    what do you do when your really really really really really bored??

    +7  Views: 2034 Answers: 33 Posted: 13 years ago

    33 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    Help to answer some questions here, that way, you will be helping other people.

    Develop some more interests or volunteer work (all ages are welcome)....try a new sport....start studying a topic that you know nothing a a novel....there are lots of things to do!  You should never be bored, ever!!!  Just get busy.

    I read or reread or play on the computer............


    reading is great!!! - I miss it since I joined this site.

    No kidding... I have an 8?? something page book that I'm all of 6 pages into and I started it a few days ago..........

    jh, Me too. That's my problem. I read too much and play on the computer too much ---especailly on akaQA ; oh, and watch TV too much.

    dopey, read in the bathroom.

    My new puppy ate the new 800+ page book I just got. How she carried it outside is beyond me.....

    Sleep or log on to Aka or both, which i have done many times.


    bullet, You're talking and writing in your sleep ? !!

    mycatsmom, that's correct. i often fall asleep at the key board, sometimes while i'm typing an answer. i wake up in pitch darkness as the computer has gone into sleep mode , this about 3.00 am in the morning - fortunately this does not happen when i'm driving.

    p.s. i am not bored with Aka.

    bulettman, thats like a friend of mine who always fell asleep on the phone whiile I was Talking to him.

    There is always something to do around here. Generally it's a matter of detouring my energy to something I'd rather do. Boring, never.  Tedious, sometimes.  
    Puzzles, Bananagrams, reading, crafts, exercise, playing the piano, walking the dog, calling a friend or relative (except my sister) all are good diversions. 


    PKB, I'll be your sister. I always wanted a sister.

    OK, Sis! I've always wanted a sister who wanted a sister! :D What are we going to do about Mom? :D

    Send Mum to her Sister !!

    Smart people don't get bored, they find something to do , even if it's come on


    i love that answer!!!

    Uncork a Barolo and read a book until I doze off.(long after the bottle has emptied)


    I buy 1.5 litre wine bottles ;-)

    Get some "milk thistle" tablets it helps the liver.

    Good advice, dopey!

    Health nuts !

    Sleep or visit the nieghbor.



    But not at the same time, please!!

    You are the only one who caught that.. .LOL.. But no not at the same time...

    Watch socks dry.


    Or you could watch paint dry or grass grow!

    Then what, wet them again

    LOL..I prefer to watch water boil!

    that's a good one & funny!


    But I thought that water wouldn't boil if you watched it? (We're all quite creative aren't we? lol)

    Hmmmm I prefer watching socks dry lol

    Talk to my sister in law...


    chatty is she?

    indeed, especialy when she has a few..

    Boredom is a matter of choice, not circumstance. Change your circumstance.


    If I'm in a lot of pain and can't concentrate or do much I will sleep.  Otherwise, my mind is very imaginative...If I cant do anything upright, noone is around to talk too etc.  I imagine stuff.  akaQA is also awesome when I can't move much!


    doolittle I hope you are not in too much pain. If you can walk, that's good for pain and everything else. 1/2 hour a day. my sister does 1 hour a day. I do 1/2 to 1 hour a day, but not today. Too cold and too much rain. Reflexology is good for pain. Is there a practitioner in your area. Also some good books out on the topic. Take care of yourself. LOL

    tabber- my back and hip are a true mess but I try very hard to walk alot...I need to keep my muscles fit. I've already lost the ability to do some activities I loved...the last thing I want is to be further restricted...though it seems to be getting worse slowly...I have tried all sorts of homeopathic therapies along with meds. and surgery. I just keep praying!

    I am experiencing severe bordom like never before. This is about to change though. I have decided that I'd rather be dragging my ass at the end of the day than getting a calous on my index finger from the remote. This all my wifes fault. A word of advise to all the "BRAVE MEN" out there. Women are NOT always right.


    You don't really believe that ANYTHING in life is ALL the fault of SOMEONE ELSE, now do you?
    ed shank

    No, not at all. However, in this instance I am RIGHT. Women can be wrong from time to time. However well intentioned.

    your wrong

    It's true I'm wrong about 3 times a year. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    @lambshank... :)

    @doo...3 times a year?? That's a lot!! lol

    ed I could argue both points of view, but I am going to stick up for you this time. When men have been with a woman for a while or even a short while, women are good at getting men to do what they want. Later men look up and go, "where are my friends, where did all my hobbies go, how come i never drink with my buddies anymore. I feel i'm losing out." There is a comedian in the US name Bobby Slayton. They call him the pit bull of comedy. That's what he talks about how women enslave men, get rid of all their friends etc. Women may not always be right but they do the right thing to get what they want. And once men are in a certain position they have to take it whether they like it or not. Don't get mad at Tabber folks, observe for yourself. Ed is a man brave enough to observe and speak about one sociological phenomenum that is surly taking place in modern day society.
    ed shank

    Thanx Tabber I needed that. I'm feelin warm and fuzzy again.

