Take a real good look at yourself, then look at the scars, I've got from smoking (Heart surgery and Lung cancer surgery), then ask yourself "IS IT WORTH THE PRICE???"
Give me $25.00 each and I'll take them off your hands.
Twenty-five guesses and first twenty-four don't count and you can't read Ducky's answer.
I don't know much about hatching eggs, Please refer to Ducky on that.
Of course you have blood on you're valves, if you didn't you'd be a dead duck!!!
Could be heating element or also fuse/circiut breaker bad.
Now you don't mind me having a little Scottish/German mixed with me Irish Blood, do ya? HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY TO ALL!!!
The reason is as follows; TIME TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR, YESTERDAY. GOOD LUCK!!!
He/she does carpenter work???
Yes, because, God didn't give me wings and also it's not the fall, I worry about, it's the sudden stop.