    Are we alone in the universe?

    If not do they have a other god? will it be like the god we know?

    +8  Views: 4890 Answers: 32 Posted: 13 years ago

    no jesus said i will leave a comfortable u have the holy gost with u always


    32 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    No, we are not alone and would another planet have their own god? of course. Look how many different religions we have here on this planet.

    The odds are we are not alone... I believe them....

    No... you have me...I have you...we all have dondowningjr...we can never be alone.   ... and we will be laughing while we are never alone, which is the bonus.

    I certainly hope not! There has to be smarter beings than us out there. Maybe that's why they seemingly just hit-and-run this planet. Earth is just a Pit-Stop!

    We are not alone.   If no one else, we have each other.


    and we have our cats :-)

    My cat is a lovely alien.

    My cat is mellow and cuddly.

    it is no wonder aliens avoid us like the plague
    when we have the curse of the "cat people"

    No, just watch the X Files.


    YES, Ghost has plenty, they were sent back from Voyager, and Eggie in there too.

    YES its me OBAMA calling do you give to charity

    No one REALLY knows they think there might be life on like on one of Jupiter's moons MAYBE
    But even if that planet did have life it would most likely be like a bacteri or something like that! So yea I don't know if bacteria have a God... So yea there is a 99.9% chance that we are alone

    But don't worry the chainsaw psychos and monsters are here to comfort you

    Grit Savage

    99.9% that we are alone???
    where did you get these figures?

    Yes, there is other lifeforms out there. They may call the creator by a different name like all the religions here do, but the creator of the universe and everything in it is the same, no matter the name given.

    I'm going to give a really odd answer to this one...I don't know.

    Eggy's answer is conspicuous by it's absense ,don't you all think.LOL.

    Certainly there is something else out there.Whether we ever find them Or they find us is another matter.


    I'm here, I'm not feeling well, I had a tooth out today. It hurts like hell and I've had two panadols. Of course there are other beings out there. We've seen heaps of UFOs day and night and I don't think Obama is the pilot.

    So..There you are! Hope yhe tooth heals quick.I have one to come out soon.Been putting it off.I'm a big chicken.LOL

    Why on this planet am I the only one who has never seen a UFO...ET phone home! I love that movie.

    To Egg.... I had more people tell me lately that they had a tooth out. I had one taken out a few months ago; and at that time, 3 of my frineds also had a tooth taken out. Is it catching? ;-)
    Hope you feel better, Eggy

    The problem i see is the voyager spacecraft is at the edge of our solar system. What happens when a far superior being encounters that satellite , finds us , and comes to earth to kill everyone of us . Highly unlikely though in our lifetime.


    What ever happens, happens.

    exactly, nothing will happen.

    IT was the reverse in Starman, the U.S. was the agressor. Welcome to planet earth.

    It's unthinkable to me that out of an infinite number of Universes, we are "alone!"

    no i got my quran my family and my muslim brothers and sisters inchalla one day there will be no darknees but light from allha

    It's absurd to think we're alone in the universe. There are many, many other solar systems out there, and each one has at least one planet that has the elements required for life. God is the one true God of the heavens and the earth. He made the heavens and the earth.

    It is impossible that the Ineffable, our God should have limitations of any kind, regarding His ideas of Himself, of His Universes, Dimensions, or all and any other of His Great Powers, to manifest who or what He Wills in the Creations of the Creations.  Therefore it is most shallow that man should think he is Gods only divine idea, in those incomprehensible, immeasurable expanses; Ideas that are  beyond the mere physics of men.

    I think it would be quite arrogant of man to think even for a fraction, he is the only divine expression of Gods fathomless consciousness.  Let alone to think that mans limited intelligence, can imprison or contain Him in any shallow, dogmatic, systems or traditions of worship, save in his conscioousness of the GOOD of God alone.

    I, for myself I have no doubts God does not so limit Himself.  Yes there are many Highly Evolved beings He has included in His Ideas of Himself.  Never fear we are going to have some interesting Friends out there when we get it all loveingly together.    ;-)         

    No; there's that moderator on this site.


    Where? 0.0

    I think not. If we were approached by an extraterrestrial we would no doubt ask about the existence of a supreme being. That answer could throw this world into complete chaos.  There are more Sunday only faithfuls ten there are true believers. 





    Thanks Grit, my kind of stuff, enjoyed the inspirations and aspirations of the Spirit in Man as he creatively exercises his God given gifts of the Arts and Sciences. ;-)


    Zorro - Sadly, our specie has a great tendency  to fear anything we do not understand, also has the tendency imply and apply fundamantally mans own base nature upon other beings (known or unknown), that we know nothing about.

    Odds are that any such beings so evolved, to move through Gods dimensions, of time and space, would be also be much more evolved in consciousness, than to be so base as to harm other beings.  No reason to believe such beings would not be benevolent.  Though we must be aware, we must not be so quick to judge others by our own aggressive natures. 

    "For the world itself is but a mirror, what we see in it or in others, is but a reflection of what is in ourselves."     

    No I have God and I have Oliver am not alone but at home at least things are quite.

    the odd`s are good for other life in the universe as we are one planet revolving around one star of millions in our galaxy,times that by billions of galaxy`s and the chance of life is more than good and the chance of one god less than good.sadly the distances are so great the chance of meeting any is the same as meeting god.


    You have an interesting perspective, if I'm following you...One God, but billions of galaxies and "life as we know it" extremely possible? I'm not questioning your thought, just trying to make sure I understand what you are saying.
    P.S. My cat is not the center of my world :D

    sorry i need to clarify my earlier my
    comment`s i said that with all the billions of galaxies the chance of finding life must be good, also it`s my belief the chance of finding god here or anywhere in the cosmos is zero.
    i was joking about the cat!!

    In the universe is the God of the Bible and his millions of angels.

    Hey you!  Just stop asking me that okay!?  I want to be alone, so just go away, whoever you are!  Just go away okay,  novagod666....okay?  okay?  Hello...hello....novagod666?  Hey are you there, novagod666?

    Oh, novagod666 must have left about 3 months ago so.....never mind!    :(


    akaQA Rules
    Only one answer by each member per question is allowed.
    I`ll turn a blind eye this time so, please don`t admonish me.



    two out of three aint bad!


    real we are not alone in this earth because the holy spirit is with us here,

    Space is infinant as far as man can understand that. There are many Universes' and God has created the " Heavens and the Earth ". I settle for that senario. Also.. we would be foolish and egotistical to think we are the only lifeforms in all the Universe.

    Can you imagine another lifeform coming here to visit? I bet we scare them.

    we come alone and we leave all alone.



    You came alone? Are you lonely?

    We are limited to our understand of the universe,just like our eye is limited to the light we can see,Also our vocabulary is limited to the language we speak,and understand one another. For instance take a picture and try to describe as it is, there are thing we cannot describe with words alone,we are unable to understand outer life form in our universe.We can say there is but one God,However that is not spoken in every language on Earth. We seem to see only in one direction,when it come to one God Create All thing.? Is that one language? our thinking is also limited. Try thinking harder see if that will work?


    best answer..

    Thank you! Daren1 very nice response(~)

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