    @tabber...Wow..sure not my observation unless the woman is a "clinger". I hear, "My husband is about to retire..I hope he finds something to do besides hang around me all day"! (Perhaps the age group makes a difference?) Once again, for both genders, it comes down to having interests and hobbies or not having any, IMO.
    Headless Man

    I needed something to do to keep me busy and close to home so I started to remodel the basement, good exercise and close to

    Miss Ducka I beg to differ regarding "unless the woman is a clinger." Actually throughly the books of history, strong, beautiful and even ugly women have had great influence and power over men. Women have been influencing men to 'do the right thing,' or the wrong thing since the beginning of time. Men are so taken by women that they often are easily influenced to do what the woman wants. I am happy that ed is going to take a little bit of his power that he has given his wife, back to himself. She'll probably appreciate it too.

    I don't have ans answer because I am never bored.


    me either. If anything I hate to go to bed, cause I like to do some of them boring things all the time.

    listening to good music  helps with boredom.


    and singing along. who cares if the neighbors hear you?


    I experienced  "Boredom"  when I was young; 8 yrs through 16 yrs,... but did not ever after that. Way too much to investigate, read about,  research,  question,  talk to,   think about about in this world.  And then  to work  the   interesting investigation  of the history of  things,  the history of this world,  and all within it,  as an adult, and was never  "bored".   Being bored means you are not utilizing all your mind or intelligence  at all.


    "not utilizing your mind or intelligence"...very good way to express it!

    Go to the local mental health facility and tell them how I feel. They will give me a script or some meds and by the time I get home I’m ready to mow the grass, take a shower, wash the car and get on AKAqa for a couple of hours and then pay all my bills and organize the kitchen drawers clean out the dirt from behind the kitchen stove, start a load of laundry and clean out the hall closet.   


    Being bored for a day or two can be nice.

    Wow..those must be some kind of powerful meds to work that fast!! In any case, I don't understand taking meds for boredom????
    ed shank

    What are you doin? Crystal meth? I couldn't do all that if my ass was on fire.

    Funny ed and Ducka. Love your comments. Overstating the result is remedial to boredom. Humor and healing go hand in hand.

    Being bored may not be entirely your fault.  And I think it is a fault.  You are missing life.  You probably were not taught to think for yourself when growing up.   Dominating, strict selfish parents do reduce their children''s ability to think and grow fully.

    I am not insulting you, I'm letting you know that you may have to venture out and discover more life.  You need a mentor or socially active friend.      There is LOTS more to say on the subject.

    It is unhealthy to live bored. 


    Yes caddam, there is a whole world of good things out there, ours to discover!! :)

    I scratch and sniff parts of my anatomy.


    you didn't have to say that you know
    TMI !

    I have a chimp that does that! LOL

    go to opera where they sing a different language and try to figure out what they mean. And/or take somebody with you that understands that language and let them explain it to you.  I did that. Haven't been bored since.

    ed shank

    I loved going to the opera. Unforrtunately I haven't been in a while. Thanks for the reminder.

    I have never been to an opera...should I put it on my list of "things to do"? :)

    Ducka i personally think it is a go with her. She was jewish and the opera was in italian. She described to me what they were singing. I loved it. Plus I loved seeing all the people dressed up so elegantly, most in black and white at the San Francisco Opera House.

    When I was living overseas, I went to see a Opra or Operetta once a month. I miss it.

    Write a letter to your relatives.

    Read a book

    Write in your journal.

    Check out the chamber of commerce, see what's happening in your area that's fun.

    get a project going.

    Learn something new, basket making,photography, take a class on something your interested in.

    If your old enough get a job!




















    Do something to help volunteer to feed or bathe  people in nursing homes. Or visit the ones that don't get any visitors.   Or , tell your mom you're bored, and she'll give you something to do .Or , Go call your grandparents and have a nice chat with them, or write them a real letter.

    oh, I'd read. Reading takes me on a adventure

    Never get bored thus I don't know

    complain. it does not work.

    crying or sleeping or looking out the window

    clean house, or go help your mom or dad or grand parents. Or, go find some old person and take them grocery shopping; or just go over and visit them. They'd love that.

    I Tire myself out saying Really Really Really "Yawn I am off to "Bed .See you in the Morning "Really !! NO. 


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