    I need to see how alone I am in this....Would you have sex with the same sex for 10 million dollars?

    TSC just said on another question I have serious MAN issues because I made the comment I would not have sex with a man even for 10 million dollars. Because of this, I wondered how many could go against their own sexuality just for money.

    Now for me to have sex with a man, it is just as revolting in my mind as it is for a heterosexual to think about having sex with the same sex. So guys, could you do it for 10 million dollars and if you say no, would you say you have serious man issues because of it or just serious issues with having sex with a man? 

    You can flip this around if you are a woman so you can answer too. Could you have sex with a woman for 10 million dollars and if not, would you say you have serious women issues? 


    +11  Views: 3957 Answers: 36 Posted: 12 years ago

    Hm...Myself, I just don't see you as having serious MAN issues. Most of the time I think you've been very unbiased when it came to gender related issues.

    Some people see themselves from a perspective of being a person first, without having to jump to seeing the world through male or female lenses in response to it...and I've always percieved you as that.

    do you see yourself with serious men issues? if no then TSC`s comment is redundent and so put it down to a lack of understanding.

    I guess I used this as a way of educating the lack of understanding. Allowing him to see his own peers thoughts might work better than me explaining "the shoe on the other foot" way of looking at it.

    i have just read russrocks post`s and they show a lack of understanding.all our sexual orientations are dependent on the number of x and y chromosomes therefore our "fate"is determined even before we are born just as the colour of our eyes or hair and early life trauma has nothing to do with it .

    Well in the end, he did admit he knows very little about homosexuality. I think he just likes to hear himself talk (or type as the case may be). Just knowing homosexuals is not enough to understand the sexuality. It's not about the sex. It's about the attraction and comfort zone. Sex is secondary to the true emotional feelings one gets from being with their partner. Anyone in a true, loving relationship can understand this. Sex is simply a bonus but it is not the start all, end all of a relationship.

    36 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    hey what a interesting question and I have read everyones answers its a pity you cant pick the woman but never mind fo $10 million who wouldnt morals a side, and well you never know you might enjoy what a bonus that would be!!! haaaa the answer would be .................................................... ok yea I am a SLUT YES


    I love you :) Love your answer. You've been the most honest I think.

    Colleen I love you to! I do hope you are the person who is offering the $10 million heeeeee joking a side brilliant Question and I think you must answer it honest as it wouldnt count xxxxx

    It appears you are not so alone- Hurray!!!

    doolittle thanks xxxx

    For 10M as long as no one saw I would have sex with a male crocodile, I wouldn't be proud of it but I'd be rich if I was still alive. LOL



    What about a man? I did not ask about bestiality. ;)

    The crocodile would NOT like that! ;)

    OH?? A male man!
    I suppose that would be a lot safer, as long as he didn't bite, 10 mil is a lot of money.

    I suppose I can see it coming from a man who wears a skirt.....kilt, kilt, kilt! Hahahaha. Just teasing. :)

    I thought the same thing, Colleen, i was afraid Romos may take offence. lol.

    He probably will but he likes me so will not kill me, lol

    That skirt, I mean KILT! is awfully convenient at times ;)

    Crocodiles have serious bad breath issues.So having sex with one (Male or female) would be a real turn off for me.

    For 10 million I'd put up with the bad breath, I know some women who have croc

    The idea of sex for money gives me the heebeegeebs!  However, as a surprise gift afterwards- Sure!  So, I guess I would have to be attracted to and excited by the other person first.  Note I said other Person I did not specify a sex.


    Note, you did not answer the question, lol

    I know your sex so just yes or no ;) This means giving and receiving too. Think about it.

    Am I allowed to be drunk?

    Nope. Someone of your same sex walks up to you and offers you 10 million to have sex, could you do it.

    Little DOO , i see more and more young girls cuddling etc. some are drunk, it is almost like a fashionable thing to do. Personally from a male point of view i don't see anything wrong with it.

    You want me to have sex with a stranger????

