 

    I forgot to last night. Although, I slept very sound.


    I use to , but now i sleep on the top bunk...

    ""Look at the handsome fella I found under my bed one night.


    They both look up for it,lol,

    Yes of course, how would you know if the monster was OK if you didn’t.

    No i am not. I watch up from under the bed.

    My bed frame used to be a water bed so its totally closed in! Took me a while to find a mattress to fit the frame,though! The size is called a California king which fits a queen size water bed frame!


    I have a California King sized bed in our guest room... it's crazy trying to find bedding.
    Thank goodness I only have that problem! Water! Oh my goodness!

    No, why would I, I know what's under there and it's not

    Occasionaly but not for your reasons

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