    what are the implications of the universe being a hologram

    +2  Views: 934 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Hav'nt you seen the' Matrix', could well be a C.G. programme.

    Your likely to meet Captain Jayneway or Janeway whichever

    It could be a hologram, no one knows anything anyway. I could be possible.

    If all of mans memories, etc., etc, are holographic and man is Spiritually in the image of God, then no reason to doubt that all of Gods creative ideas of himself are or could be very well be Holographic in a material dimension. 

    Holographic imaging far surpasses even the ditigal, being a patten of interference, thus impose-able one upon the other infinitely.  That is why the brain itself can be so small and yet contain an infinite amount of information through and by the consciousness of Mind. 

    . .  something to think about . . . take it for what it is worth  ;-)

    I was a visitor at Long Beach State (in the 70s) in a holography lab where my brother and a small group of students were developing the first holograms. The negative we made was cut into odd shapes and sizes by the instructor and pieces were given to each of us. As we each looked through our negative, we found that the image we had photographed was complete and in full view from every angle in every piece of the negative. So my understanding of living in a holographic universe is that each one of us contains the "whole."

    dont be stupid


    Don't be insulting. There is nothing wrong with "what if" questions. A lot of great programming comes from "what if" questions. It's called imagination and everyone should be allowed the chance to exercise it.

    Regands Matrix comment:

    Bulletman, Good call; "right on the money"  Matrix violent as it was, is most prophetic, as it is a subtle awakeup call; a  message; a revelation to man as to who they are and where they are.   After all anything that ends is but a dream, existence is a magnificent movie,  Wakeup.   Well presented, Matrix is a modern Spiritual action picture.  The theme is man against himself, and in turn parodoxticality, man by violence, against the violence of the world.

    Man struggling against  the illusion of the matter world, and its guards.  The theme, defines the evolution of three levels of consciousness that are possible in a man and thus again demonstrated in the world.  In the trilogy of the pictrues: the first: finding the One; the second, group acceptance of the One, (Smith, a program,  but another illusion became that which he destested, the very virus of which he accused men; the rise of fundamentalism).

    Athough sadly the third was somewhat confused, only in my "opinion" it missed the mark.  I had predicted before the third came out it would or should have been that the "The One is all and the All are One,"  not neo evolving into a greater machine intelligence.

     Although if the greater machine was a representaion of god, it was poor a poor choice.  Neverthe less it was most enteraining; a great attempt that has caused men to think, to ponder, "finding the one within."   The picture was actually written to be a modern Christ" picture.     


    what a lot of crap what have movies got to do with it?

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