    It's for 10 million dollars! Does it really matter if it's a stranger? I would think the hardest part would be going against your sexuality.

    Doolittle, if you are a man it wouldn't be a problem to have sex with a stranger or while sober. :) JK

    Darn, and that's a lot of cash. I can't be that intimate with a stranger! What if it were a cyber friend or movie star????

    the idea of having sex with a woman gives me the creeps! But for 10 million dollars ?! Sure. I guess that makes me a prostitute. Hee hee

    For Ten Million Bucks I would probably have his babies if that's what he wanted.hahaha!

    But for any less amount...Hell NO!!!!

    I was seriously propositioned once buy a guy & I have to admit that I was totally appalled.

    So there you are Colleen.We have something in common.Sex with men disgusts me too! LOL.


    So you would actually have sex with a man for 10 mill? I just want to make sure I read your question correctly.

    I was kidding Colleen! PERLEEEZZ!
    Apart from any other hangups I may Or may not have it would mean cheating on my wife.It's not gunna happen.

    So if you were not married....could you do it? LOL
    I'm going to make you answer this you know. ;)

    I don't think I could.When I was in the army I didn't even like showering with the other guys.Naked men just don't do it for me I'm afraid.So....the answer is NO! Money doesn't mean that much to me.

    Thanks Tommy. That's where I'm at too.

    I say to each his own. I'm not going to judge another person's sexuality but personally I wouldn't have sex with another woman for $10 mil because men just do it for me. I also don't think I have serious woman issues because I don't want to sleep with one. Or crocodiles either!  ;)


    Judging is not a part of this. Just would you, could you? You answered it all. Thanks :)

    I have no problems with someone being gay, Colleen. My oldest son is gay and I love him dearly.

    You're good people. Many kids get abandoned by their family because of their sexuality. I donate to a home in California that takes kids in off the street after they've been tossed out of their homes by their parents. Yes, kids. Some as young as 11 years old.

    That is incredibly heartbreaking.
    As I said to my son, when he told me, "You are the exact same person you were two minutes ago, before you told me. Nothing has changed." My entire family is fine with it and his brothers love him just the same, too. I really, really, really cannot understand families rejecting their own children because of this. It's absolutely disgusting!

    Some people should never become parents. Top of the list, people with prejudices.

    Agreed because that is how children learn prejudices, from the knee of their parents.

    I would as long as it was a woman of my own choosing.... There are a lot of woman I know who make me wish I was gay. For 10 mil, I'd give it a shot for the night........


    Nope, you can't choose them. You would be propositioned by someone with 10 mill.

    Oh, well. I'm up for anything new I guess.....

    Thanks for your honest.

    I would say sex for money is prostitution. No thanks ! Not my cup of tea! I am female by the way!


    Do you think you have serious WOMAN issues because you will not have sex with a woman even for 10 million?

    Nope! I like men!

    I honestly couldn't have sex with anyone, Man or Woman for $10 million dollars.  I can't compromise my morals.  I would have to come back and learn that lesson all over again.  It is not worth it.

    Not only would I not accept $10 million to have sex with a random woman, I wouldn't accept $10 million to have sex with a random man.   I'm not for sale. 


    "But you know us all here Bob !! "OH we are all Free loaders. lol

    Oh, come on now,Bob. No to 100,000 one hundred dollar bills? Easy to be principled when presented with an improbable scenario.
    Besides,who said anything about selling out. Consider it a short-term rental.

    For me it would be a moral issue, not a money issue. I dont dislike other women, but to each its own.

    I'm afraid i will answer this question,Colleen, even thou i said i would never involve myself in gay questions, even if i was destitute, it would go against the grain for me no matter how much money was offered,  no! no! no!, so there.:) --- A Croc  is a different matter. lol.


