    You know you are getting old when..................................

    You bend down to tie your shoe laces & look around for anything else that needs doing while yoyu are down there.

    Any others?

    +42  Views: 6219 Answers: 59 Posted: 13 years ago

    Hilarious ... LOL. One thing: I can't figure out what else you could do down there. Pick up debris?
    Perhaps you will tie someone elses shoe? Scrape gum with a pocket knife. Hmmmm? Whatever you made my day.
    I'm all messed up today. Real bad.

    No your fine LOL

    Tommy how sweet you are when bending down to tie the shoe laces to look around to see if there is anyone else's that needs doing.

    Great question Tom you nailed it out of the park with this one..

    I've already gotten a thumb up for this question so I'm posting an answer here. "When you keep re-marrying, and every subsequent mother-in-;law is younger than you."

    Ah the good old days when all the regulars were on site. :)

    59 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    You tell the kids to turn down that bloody music.

    ole hipster

    You constantly make me laugh....thank you for that so much!...(:

    Tommy .. You got me laughin' again. I was supposed to be in bed. It's


    My computer is spacing funny. See above. ^
    and u2, PL

    You know you're RIGHT! TURN IT DOWN! TURN IT DOWN!

    P L, that's what our parents used to tell us ! Hahahaha.
    When your mind makes appointments your body can`t keep.

    When your mouth is writing cheques your body can't cash.lmao

    LOL, P L

    You cannot understand today's new English...


    ok I must be older then define new english?

    from the guy who wrote: I am so HOOD. What does that mean? And I don't get the acronyms (WBMY is one I've learned but I'm not understanding many of the others...) I'm 54 and I don't get out much....

    me too totally in the dark with some abbreviations used today

    I'm 48 but work with many young people so I am fortunate enough to be informed well that way.

    You got that right!

    You got that right!

    michmar118 - lucky you helps with so many things especially technology. You do not need to ask "have I lived half my life" as you go on life takes on a different perspective - perhaps not all bad.

    jh, I think he meant you'd fit in just fine into his ' hood ( neighborhood )

    when you look in the mirror and wonder who that old person is looking back at you


    I commented on this one a day ago.My wife had a pic of us when we were about 20 propped against her dressing table mirror.The pic has been removed! LOL

    When i look in the mirror i see my father looking back at me -- scary!!

    How funny you all are. I look in the mirror these days and say to myself "What can I do with that face"

    When I look in the mirror I see my mom.

    Thankyou for your comments Istmee - all so funny - I see my Mum too.

    What  was this  about  I forgot   LMAO


    I'm old, what doe LMAO mean....?

    laughing my a$$ off.LMAO

    Me too I am not sure of these acronyms.LMAO and LOL.also so good at this forgetting thing.

    LOL, Math

    Thanks Tommy - asked before but still did not know.

    Laugh My Arse Off

    When you cant find the phone when it is ringing because you left it somewhere and  cant remember where. When chores take take you twice as long to do as it used to.


    Common Ann your not that close

    Ann ... I'm always calling myself with my other line.

    This memory thing - how bad is this - put something down and takes me forever to find. I even think I am suffering from dementia at moments especially during a conversation and I cannot remember names.

    dopey, we need to talk. I have a pretty good vocabulary and it’s a damn good thing. If I can’t remember a word, I have a substitute. Sometimes the word I pick makes me sound kinda snooty. But a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

    I hope we all remember these conversations, they were FOUR months ago.

    Itsme, I think its the air we breathe.

    itsmee - I really do not know how to get round this conversation thing - problem is I remember in retrospect - when it is too late.

    Ann - do you know that I have just yes just after six days had the engineer to get me back on line and the first thing I looked at was this. I have many mobile phones which I only have for emergency - have a new one cheap only but have lost the charger and I have looked everywhere - I am on my last legs from looking so bad do you not think. Also engineer here and cannot find the glasses from last night and =what is worse I have so many- oh my - life goes on.

    When things just don't work like they use



    What things? LOL
    Headless Man

    Important thing s........... like

    I tried some Yoga today. OMG, you are soooooooooooo right.
    Headless Man

    I had some yogurt and that wore me

    Randy - so funny - so funny things here putting such a big smile on my face - so need this just now.

    When you grunt trying get up from a seated potition.. I refuse to grunt!!! LOL


    I grunt & I groan.Too bad! They can all put up with it.LMAO

    or grunt when you plop yourself down. My dad used to do that. LOL. It was kind of irritating.

    My hubby does it but he broke is leg and it hurts to sit and get up now.. So I give him a pass.... (tib/fib fracture...ouch)

    nobody on this site is allowed to grunt. Grunt?! Ho no.

    When my grand children call me "Yeh Yeh" (grandpa in Chinese).  Soon they will hold my hand when crossing roads. 

    When I try to open a jar, move furniture, or any of the hundred things I use to do so effortlessly. Now I need help! That burns me up! Youth is wasted on the young! They don't know what to do with it till it's to late. Pity you can't start off old and grow young!



    Daisy how right you are about this energy thing.

    Thank You!

    You know you are old: 

    When your grand child asks you if they can make an impression mould of your face so they can produce Halloween masks with it.


