Check out,
Hope this helps,
You know the old saying, A leper never changes his spots, this sounds like your husband.
Check out youtube,
http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%Dmw5pDZqCT9A You can get part two there also.
Sorry, only saw your question, Im late comer. If you are still interested you can try these links.
www.completecareshop.co.uk Good luck for the future shopping.
Hi bustieone, tabber, sunny B, daren1, country bum, and Fish O, Thank you all, just popped in, to see how you are all doing, and surprised to see that I have hit a land mark. Peww, was hard work. lol
That cat looks abit wild.
I have three cats, and love them for different reasons, Have you thought about this , Cats are like some humans (if thats what you call people) they torture , before the kill. ??
RIP Colleen, what a great person, guess cant please everyone, there is always the nit pickers. Wounder just how perfect they are .?