    Thanks. It's not really a gay question. It's more the question, does me not wanting to have sex with a man for 10 million dollars mean I have serious man issues? That's really the point of the question. I was curious to see if the same accusation could be applied to a heterosexual. I know a lot of people think that lesbians hate men. This is not true for the most of us. Some may hate men but I would say their issues run deep and for a reason other than their sexuality.

    Colleen, its funny you said not all lesbians disliked men as there was a time i was a driver for Escorts and this young 'lady' who asssured us she was a full blown Lesbian, had sex with men for money, at the time i thought this was unusual, may be she didn't dislike men as she claimed. To answer your question exactly , no i would not have sex with another man, for a million dollars, the thought throw chills up my spine. lol.

    In my opinion, anyone woman who can have sex with a man is not a fill blown lesbian. That's like trying to claim a heterosexual man who has sex with men for money or even kicks is a full blown heterosexual. Bi-sexual is what comes to mind. I personally do not hate men. I have no real issues with men other than I do not want to sleep with them. I've had a lot of male friends, especially because of the trucking I did. They were all like my big brothers. Some I care very much about but there was always that line that I could not cross. I could never love them enough to be in love with them or want sex with them. It was just not right in my mind. The same feeling you get when you think about it for you. Icky.

    Colleen, i'm not up with these abreviations , what is lcky?

    Sorry, not an abbreviation, lol A sound, like gross..ick...yucky. ;)

    Lol!! I liked your comment...I would not have sex with a stranger! Regardless of their sex!!!! much money was that again?     :)          No...simply no interest.

    No issues with women any more than with men....some I like...some I don't and I'm sure the feelings are mutual.  Not everyone gets along with everyone else but it has nothing to do with sex.


    Thank you. Still more proof that I'm like others. That being, that just because I do not want sex with men, it does not mean I have serious issues with men. :)

    Yes, especially it's a real cute ladyboy.  At least my wife couldn't say anything since it's not with a woman.  Please don't say to me "the check's in the "male", Colleen.



    Nope, I won't say that ;)

    Make sure I don't get rear-ended, either! I would do all the work.

    I have "NO" problem with anyones choice at hand but, there ain't enough money in the universe to get me to trade a "HOLE" for a "POLE".


    Do you see this as having serious issues with men or just a sex issue?

    Dad, you don't like the POLISH! lol.

    I'm strictly 1000% LESBIAN, if you know what, I mean, if, I was female, so NO POLISH OR BEENIE WEINIES EITHER. LOL

    Dad, i got your drift- thanks.

    I once knew an old gay boy who told me he had had sex with many women and been given compliments for his performances, but as he (rightly) said ' the trouble with women is they are so %^*@ing boring'

    As a straight male, I am turned on by women having sex together and turned off by the thought of male on male sex. As to the original question, I don't want or need the money but if I did it would depend upon whether I was doing the sex, or having the sex done to me.

    Everyone is a little bisexual. Have a little drink and get over some of the bars in your mind. I don't want to have sex with anyone except my husband. A woman would be slightly better than a man but for ten million .... TEN MILLION!


    i`m NOT SURE THAT everyone is a little bisexual!??!...A lot of my friends were horrified when I came out!...a lot of people think its just all re sex...for me it was falling in love with someone that I couldn`t ever see a man equal to our relationship..Soul mates may be more accurate!


    itsmee..."everyone is a little bisexual"??
    I'm curious to know why you believe that. I don't agree and I really wonder who DOES agree with that statement.

    Everyone is NOT a little bisexual. Most people are hetero.

    I think i’ll make a big question of this and see what kind of response it brings.
    When you get so very close as having a soulmate of a woman, how far is it before you step over the line? (That sentence was for women, of course!)

    I would do it for free. Providing it was a threesome involving Antonio Banderas and Charlize Theron.

    I've got standards, you know.



    That's MR.pig to you,Ducky.

    Digger, do you have a man-crush on Antonio? Be honest... :)

    @Russ Well...he IS a good looking dude but I could only justify a first gay experience if know...that Charlize woman ;-)

    She'd be worth more than 10 mill.

