Mira Aqui http://www.bing.com/search?setmkt=en-US&q=QUE+NESECITO+PARA+RENOVAR+MI+PASAPORTE
The effect of Fukushima happing now
for the been , seen , done crowd guess it is not done
guess its them Arrogant rich people or is it the Black Rappers or just blacks can do it to blacks ?
and yet nothing on the real news on this
The Gold Price Lost $9.10 Closing at $1,293.40 FRANKLIN SANDERS APRIL 17, 2014
The Gold Price Closed Higher at $1,303.10 FRANKLIN SANDERS APRIL 16, 2014
The Gold Price Dropped $27.20 Closing at $1,300 FRANKLIN SANDERS APRIL 15, 2014
The Gold Price Closed Up $8.60 at $1,327.20 FRANKLIN SANDERS APRIL 14, 2014
The Gold Price Gained $15.50 this Week Ending at $1,303.20 FRANKLIN SANDERS APRIL 11, 2014
The Gold Price Gained $14.6 or 1.1 Percent Today to Close Comex at $1,320.10 FRANKLIN SANDERS APRIL 10, 2014
Silver and Gold Prices Have Posted Their Lows with Gold Closing at $1,305.50 FRANKLIN SANDERS APRIL 9, 2014
It goes up and down day to day http://goldprice.org/
Google Translator say you pronounce it the same way
https://www.google.com/search?q=Maya+GG&oq=Maya+GG&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8 she is a FEMALE