    Do you believe everything your government tells you?

    +4  Views: 823 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago

    14 Answers

    You have seen the Prime Minister of Canada?  Nod and smile ... send out the troops and drink tea in far off places... Yeh... I am a believer.


    N-D-P ! N-D-P ! Oye Vay !

    Jack Layton just passed away a few weeks ago. Such a shame.

    yeah right! The checks in the mail.


    I'll trade you for the Sydney harbour bridge & the opera house.

    You would get a longer answer by asking,
    "What does the government tell you that you believe?"    
    NOTHING.   (See, longer answer....5 letters longer).

    Why should I? They don't believe what I tell them..

    Um no why do u believe everything they tell you


    No, they're liars, all of them.

    No. I question everything and then do my own research,

    NO dont be daft!

    I would probably trust most people before I trusted government, on any federal, state, or municipal level. I've saw the way they operate at times, and it's really deplorable! It would be one thing if officials stayed within the rules, but when they think they are above them and starting making their own...that's a bit much!!!!!

    I’m too honest to work in government. I don’t lie and that is a major problem in working for the government because they expect government employees to keep secretes about everything. I think anyone who asks a question already knows the answer and has simply turned their awareness of a fact into a question by denying to themselves that they know the answer already. Otherwise all anyone has are facts and that is not interesting to anyone so to make conversation the fact is turned into a question by denial of knowing and poof!!... you are the life of the party! Next Question please!

    No, and you'd be nuts if you did. It's our responsibility to question and verify everything or we deserve what we get.

    what are you crazy of cource not, not even half of what they say, if i did i'd probably be buying so swampland in florida as well.

    NO.Only the Wife. she rules.


    Not no but hell no.

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