    Oops sorry digger...MR. PIG. :)

    Men do often include a female in their equation for satisfying curiosity, a buffer if you will. To paraphrase what Itsmee said, no one is 100% anything sexually speaking. Just as no human being is 100% sane.

    i`d be lying if I said NO!!...But the thought of it does disgust me and in my heart of hearts Ireally need to love someone (OR at the very least REALLY find them hot!!...NO..I don`t honestly think I could with a man ever again!...but i spose NEVER SAY NEVER!!!:->

    @RussRocks:  You said, Also, there are statistics that indicate: 1. that children born in large families are likely to include one who is gay, 2. that one of two twins is more likely to be gay, and 3. there is no scientific evidence to prove that someone is born "gay."

    I have this "thing" with studies. They are all too often quoted or misquoted without context, and source credibility. They conveniently "prove" the interlocutor's argument even when other "studies" with opposing conclusions exist.

    I won't ask you who authored the study which you referenced. That would only embarrass the individual or the organization that backed him/her/them.

    Russ, how can you believe that "there is no scientific evidence to prove that someone is born "gay." when you believe that "children born in large families are likely to include one who is gay"?


    There's also no scientific evidence that God exists, yet he believes God exists but demands scientific evidence that I was born gay even though I say I was.

    Great catch on your last point.


    It seems that the need for irrefutable scientific evidence only exists when it conveniently supports one's position. When no such evidence exists, that too can be acceptable if and only if, that too supports the same one's position/beliefs.
    It's called selective proof.

    Good points, digger. You thought you caught a contradiction. Actually,statistical probabilities would indicate someone born to a larger family is likely to include one gay person. That's math, not science. But let me give you a reference for my source, since I certainly should have when I got into that friendly banter with our dear Colleen. Here are a few:


    Doesn't matter. You believe opposing ideas no matter where they come from.

    Rockhead, why don't you put your head in a bucket of water and hold your breath for half and hour. Leave Colleen alone!

    Colleen: I hope your life now is peaceful and filled with happiness, health and love!

    Nothing in my life other than my birth made me a lesbian and I've never had an issue with being a lesbian so there is no "now" as I perceive your insinuation that it wasn't before. I love the life God selected for me. I appreciate everything about it, the good and the bad. I've learned heaps because of it. You do not have to worry about me and if I'm happy. Worry about yourself. Unhappy people are the ones who have trouble accepting others unless they can come up with a reason as to why those others do not fit into the "normal" mold. You delude yourself when you say, you have no issue with homosexuals. The only way you can accept homosexuals is to believe that some terrible trauma caused it, like a disability that happens because of a car wreck and that line of thinking is really twisted. What trauma made you the perfectionist that you became Russ? I don't think perfectionist fits the normal mold.

    It makes sense that, statistically , the more chlidren one has, the more the likely- hood that at least one of them will be born gay. Just like any other diversion from the norm

    mcm, define normal please because I for one find many people abnormal that others find normal. Normal does not start and stop with sexuality though my sexuality is normal for me.

    How about using the lottery instead to make your point. The more you spend, the better your chances of getting the random ticket that wins.

    Colleen: I am very sorry that I struck a nerve here. I confess I really don't know much about homosexuality, but I do know that I have no issues with the ones I know whatsoever. Perhaps you were born gay as you say. Good for you. It really doesn't matter much to me, and it's certainly not worth arguing about. Let's let this one go, okay? Please forgive me!

    "I am very sorry that I struck a nerve here."

    You give yourself too much credit. You're implying I had an emotion that I did not have. I suppose you need to believe that in order to make yourself feel better. Keep it if it helps. I'm gracious like that. :)

    Colleen are you calling me abbynormal (from Young Frankenstein) again??? @ Digger- I agree!! and everyone should know that statistics lie!!! It is the first thing a good Prof. will tell you in a statistics class! A really good one will show you how they manipulate statistics to favor something...a Pollititian, a scientific theory.......a social theory.....

