    Did god make the universe or did the big bang?

    +8  Views: 3997 Answers: 28 Posted: 13 years ago

    The Big Bang is just another way of saying, "God created" and the proof is that in both circumstances there had to have been a catalyst for initially if there were nothing to begin with then nothing can create nothing>

    This is to all that believe that the "big bang" theory really happened: How could you believe that this really happened? I mean, how could you believe that we were once a tadpole or whatever and then all of a sudden turn into a monkey...come on people...God gave you all brains...if you all believe that your ancestor was once a monkey then your name could be switched to "poop throwers". In Genisis it says that God created man in his own image...God was no monkey. Let me ask you all a question...How did all this material on this earth come to place? How come man has one less rib than a women? Because God was the one who placed it there from the beginning.

    28 Answers

    I believe God created all... however if they do prove the Big Bang theroy I am going to say he did that too!!!!

    God of the Bible created  all things in universe, dont' believe in big-bang or $ .:)

    God created the universe and everything in it and out of it. Big bang if it happened was also God's creation. 

    God created it all and there was no “Big Bang”. The theory has not been proven right or wrong…in other words it is a myth. The time & space universe is created within eternity as a place where events and their effects are spread over a time line of  temporal length. It is as if the ticks of a clock measured the duration of an instance of existence in the will of God. Each instance follows the one before it with very slight changes. Thus the time line is a thing that is created and progresses allowing the correction of events that would otherwise alter the progressive nature of events in and throughout the whole in undesirable ways. These corrections are time miracles.

    How dopey do you think the Supreme Being is? No matter what happened He/She/It is responsible for everything.

    Anyway here is something to confuse you some's called 'string theory'  the big bang is on the way out.

    Jury is still out on this one!

    The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model of the early development of the universe. The universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state that expanded rapidly (a "Big Bang"). This rapid expansion caused the young universe to cool and resulted in its present continuously expanding state. The universe

     So did god make the universe and then the big bang shape it into what it, it is today? much like volcanoes shaped our continents.  Sure why not.


    Big bang was his Phart and here we are


    He had just had curry

    God was the BIG BANG......

    Before the heavens and the universe, there was God (all this mass of particualte maater, energy, whick took on its own consciousness) It was one being in space (in nothingness)


    Imigine being alone, for trillions of years... and knowing all, being all, and being alone. In anquish, or in great design, you explode: to end your existance? or to recreate yourself anew/

    regardless, the BIG BANG.....  And there you are.. you still exist, and now, does what we (as humans) call the Universe.

    But waht about BLACK HOLES? Who knows.. Maybe all our universe is actually nothing more than a cell in to overall picture: a cell with holes in the membrance, where part of the matter inside leaks out into the bigger body, and so forth and so on........

    Why do yoiu ask? do you wish to live to the end of eternity as far as what we know of our universe? do you think you will discoverthe waybe larger than all this? will it matter you know?  Why concern yourself with things over which you have no control. Rather, control thos ethings that really matter, and someday, you will know all that is.


    Happy hunting 

    nothing to do with any religions! read the links and wise up. ;-)



    Why do u think so ???
    Grit Savage

    try reading the links and find out. ;-)

    The big bang and there isn't one iota of evidence to suggest that god had anything to do with it or for that matter, anything else. At the centuries have passed and science has progressed the validity of the bible has diminished. To suggest that god caused the big bang is arbitary and totally without foundation. The faithful don't like what they hear, so, they just say, well, god must have caused it. With science there is evidence and observation, scientific fact. And though scientific theories are proven false, it is by science and they are replace by other theories.

     I recently read an artlcle which stated that archologist and biblical historians are admittiing that a great deal of bible lore is simply fiction written to advance the cause of a group of people. The first of the gospels of the new testament were written about 70 years after Jesus death and it is the least fanciful of all; the rest of the gospels get more unrealistic the further removed from the source you get.



    rock-on,science is all about evidence and fact,
    god is all about worn out rhetoric and dogma.
    numbers are dropping from all religious groups
    and the end is getting close for the end of religion and anything unexplained is put down to gods will,yeah right.

    The Big Bang (Genesis) is a good expression of Gods first Idea of creation thus manifesting the Creator of materal, third dimentional worlds.  BANG! and His idea of matter was cast forth.  Then thinking, "let there be Light" and there was Consciousness upon the face of the deep.

