Answers: 429
wat is Karma
Answers: 2 Views: 1140 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

I have heard people say they don't believe in Karma, this simply because they don't know what the word means, in many cases simply because it is not an english word.   Actual Karma beyond games, is simply the Law of Cause and effect.  In other words whatever one may say or do for good or evil, will return to one in kind, although for Evil ten fold.  Karma is Natural Law, no man wrote it, it is built into nature itself, every man lives it whether they believe it or not.

 "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  ". . Measure for measure . .  "  ect. are Karmic laws, of which there are many such Spiritual riddles.

For every thought, word or action has an impact somewhere somehow, either on the ones self directly by health, situation or circumstances, or on others, again for good or evil.  If evil then Ten Fold is the return, for Nature can be a hard teacher.  Joy or happiness is good evidence of doing it right.

Yet because men are in this world, the material world, even Good men suffer karma, but they do not suffer the viciousness of it.   The Karma of the group consciousness of man-kind as a whole, by poor choices is being demonstrated all over the world, volcanos, earthquakes, tornados, title waves etc. etc., just weather in genral all over the world.  For the power of human consciousness is the Spiiritual Will given of God, and it is most powerful in group whether used in ignorance/ knowledge or with Understanding, ten fold is the return, for good or evil.

The planet itself, in a sense is groaning her displeasure of her children.  After all she produces all living things.  She gave birth to the bodies of men, perfecting them above all other animals,  as a gift to God, that the Father might come to Her and manifest His children in them and that He find an abode with Her directly in a material world, for She loves Him.

She has tried many times to manifest the perfect form as the Great Ages and Epochs have attested and has had to start all over again.  She has always survived her sicknesses and testings (presently man).  Let us hope she isn't ready to start all over again.  All these things are guided by Karmic Law. 

Of course as always, take for what it is worth . . . ;-)



Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
what does it means to rest on someone's bossom
Answers: 2 Views: 2687 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

Spiritually:  Its Faith in God; Trust in the Love of Spirit.   ;-)

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
How can I show God that I love him more than yesterday?
Answers: 15 Views: 2673 Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

No one can tell, nor force anyone to read, nor not to read, nor to listen, nor not to listen, nor do, nor not to do, nor to believe, nor not to believe, nor force anyone to do anything they are not ready or want to do.  Everyone has been blessed by a Loving God with their own Soul, Mind and Freewill, not to be directed by anyone else but themselves, in such Higher matters of Heart and Mind.  The Goodwill, will ever show the way.  We may thank the God for that, for He is the Good.

One can only share what they have come to understand as the Good in this  existence; what has raised them to happiness and joy in this life.  This is the testament or revelation of what is the Truth in this material world.  This is success, beyond the success of men and the world.  Its secret is and ever will be Love, not as men of the world say love, as lust,  but of the Spirit of Christ.   For such Love is the Light of the world.  Let them hear it who can, let them receive it who can.  :-)   

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
How can I show God that I love him more than yesterday?
Answers: 15 Views: 2673 Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

There are no time limits on Love or God.  When you find Love in God it is timeless and forever, beyond measure.  It is all yours in Christ.  For Christ is Love Consciousness the Son of God.  :-)

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
Are we alone in the universe?
Answers: 32 Views: 4860 Rating: 8 Posted: 13 years ago


Zorro - Sadly, our specie has a great tendency  to fear anything we do not understand, also has the tendency imply and apply fundamantally mans own base nature upon other beings (known or unknown), that we know nothing about.

Odds are that any such beings so evolved, to move through Gods dimensions, of time and space, would be also be much more evolved in consciousness, than to be so base as to harm other beings.  No reason to believe such beings would not be benevolent.  Though we must be aware, we must not be so quick to judge others by our own aggressive natures. 

"For the world itself is but a mirror, what we see in it or in others, is but a reflection of what is in ourselves."     

Rating: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
what are the implications of the universe being a hologram
Answers: 7 Views: 927 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

Regands Matrix comment:

Bulletman, Good call; "right on the money"  Matrix violent as it was, is most prophetic, as it is a subtle awakeup call; a  message; a revelation to man as to who they are and where they are.   After all anything that ends is but a dream, existence is a magnificent movie,  Wakeup.   Well presented, Matrix is a modern Spiritual action picture.  The theme is man against himself, and in turn parodoxticality, man by violence, against the violence of the world.

Man struggling against  the illusion of the matter world, and its guards.  The theme, defines the evolution of three levels of consciousness that are possible in a man and thus again demonstrated in the world.  In the trilogy of the pictrues: the first: finding the One; the second, group acceptance of the One, (Smith, a program,  but another illusion became that which he destested, the very virus of which he accused men; the rise of fundamentalism).

Athough sadly the third was somewhat confused, only in my "opinion" it missed the mark.  I had predicted before the third came out it would or should have been that the "The One is all and the All are One,"  not neo evolving into a greater machine intelligence.

 Although if the greater machine was a representaion of god, it was poor a poor choice.  Neverthe less it was most enteraining; a great attempt that has caused men to think, to ponder, "finding the one within."   The picture was actually written to be a modern Christ" picture.     

Rating: -1 Posted: 13 years ago
Did god make the universe or did the big bang?
Answers: 28 Views: 3973 Rating: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

The Big Bang (Genesis) is a good expression of Gods first Idea of creation thus manifesting the Creator of materal, third dimentional worlds.  BANG! and His idea of matter was cast forth.  Then thinking, "let there be Light" and there was Consciousness upon the face of the deep.

Science whether the admit or realize ever validate a greater power; a greater Mind and are thereafter, forever chasing it right back to God!   Its wonderful.  ;-)

Rating: 5 Posted: 13 years ago
what are the implications of the universe being a hologram
Answers: 7 Views: 927 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

If all of mans memories, etc., etc, are holographic and man is Spiritually in the image of God, then no reason to doubt that all of Gods creative ideas of himself are or could be very well be Holographic in a material dimension. 

Holographic imaging far surpasses even the ditigal, being a patten of interference, thus impose-able one upon the other infinitely.  That is why the brain itself can be so small and yet contain an infinite amount of information through and by the consciousness of Mind. 

. .  something to think about . . . take it for what it is worth  ;-)

Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
Are we alone in the universe?
Answers: 32 Views: 4860 Rating: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

It is impossible that the Ineffable, our God should have limitations of any kind, regarding His ideas of Himself, of His Universes, Dimensions, or all and any other of His Great Powers, to manifest who or what He Wills in the Creations of the Creations.  Therefore it is most shallow that man should think he is Gods only divine idea, in those incomprehensible, immeasurable expanses; Ideas that are  beyond the mere physics of men.

I think it would be quite arrogant of man to think even for a fraction, he is the only divine expression of Gods fathomless consciousness.  Let alone to think that mans limited intelligence, can imprison or contain Him in any shallow, dogmatic, systems or traditions of worship, save in his conscioousness of the GOOD of God alone.

I, for myself I have no doubts God does not so limit Himself.  Yes there are many Highly Evolved beings He has included in His Ideas of Himself.  Never fear we are going to have some interesting Friends out there when we get it all loveingly together.    ;-)         

Rating: 9 Posted: 13 years ago
If we do find alien life forms...
Answers: 7 Views: 2708 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

God is not limited by any man or aliens for that matter, idea of Him.  To be Sentient, that is self-aware of life itself,  is evidence of a greater consciousness manifest in the worlds of matter.  His greatest expression of himself in and on these planes, is or will be the harmony of Love and Peace.   Though this truth will ever be dependent upon the level of the evolvement of such consciousness. 

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

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