    There's a family in my town that had 10 or 11 kids and two of the boys were gay. They both died of aids , unfortuneately .

    I know some straight people who died from AIDS MCM. What was your point in bringing AIDS up?



    No and no for the second part of the question?

    Colleen, I have no issues whatsoever with my sexuality, and I have never had any desire to have sex with a man.

    It doesn't surprise me in the least that you are a lesbian, and I have no issues with homosexuals either. I've had a few gay friends and colleagues in my life.

    However, that being said, I am surprised you find it so revolting to have sex with a man, since it is the more "natural" way. (I am not judging, just stating my opinion.) It tells me you have had some traumatic experience in your past which turned you off men

    Of course, that raises the nature or nurture question regarding homosexuality, too, which I don't want to get into. But it is much more likely for women to be bi-sexual at least part of their lives than strictly lesbians their entire lifes.

    Homosexuals do not need something traumatic to make them homosexual. I was born to be a lesbian. This I know without a doubt. I come from a family of 8 children. I'm the only one who is homosexual. We all grew up under the same roof with the same parents. We were all treated the same. I am a strong person and always have been. I knew I was different from my siblings when I was a child. I told my mother so when I was 6 years old. I had no idea then what made me different but I knew I was. When I hit the age of 13 I believe it was, I understood finally what made me different. I was never attracted to the boys, only the girls. That has never changed in all my 50 years, it has never changed. There's never been a point in my life when I was drawn to a male over a female and being a truck driver, I was around men more than woman. I've always had more male friends than female friends. Just because you do not understand it, does not mean there has to be some sort of earthy damage done to homosexuals that make them homosexual. Listen to us. We live it, we know it. We have no reason to lie about it. It's not easy being homosexual. No one chooses it for sh!ts and giggles. That would make a person mental if they did. I am not mental. I am however proud of who I am and have no need to change.

    As for this, " I am surprised you find it so revolting to have sex with a man, since it is the more "natural" way. "

    That way is natural for a heterosexual woman. It is NOT natural for me and has never been. It is natural, good, comfortable, pleasurable, warm, loving and perfect for me to be with a woman, not with a man.

    Now, I did not ask this question to get into a battle of whether homosexuals are born to be homosexuals or if all the heterosexuals are right in their guesses on a life they know nothing about. I gave you this time only because you are new and have no seen the other 100 or better times I've had to have this discussion with someone who thinks they know me and my life better than I do. God made heterosexuals and homosexuals. Only a book says he didn't. I believe in God, not a book. I exist because God created me and gave me the life I have. I accept it and hold it close to me as His gift to me. I've learned more about life and people because of it than you could ever possibly imagine for yourself in your safe little world.

    Now, back to the question:

    The question was, would you as a man have sex with a man for 10 million dollars and if no, would you say it's because you have a SERIOUS issue with men? Let's stick to that question please.


    Karma: 13240

    Colleen: First, I answered your question already.

    Second, I know that some women grow up as lesbians: I have two cousins who are and I don't believe either suffered a traumatic event. However, I'm pretty sure both have at least experimented with relationships with men. The fact that you used the word "revolting" when describing the idea of having sex with a man is what prompted me to infer the childhood trauma, which far too many girls experience. Neither of my cousins would say they consider sex with a man as "revolting," just not their preference.

    Also, there are statistics that indicate: 1. that children born in large families are likely to include one who is gay, 2. that one of two twins is more likely to be gay, and 3. there is no scientific evidence to prove that someone is born "gay."

    Russ, would you find having sex with a man revolting for yourself?

    A lesbian, not a bi-sexual also finds the idea of sex with a man revolting. Why the big deal over the word?

    I bet I know more true lesbians than you do.

    "1. that children born in large families are likely to include one who is gay"

    Where does this place children in small families who grow up to be gay? Large families do not outweigh smaller families. This is no kind of proof of anything. Really, I've never seen the point of this "statistic". It's still all guessing and assuming and presuming.

