this is very very very serious people!
7 Answers
If you mean the explosions after the Tsunami and earthquake, yes, we were told and we were told of the serious implications back when it all happened. None of the governments have even address this or if they have any plans in place about the impending disasters. I'm not even sure if there is anything they can do. What I do know is that they should not have allowed Japan to kick nuclear disaster experts out of their country and should not have allowed only Japan to take care of the leaks that I do not believe they have stopped yet. Did you know the 2020 summer Olympics are going to be held in Japan? If Japan or anyone else is still around that is.
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
This will affect the whole world there have been reports that most of the Fish have died and are affected also in Canada the fish have been affected so it will affect us all very soon watch this space my recommendation is not to eat fish ever it can not be cleared up it will kill everything it could take up to twenty years for is to see a major disaster sorry to be so gloomy but have taken a very grest interest in this because of the Dolphins and the Whales in which they kill and then sell on some of the pod to seaworld OUTRAGED BOYCOTT JAPAN AND. SEAWORLD
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Saw Blackfish and cried. How could they harm those awesome animals?!
I have given up what comes from the ocean.
I can't believe that the Olympicss are set to be held in Japan. Where are the people whose homes have been destroyed. Do you hear about them?
I know several Jqpanese people. They do not mention this.
Hasn't the U.S. tested many nuclear bombs over the years ? We tested them on Hiroshima and Nagasaki .
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I'm unsure what bombs you are talking about.
Grit Savage thank you for this info. I did not know.
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
for the been , seen , done crowd guess it is not done
10 years ago. Rating: 1 | |