    Science whether the admit or realize ever validate a greater power; a greater Mind and are thereafter, forever chasing it right back to God!   Its wonderful.  ;-)

    God was the BIG BANG......

    Before the heavens and the universe, there was God (all this mass of particualte maater, energy, whick took on its own consciousness) It was one being in space (in nothingness)


    Imigine being alone, for trillions of years... and knowing all, being all, and being alone. In anquish, or in great design, you explode: to end your existance? or to recreate yourself anew/

    regardless, the BIG BANG.....  And there you are.. you still exist, and now, does what we (as humans) call the Universe.

    But waht about BLACK HOLES? Who knows.. Maybe all our universe is actually nothing more than a cell in to overall picture: a cell with holes in the membrance, where part of the matter inside leaks out into the bigger body, and so forth and so on........

    Why do yoiu ask? do you wish to live to the end of eternity as far as what we know of our universe? do you think you will discoverthe waybe larger than all this? will it matter you know?  Why concern yourself with things over which you have no control. Rather, control thos ethings that really matter, and someday, you will know all that is.


    Happy hunting

    The Master of the Universe, God caused the big bang if it is indeed the incident of creation.

    If we look down a road that goes as far as the eye can see, the vanishing point, is the source and center of the universe according to Big Bang, All else is a fantasy about what is beyond what can be seen and is subject to the imaginings of those who have time and funds to dream about what may lay beyond and how it all got there.   

    Out of pure light, physicists have created particles of matter ... so, yeah, I think the Big Bang is a possibility. But I see Creative Energy as being more of an explosion>implosion>explosion>implosion (ad infinitum) kind of phenomenem ...versus a one-time happening,

    God sweetheart did it all, you , I everything and everyone. Read your Bible and this question will be answered God's way.

    God made the universe and when he said in the book of genesis "let there be" the universe was created and it took a "big Boom" to make this is possible because the scientist tell us that pure energy can become matter,,which means that God "pure energy in the spiritual realm" can create matter "the psyical realm that we live in" to which all took place in a moment and also the scientist tell us that the universe is still growing and expanding at the speed of light because God never said to "stop"...when he said let there be he never said to stop but a continued creation and as prof of his exsistance...the Big Boom was a controled well planed design which took a creator whom we call God, the lord the book of 1st john the 1st chapter it says the universe was created by him,"jesus" and it was created for him....have no fear that God did create the universe or how can you explain the Big dipper and little dipper and many other things that amaze us...its because he exsists and it took a big bang to do it eve though the bible does not tell us how God did it we have learned that science has help us in discovery of how...but not all things that science says is did they find out about the big bang?...they took a pictures of the universe and like a movie that is played backwards have discovered how the universe was started...i hopw this help you with me writing a book...good luck to you.

    the "Big Bang" created God.........but that was almost forever ago......


    Open your eyes! God,s evidence is all around us.

    God made the big bang!!!!

    dont believe in god.

    the big bang made it. humans helped too though.

    God made the universe

    our god made it




    Does one theory automatically negate the other? Personally, I beleive in God. I experienced afew miracles in life that reinforces that belief. I lost someone so dear to me I was to marry and lost her to cancer. I was crushed. All my religious training abandoned me. I cursed God and wanted to die but numbly waited for my tour in Vietnam to return me to my beloved one. I became a wicked soul that hated to see a couple holding hands or any public display of affection. I reported for duty and did my training for my preparation for my demise. Confused, alienated and Godless I arrived incountry. It was an alternate reality only afew ever witnessed. I was prepared to join my loved one but after a few close calls there was a sudden change of plans. I met a beautifull young girl prior to my military departure and we corresponed. Now through the darkness and surrealism. I returned home without being wounded to the world. While pulling guard duty in a base camp observation tower we were struck by ligtening while taken my personal inventory of right hand & fingers still their etc. I couldn't hear or see for awhile it wasn't till came down that next morning was we told we struck by lightening. My personal invitation to return to the flock instantaneous. My reconcillation to my Diety was personal and immediate for His invitation was genuine. He provided me with a beautiful Christian woman that I corresponded with and blessed us with two beautiful children by request first a girl then a son by the miracle of birth & 42 yrs of marriage. My Father a WWII Vet said, "Aetheists don't hang out in foxholes" I still beleive him. My son survived Afghanistan 2012 & told must return inlatter part of  2013 Life is Good.

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