Did you try re-booting?
Fayette County, outside Lexington, consists of numerous small towns and hamlets. No one person was the mayor of the county as a whole in 1883.
Check this site out and see if you find something I may have missed.
In 1872 Mayor-J.T. Frazer ran the show, but no information about other elected officials seems to be available at this site. Hey, I tried. :(
I wouldn't screw around with this. It could be gas or you could be having a heart attack. Get to a doctor. (my opinion)
No, your landlord is not required to put you up in temporary digs while your Hurricane destroyed residence is being repaired.
Relatives and the Red Cross should be considered.
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Can't locate that one specifically, maybe one of these diagrams can help.
Good luck.
Dom dom dom, domp domp de dom, domp domp dom dom dom. :)
My assortment of age spots. :(