    " 2. that one of two twins is more likely to be gay"

    Another useless "fact" as I'm sure I can come up with an argument that show more twins are both gay or both homosexual than the one that this "fact" found to be gay.

    "there is no scientific evidence to prove that someone is born "gay."

    There is no scientific evidence that God exists, yet billions of people believe in him because of religions.
    I am the fact you are looking for. I WAS BORN TO BE A LESBIAN, (in case you missed my fact the first time around). I live it. I know it. I am it. You are who to call me a liar?? The fact that you continue to try to argue the realities of MY LIFE is the same as calling me a liar when I say I was born to be a lesbian.

    Now, do you think you can drop it and stop arguing with me on a question that I already said was not about whether homosexuals are born to be homosexual? I know gays do not fit in your perfectionist world but deal with it. We exist. We aren't going anywhere either and it really shouldn't matter to you why we exist. We do not harm you or your life at all.


    Colleen: You are way too defensive. Lighten up! First, I said I have nothing against gays, and I meant it. I love both of my cousins and gay friends. Always have.

    Second, you said I called you a liar. I did not. I said there was no scientific proof to indicate people are born gay. While you may believe you were "born" gay, I seriously doubt you can remember the day you were born. It is likely you have had homosexual ideations when you first began puberty. However, those ideations could still have been caused by environmental issues. Bye!

    I can remember the day Kennedy was killed and I was an infant at the time. My own mother can verify my memory of that day and what she was doing and how she reacted. Are you going to call me a liar over that too? I can remember having a crush on my babysitter and I was 4 years old. My female bus driver when I was 8 years old. My best friend when I was 10 years old. At 13 years old, I had a major crush on my friend's best friend. At 13 years old, it finally came to me what I was. Homosexuality was not talked about in my small town. It took someone in Jr high talking about it in order for me to know THAT'S what I was.
    Why am I defensive Russ? Because people like you do not listen! You just want to keep dumping your ideas about my life on me. I'll ask you a 3rd time to stop arguing this in a question that has nothing to do with why gays are gay. I have spent the better part of my life arguing with people like you. Don't you think I'm a bit tired of listening to the same ol same ol from people like you who believe they know my life better than me? Don't you think that might be more what you're seeing in my words than just being defensive and needing to "lighten up"? I've been arguing this for about 35 years now. Don't you think I'm tired of the never ending rhetoric from those who do not believe we are born to be exactly who we are?

    And I bet you still did not listen.

    Colleen: When someone who I respect actually provides scientific proof that homosexuals are "born" that way, then I'll believe it. Until then, it's just your "opinion."

    No, it is "just your opinion" that we are not. Your opinion matters not. You're just another rut in the road.

    My opinion matters no more or less than yours does. By the way, I love you Colleen, and God does too. :)

    What the hell, are you Randy Jr? You do not love me, do not pull that religious crap on me. As for God, I do not need you telling me he loves me, He does that very well on his own. When you come out of the closet and tell me you are gay, then and only then will your opinion matter to me. Until then, I am the homosexual. My opinion about the homosexual life trumps yours in every which way.

    Why Russ Why????? Science is imperfect and you know it!!! The World is no longer flat, Mars is red, and Pluto is no longer a planet. As we advance we learn new things. There is no scientific proof that homosexuals are born that way, nor is there scientific fact that environment creates homosexuals. IT IS OK to NOT KNOW Scientifically!!!!!!! Listening to homosexuals tell their stories gives heterosexuals the best possible way to understand them!!!

    Leave Colleen alone, and for God's sake learn a little humility and kindness toward others!!!!

    Doolittle, if you actually read the thread you would see that Colleen started the discussion. Yet she blames me for having my opinion contrary to hers and she doesn't let up.

    Look at the question itself. If that wasn't intended to spark a lively discussion, I don't know what is. And that's all this is to me: a lively discussion! :)

    Russ, what are you going on about? I did not start this discussion. I tried to end it 3 times. Are you drinking perchance?

    I simply asked you "No and no for the second part of the question?"

    Which had nothing at all to do with why homosexuals are homosexuals. You're the one who led it into that whole conversation. You are entitled to your opinion to a point. When it begins to look like an attack on a group of people or even one person due to their life and what they do in their life, that's when your opinion ends, whether you like it or not. You will be informed when that happens.

    I have met and known many homosexuals in my life and not one of them have been traumatized and then became a homosexual... Baby, they were born that way... every single one... and I was born heterosexual. Sexuality is sexuality. Fact not fiction.
    I really don't think you love Colleen as you have only just met Colleen and in Cyber Space. That comes across as very fake.
    Sorry Dude. Get real.

    Russrocks "I love you Colleen and God does too." When you make such a statement, especially during an argument, you come across as being extremely condescending! Is that how you win people over to your way of thinking? I'm a Christian myself, and I can tell you, it doesn't work for me. It's downright annoying!

    As a Christian, I love all my brothers and sisters throughout the world, as Jesus teaches us to do.

    This "nature vs. nurture" debate has been going on for years and the fact is, no one knows for sure what the truth is, not even Colleen. Clearly, she believes she was "born" a lesbian. Perhaps she was. I am not so sure. How can anyone know what happened to them during the first few years of their lives which may have impacted their sexual development?

    For her to suggest her opinion is right and mine doesn't matter is offensive to me, and more than a little condescending. She won't even admit to the possibility of some childhood trauma affecting her because she remembers everything that happened to her from the day she was born.

    I am done with this discussion, but I'm sure Colleen will have to have the last word, because that's the way she is. And she'll have to insult me a few times in the process.

    Russ, prove to me that you were born heterosexual and not gay and some childhood trauma by your parents dead set against you being gay did not alter your sexuality. Prove to me without claiming that you know yourself better than I do that you are truly heterosexual. You can not say for sure you are, can you? You just might be wrong. You can not prove you were born heterosexual. I believe you are a closet homosexual. Prove to me that I am wrong and prove you were born heterosexual and not homosexual. See how lame your argument is? I remember back to when Kennedy was assassinated. I was 1 year, 8 months old at the time. I've checked with my mother. She can think of no trauma that would have made me gay. She says she knew before I did that I would be a lesbian. Neither she not my father had an issue with it. They let me figure it out on my own. Your mind is so clamped shut that you can not even see beyond your bible that this is a natural thing, that God created the sexuality. I bet you open your bible as much as you open your mind. NEVER. You insult me with trying to claim you know me, my life and my sexuality better than I do. Only a closet homosexual can make that claim and he bases it on his own opinion about himself.

    There has not been a person created or enough money made in the entire world for me to cheat on my soul mate.

    I would do it for 10 million, but it would be difficult and I would shudder thru it. I would hope it would be fast so I could get it over with.


    What if it was Robert Redford or Brad Pitt? :)

    That is not my question Russ. Stop trying to control the question I have out here. Stop trying to change things. You have an incredible need to change things. I wonder just how messy your life is. Must be out of control for the fact that you try to control another people and even this cyber forum.

    Colleen: I'm not try to control anything. I'm just having fun. And boy is this FUN!
    By the way, the previous comment was addressed to mcm, not you.

    I know it was addressed to her. You still tried to change the point of my question. It doesn't matter if she had sex with a man for 10 mill. It takes away the point my question asks.

    I do not believe you had fun though all this. I think you did not have fun when people told you to stop what you were doing. But if you feel the need to convince yourself it was fun, so be it. If you did have fun, then you attempted to have it at my expense and to maybe try and torment me some by making me defend my life from your limited knowledge about it. That is game playing and another form of control. You really are not doing yourself any favors by continuing to speak here. Let it drop like you said you wanted to an hour ago. You're so busy trying to prove this was all just for kicks that you do not realize you're just making yourself look foolish now.

    Just to point out yet again your control issue.....that comment you made and intentionally posted out of place, the one that you told me to move for you (something you could have easily done yourself) I simply deleted. Take care of your own postings if you want them to remain. You've been instructed by more than just me on the proper place to put replies to other people. You are a game player with an over sized ego. It's up to you to fit in here. We do not have to fit into your way of doing things. You came to this forum a year to late to try and get it set up to your standards.

    well, at my age the money is more than tempting, though the thought doesn't appeal at all my answer is you bet!

    I'm in a same sex relationship now and it dont pay didly try being married for 30 years it's the same sex every night..


    Every night? Naw...:)

    like a 747 @ UMB..right over your head.!!

    ZOOOOOM It didn't get past me. :D

    LOL . So, vary it, daren.

    NO PROBLEM. With that  AS long as he wore a "Condom .I don't   fancy telling friends "Hey I am "Pregnant  "TRUE ANSWER NO !! I love "Woman only.

    For 10 million I think I could live with it for a night...and that's just straight up being honest about it! Look at "Fear Factor" the television show, and all the disgusting things some people will put themselves through just for a chance at $50,000.00. That's not even a sure bet!

    The thing with this question is, it's only hypothetical. So, you are going to have some who won't answer the same, as though they had 10 million dollars sitting in front of them. I didn't fall off the turnip truck just yesterday, and although there's a lot I haven't saw, I've saw my share in life...and I know the nature of people extremely well. There's going to be a number of people who just wouldn't admit to what they'd actually do if this situation was for real!


    Thanks Shootah. I guess the more important part of my question is, does saying no mean you have a serious issue with men (if you're a guy saying no way!)TSC made the claim that just because I would not have sex with a man for 10 mill, I had a SERIOUS issue with men. I don't think I do just because I do not want to have sex with a man. I just wanted to see if others could have sex with the wrong sex given the same 10 mill I said no to.

    by putting the ten million tag on the question you are clouding the issue.if the question was "would you have sex with same sex being hetrosexual" then you would get thr true`s almost like putting a huge amount on it you are inviting a hetrosexual  to do a gay act against there good judgement(ten million justifies the act).of course the question is hyperthetical so you could knock it around all day ,it`s not untill it`s a reality that it becomes relevant.


    You're reading too much into it. This is simply the same question that I was put to. Being a lesbian, could I have sex with a man for 10 million dollars? My answer is no. I was told I have SERIOUS man issues because of my answer. I do not agree I have serious man issues. So, this question ask the same thing to my peers. Could you have sex with a sex that you are not naturally drawn to? I can say honestly and without any question, I could not have sex with a man because it is against MY nature. Even for 10 million dollars. I am more important to me than money is.

    Hmmmm......then you do not agree with me when I said, “Everybody is a little bit bisexual.”
    I got this information from a psychiatrist after having a fairly serious crush on a friend who was a woman. We didn’t take it all the way but oh I did love her. She was my friend. She understood me like no one else ever had.
    I was young when this happend and I was so confused by the situation. Of course this was not a problem and question my best friend could help me with. i changed towns and had an unlisted number. Homophobic? Yes! (I am not homophobic anymore)
    Psychiatrist said, “Everybody is a little bi. Think of it as a pie. Some people are a slice. Some people are the entire pie. You would be half a crumb and I would be a small, delicate slice of Lemon Meringue. Do we have a large, layer cake in the reading audience?

    A whispered enticement or a wink and a nod and my clothes are off.  What does money have to do with getting up close and personal? Ten million would call for a stellar proformance as a Greek God  mounting Olympus before a roaring crowd of onlookers……ok I’m game.  

    10 Mil, I'd bend Joe Biden over.


    Ewwww, for that, demand 20 million! How ya doing Ed?
    ed shank

    Fine Colleen, thanks for asking. So good to rap with you guys again.

    For 10 Milllion I'd have sex with anything and anybody. I'm not cheap.


    Hahaha! You're honest!

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