    Seriously??! That's too funny and no offense meant at all!

    Mich ... I believe robert was messin’ with us. Can’t get my thumb to go up, robert.

    yeah itsmee - I am sure his grand child does not see him this way - loves him too much.

    It’s a joke... so lighten up!

    The Senility Prayer

    "Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked any way, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference."



    Chiangmai, I will embroider that on my lacy pillow if I can only find my glasses.

    Hahaha, make me one too. :)

    that was a good one, Chiang

    Excellent, thumbs up!

    Like the one "God grant me the grace to change the things I can, to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference" - if that is right. My Mother was always quoting this.




    Go to the fridge to get something, open the door and i have forgotten what i wanted. i am getting a bit worried about this as it has been happening often.


    We are in the same boat!

    Don't worry this happens quite often to relatively younger people too. Go to a room for something and have to repeat the trip or stand there saying what did I come here to get.

    bulletman - guess what - my cousin told me only yesterday - (when I said I lost the charger to the cell phone can't really use them anyway needed it when my internet went down) that she once lost her car keys and looked for two hours and where were they in the FRIDGE!

    When you're called Ma'am. Once when I was 27 this really snotty nurse said, "Ma'am have your reached Menopause." (Fortunately I didn't know what "menopause" was. I found out later and wanted to go back and .... and what ... Oh, I don't know. 


    I was called Ma'am at 18!!

    Lupe: What state are you in. I live in California and the "rules" might be different.

    In my day - there I go - Madams ran brothels but here they call me Madam in the shops this is out of politeness but confirms to me that they see me as old. Just another affirmation. Oh Dear.

    So true, I remember when the first person called me SIR, I almost died... Not really, but I haven't been back to that grocery since, lol.

    You go to bed every night at 8:00 because you're tired, and get up at 3:00 because you can't sleep.


    Flip, I had to laff, b/c my best frind, Carol does this every night, then complains about it. And my frined,Steve's mother does this. LOL

    I do this.

    Me too if not worse - sometimes go to bed at 5am - usually wake two hours consistently later - the old brain remembers to do this? I go back to sleep though and wake up so late - Oh just ain't natural!!!! and I take sleeping tablets - very few GPs here will give these - perhaps the herbal type ones though - this add to forgetfulness.

     " When you begin sentences with  (When I was your age!......) "


    That's one of the worst. I have bitten my tongue over it many times.

    oh oh . I did that lately....more than once :-\

    I do this too but I say "When I was young" Would you believe it doesn't help today 2.25pm 10/12/12 there is an add of an old woman on this page for life insurance - just a reminder I guess,can do without this reminder.

    When your back in Diapers.


    Not yet thank goodness.LOL

    Hopefully - won't happen to any of us.

    When your FEEL BAD, FEELS BAD and there isn't anything that'll help!!!


    Yes dad59 - that's BAD. I am sure many of us have this too huh.

    "Young (punks) pass you up while driving, &  yell to you; " GET A HORSE ! "


    YEAH - so annoying PANDA and I am sure you are not that old but when they see me this old thing and a woman toboot they have to drive on my tail which so annoys me or overtake to stop at the lights in front of me. Where are they going - I have been driving for years and do not drive unnecessarily slowly or unfortunately look my age. I have before now got out of the car and asked "where are you going". Equally annoying people may I say I have only noticed men in this context think they are on a race track they drive so fast.



    Ha ha, on the movie " The Bucket List" Jack Nicholson said NEVER trust a fart.

    Really - don't remember that one Spaceghost. Clever man.

    Spaceghost - he also said in "As Good As It Gets" - "I'm dying here and you're describing the water". Or is it "I'm drowning here and you are describing the water"? Yeah guess that's it but like the dying bit as people can be dying and the conversation re their feelings can be diverted by the listener - conveniently.

    when you like ringles are coming out and you are geting white hair



    I wish the ringles would come out of my clothes :-)

    ................. I look at my kids and realize they are adults, even though I can still tell you all about the days they were born (and the nights they were conceived.).   :o

    When you have to remove your teeth and soak them every night.


    Thanks, CB. But let me tell you I wasn’t much older than you when I lost mine. Who’s old ?
    country bumpkin

    I still have all of my teeth. :))

    The phone rings, and you pick up the TV remote, hold it up to your ear and say hello ?   LOL My late,elderly mother used to do that.


    We were driving one day & my cell phone rang.My wife picked up my camera,took a nice photo of the interior of our car & answered it.Hahahaha!

    walk into a room and forget why your their...


    that starts at about 35 or 40 !

    Oh Boy! I am getting old.I have been getting all of these answers & couldn't find them.Not realizing that they had gone onto page 2

    I guess the last laugh IS on me!

    Still LMAO!!

    when your child asks what the lines around your eyes are and you tell him they are laugh lines,  he asks you to stop laughing so much;)


    Umbriel - you are a strange sort of guy - clever - but at moments a weird sense of humour.

    This has been a good laugh!!  You know you are getting old when you can't laugh anymore!  Especially at yourself.

    "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.........!"

    George Bernard Shaw


    Animals learn by playing - apart from Apes and chimps - dolphins(highly intelligent animals) play on and on and by doing this they are learning.

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