    In England too much homosexuals lives. What could be the reason of it?

    +1  Views: 1598 Answers: 9 Posted: 8 years ago

    This question has been sufficiently discussed, cleaned up by Moderator Ducky and is now locked!
    Note to nogradiremete: If you post any more 'questions' such as this, designed simply to stir up our forum with some controversy, it will be deleted. If you persist further, you will be permanently suspended!

    9 Answers

    99% of women say they don't like men who wear leather pants. Which works out perfectly, since 100% of men who wear leather pants don't like women. GO FIGURE!

    ....experimentation ?

    ....the risk is too dangerous.

    Whjat evidence do you have that England has 'too much' homosexuals? People tell me that there are more in Germany which is strange as they were persecuted along with Jews gypsies and the disabled when the Nazis ruled.

    I met a couple who had a baby born with no decisive genitalia so the parents made a decision to give the baby female genitalia features and raise the baby as most female baby's would be accustomed too. I lost contact with this family before the baby they raised to be a girl hit puberty. What if this baby born with no decisive genitalia who was raised as a female turned out to prefer women instead of men? Does this make her a lesbian?


    Ok. This is a different viewpoint. I understand it. And understand you.

    Someone commented that it is genetic problem. It is true.

    But I say something. Not just genetic problem. This is psychologically problem. Here in UK is violent sexual selection. Without knowledge of the the individuals. A lot of homosexual here in UK are programmed for homosexual with brain control. This is not sci-fi. This is reality.

    You are a nut job nograperson.

    And I wonder how YOU know what a person's sexual preference is?? If you are not in their bed all you can go on is apperance   Not always a good thing!  Don't judge a book by it's cover!

    You will stir a hornets nest with this question my friend,,because the answers will all be different,,there is the moral answer,there is the faith answer,there is the law answer, there is the birth answer,and then there is the everybody should live in peace answer,,probably a question best left alone on AKA..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    There is no long term impact. They don't reproduce. I don't see them as victims, just a result of bad genetic sequencing or development. If is a genetic problem. They will be persecuted by religious beliefs. But think of it this way. It is god created, people must respect gods creation.

    Doesn't matter what you call it. Its not natural, its not benefical to the human race. They were born this way. They exhibit this behavior at a certain point in life. There is something dysfunctional , probably too much of a hormone or not enough . Might be a weakness in human genes . My idea is these people were not meant to reproduce , and it shows. Leave them alone. They have every right to be just as miserable or happy as the rest of us. I don't care what some religion has to say either.


    Dear Zorro! This question is not personal question or matter. It is a moral question. I don't care them. I know, they are victim. Victim of the civilization and victim of the "modern" psychology. I do not want to offend anyone. Sure. But what is the impact of it in long therm? It is good for them? It is good for spiritual development of them? Is the modern psychology misguided them? They are victim. Sure.

    Spiritual development of them? THEM????? Get a grip on reality my friend.

    So, dear commenters. This question is not a joke. I live here in UK few years ago. But, before it I never see so many gay like this what I see in London.


    You are frequenting the wrong drinking establishments.

    I just told you a few hours ago. Please DO NOT set up each comment as a new answer. One more time....USE 'COMMENT THIS ANSWER' underneath the answer of the member to whom you are commenting. In addition, this is a question clearly designed to stir the pot on a forum. Regardless of the comments and responses that you have received, THESE REGULAR MEMBERS KNOW BETTER. This thread will now stop or be locked.

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