Do you shy away from commenting honestly (or at all) on controversial AKAQA questions because you don't want to disagree with a "friend" ? Taking a position that opposes that of a fellow Karma-giver can spice up a debate but may surely cost one some TU's. Do you tread lightly or full steam ahead ?
22 Answers
I like that I can edit myself because sometimes what I write initially and what ends up on the screen have different "tones" or "attitudes" (both of which people often misinterpret with me). Anyone who regularly reads my answers and/or comments knows there are a couple of people who often rub me the wrong way and I'm OK to tell them so. I have to remember, though, that I have to be ale to take it if I give it out.
Only on religious issues do I tread lightly; I try to state my opinion straightforwardly without antagonizing people.
12 years ago. Rating: 25 | |
We all have different opinions about EVERYTHING. I would rather people answer honestly.
I've pissed off a few people here over the last year, but hey, life goes on. If we were all the same the world would be a very dull place.
12 years ago. Rating: 25 | |

I stay away from really hot issues. I’ve reported “abuse” twice since I arrived here. The second time I worry about and think maybe I was wrong. I dont know.
When people get in a big political tangle, I bow out but usually read - same with religion. I find that the people i disagree with wouldn’t understand what I have to say anyway. I just get more angry.
I don’t worry about Karma so that’s not an issue for me. So anyway, I don’t “tread lightly” I leave. We need spice, I just add a small amount of salt.
12 years ago. Rating: 24 | |
I also tend to avoid political debate (partly due to the fact they are in the main not relevant to me) and my religious beliefs are my own, I will comment on anything else but generally try and keep my comments positive,I tend to by pass anything that I find personally offensive
12 years ago. Rating: 23 | |
I often wait to see if I've offended anyone but so far so good. Colleen jumps me a bunch but I don't mind....
12 years ago. Rating: 22 | |

I've never been accused of being "afraid to offend", in fact, being too outspoken is the usual accusation. However, I do find that the older (I like to think, more mature) that I become, the less interested I am in arguing, debating and especially, proving my point. I think what I think, and to attempt to back it up by the "so called" experts, the recent studies, the current research, the up-to-date medical research, the psychiatric society, etc etc means little. Most things end up changing within a decade or two and the "experts" routinely make a different statement. "We no longer believe, as we did a few years ago...."
I also think that whatever a person believes on ANY topic in the world, there is a group that will believe right along with them. So in answer to your question......No.
12 years ago. Rating: 20 | |
I try to put my opinion politly as most people on here do. If someone is being offensive I will give them as good as they give. All the regulars on here seem to be polite as far as I can see, I always give my opinion if it's something I feel I have an opionion about. But I always try not to offend people, I know not everyone understands the English ( sometimes daft) sence of humour, so I try to be a bit careful.
12 years ago. Rating: 19 | |
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You, no doubt, know those but I wanted to amuse me. : )
A lot would probably depend upon the topic, and whether or not I felt energetic enough to get into a full-blown debate with someone. Over the years, I have found that life is to too short for fruitless adventures, and now follow the path leading to where the fruit of wisdom grows in abundance...with only the occasional flying monkey swooping in for distraction.
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I like to answer what ever question I can, I also like when I get comments, reguarding my answers, let them be funny, or maybe that some one, has different openion than I have. It is nice to interact with other people on the site. If I disagree with someone, I will let them know, but in nice way, by giving my reason why. Karma points, dont get me any thing, I dont even check them.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |