Answers: 13
Would you go to a chiropractor if you had a back & neck problem?
Answers: 15 Views: 2602 Rating: 1 Posted: 11 years ago


    First and foremost I too suffer back pain and often to were it interupts what I am doing. I had a minor in Anthropology with two specific interest ethnology and physical anthro or archeology. I enjoyed it iimensely but couldn't see a return on my investment so, I remained a minor to satiate my sanity.One would have to require a masters & get published = deminishing return.

   Back to the question. Yes, iI have in fact visited chiropractor but the relief was temporal and short lived. The insurance I had did not cover this type of care and it was out of pocket expense. Prior to going I identified the few issues I had in order to present them in a prioritized manner. Needless to say we started with xrays and went from there.We quickly discussed my treatment and was led to the back where multple tables were staged my initial treatment was just an adjustment. Perhaps, there was somewhat of miniscule relief but far from miraculous. It was explained that my body was out of balance for so long a series of adjustments might be in order. I thought to myself the only adjustment might only be my wallet.

    I returned and explained my concerns and he introduced me to something new I never experience before. Electrotherapy were he placed to wired cloth adhesvie pads horizontally each across the small of my back. Slowly he increased the micro voltage and entered a program into the machine. He further explained that the program alternatingly pulsed micro electricity across my back from pad to pad. Inquired if I was okay and replied, "Yes" he left stating he would soon return. A young female attentant returned in about 10 minutes and asked if I was okay? I replied,"Yes" she left When the Doc returned I was asleep. He unplugged the electric adhesive pads and assisted me in getting up. I was amazed. There wasn't any grabbing pain or electrical nerve shock pulsing down my left leg. No more drugs I walked to my vehicle and didn't have to sideways mount or slither in my vehicle.

    I went straight to work where I stood on the assembly line finished my 10 hr shift with a smile on my face but the following day. the back issues returned.

    I guess, what I am saying is it worked for me giving me relief on my second visit but 1st electrotherapy treatment. So, one might call ahead prior to making an chiropractic appointment asking if does electrotherapy and costs and try it if it works great. If not sorry.

    If it works due to economy of scale you can purchase a machine called Tens off the internet costs vary according to their programs self administer as needed accordinglly and save repeated trips to chiropractor

    The devices vary in size but seemingly most are about the size of the old sony walkman cassette player if you follow. They are powered by battery some by nine volt but batteries become expensive and if you can afford it a 110 vlt adapter might be cheaaper in the long run. The battery device increases your mobility. It has a belt clip which permitts you to go room to room, yard ,car and so on. 

    I make no claim or have not any vested interest other just trying to help. I make not any money off these devices by seemingly endorsing them. The only benefit it bringsis trying to help someone get a little relief from back pain. I am told it helps diabetic neuroapthy forgive spelling and grammer. The thrill of helping is more important than hiding my stupidity.

Good Luck,

Rating: 3 Posted: 11 years ago
I have a ford taurus ses 2001 that has no heat, replaced thermastas and blew out heater core,
Answers: 3 Views: 1698 Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago

Gotta get the air out. Loosen upper hose & start in order to burp air out.

Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago
why do i have poor spark at plugs on chevy imlapa 1967
Answers: 4 Views: 1748 Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago

Ahh! A chevy man. make sure they are the correct size plugs and correct gap approx. .030 same with points .030 adjust if necessary.replace cap,  rotor and condenser(primary to reduce static on in dash radio) coils were cheap back then so, I replace it. New sparkplug wires don't forget to set the timing. Put your strobe on TDC on number 1 piston and a good starting point might be 12 degrees BTDC If you cannot get it in time remove hold down bolt under distributor cap lift up distributor out enough to reset rotor pointing physically at the number 1 piston at TDC again attach strobe and adjust to 12 degrees BTDC or to your liking of performance. Good Luck and thanks for the memories.If you don't have a .030 feeler guage if you have a old book of matches that folded over the top of the individual matches themselves the cardboard striker on the front if torn will work just fine and the abrasive used to strike a match is a good cleaner for plugs and points.Don't forget to replace the coil tower to distributor tower wire should come with plug wires or with coil.If the plugs are oily it could be rings or valve guides

Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago
Did god make the universe or did the big bang?
Answers: 28 Views: 3954 Rating: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

Does one theory automatically negate the other? Personally, I beleive in God. I experienced afew miracles in life that reinforces that belief. I lost someone so dear to me I was to marry and lost her to cancer. I was crushed. All my religious training abandoned me. I cursed God and wanted to die but numbly waited for my tour in Vietnam to return me to my beloved one. I became a wicked soul that hated to see a couple holding hands or any public display of affection. I reported for duty and did my training for my preparation for my demise. Confused, alienated and Godless I arrived incountry. It was an alternate reality only afew ever witnessed. I was prepared to join my loved one but after a few close calls there was a sudden change of plans. I met a beautifull young girl prior to my military departure and we corresponed. Now through the darkness and surrealism. I returned home without being wounded to the world. While pulling guard duty in a base camp observation tower we were struck by ligtening while taken my personal inventory of right hand & fingers still their etc. I couldn't hear or see for awhile it wasn't till came down that next morning was we told we struck by lightening. My personal invitation to return to the flock instantaneous. My reconcillation to my Diety was personal and immediate for His invitation was genuine. He provided me with a beautiful Christian woman that I corresponded with and blessed us with two beautiful children by request first a girl then a son by the miracle of birth & 42 yrs of marriage. My Father a WWII Vet said, "Aetheists don't hang out in foxholes" I still beleive him. My son survived Afghanistan 2012 & told must return inlatter part of  2013 Life is Good.

Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago
What to do when you are scared in your decisions ?
Answers: 1 Views: 547 Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago

If one cannot make a decision or has a hard time in it can reflect a early warning sign of depression. Depending on the nature of the decision one must weigh the circumstances surrounding the issue and determine will the propsed solution correct or answer the issue or problem. If it is a problem. Identify the problem what are the necessary tools to rectify the problem without overkill to minmize the cost of problem resolution. Another issue is will the solution complete the problem or will it require repeated resolution.

Rating: 2 Posted: 11 years ago
what is per deim
Answers: 2 Views: 754 Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago

Above is a nice definiton. Origin is Latin and that as previouly stated per day usually indicating pay. However, per diem employess usually receive slightly more pay than normal employees due to them voluntarily forgoing any benefits such as insurance etc.

Rating: 2 Posted: 11 years ago
why doe the battery in my'03 acura 3.2cl keep going down after 2 days in th garage?
Answers: 2 Views: 387 Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago

First of all, how old is the battery? you have a parasitic draw on it somewhere. If the battery is a few yrs old and has sit what is the voltage at the battery posts while running should be around 12.6 to 13.4 volts if not your not getting a sufficient charge. Why? a diode in the alternator could be going out? could be dirt or corroded postes not permitting or accepting the proper charge. You might not always be able to see the corrosion  so clean the cables an posts and again crank her up and check the running voltage at the posts. 12.6 - 13.4 vlts could be a starter or solenoid going out drawing way too many amps depleting battery storage capacity upon shutdown. Could be an internal battery cell going bad. If you take it  to Oriley's, autozone or some auto parts retail store they will usually check it free but they are in the business of selling batteries get my drift? 

Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago
I feel like I'm a failure, my grades are C's and D's, and I'm thinking about giving up in life.
Answers: 10 Views: 2066 Rating: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

Fear is the result of the unknown. i certainly can empathize with your problems for I also found 13 an awkward age. I was compared to my two elder brothers that were much smarter both at home by my parents and at school by tearchers that taught my brothers. We are all social beings and especially at thirteen we seek social acceptance and understanding. One of the hardest lessons I had to personally learn in life was to learn from others mistakes. Being smart can very from subject to subject. Very few people are smart at everthing in life but perhaps excel at more things than ourselves. Subsequently  we assume they are better because they appear so. If we lack at a few subjects we cannot generalize and assume we are a failure at everything. Everything at this age or point in time is usually an exaggeration a matter of life and death. But you know what I think you are smart. Why? because you were having troubles and reached for help. Personally I find this ultra mature for a 13 yr.old and I can see you helping others. How? by relating your personal life experiences to someone else that is experiencing difficulty. You first of all identified the problem reached out for help and explained what was going on and how you felt? Thats awesome! Sometimes in life we stumble,get off track or seemingly get lost. We cannot let life's misgivings, comments or others expectations determine who we are or will be. As I grew, I learned by helping others I could learn and help myself. I never knew what I wanted to be but I stayed in the game why? because of my family, friends and the others that were like me that needed a guide to bring them home. So, yeah others are going to need you along the way and reach to them as you have to us. There is hope! You are strong mature and I believe a leader. Hold on your smart enough to find your way. Often people that need help are the last to know but you been there and can show them the way. A friend of mine took his life at 15 when his Mom and Dad announced they were divorcing. It crushed him he couldn't recover and gave up. I was devestated He never reached out we all carried that entire lives that was 49 yrs ago. I made a promise to him to seek others and be sensitve to reach out and help and not let anyone go without hope. I plead to you now in Mikes name to save yourself so you can save others. Talk to your counselor at school and your parents at home and let us know your okay?  Promise?

Rating: 3 Posted: 11 years ago
i have a Williams gas wall furnace model #3509612 that is releasing large pieces of black soot from it amd it seems to be getting extra hot. what is wrong
Answers: 2 Views: 661 Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago

This above mentioned answer was very good but let me emphasize one should have their furnace checked anually for safety sake. A major concern is carbon monoxide posioning is one and a malfunctiioning furnace can overheat and cause a fire. If I scared you ?good. CO2 is oderless and by the time your in trouble its too late. Always check the exhaust vent for cleaniness and no holes,tears or ruptures. As for as getting to hot it could be a thermal limiter switch not shutting off the combustion when the upper heat limit is satisfied shutting off the fuel source. In any case this is not a item for a shade tree mechanic to try and save money on by resulting in multple deaths from gas posioning or setting the domicile on fire. Usually this happens at night when everyone is asleep and might not wake up from Co2 or a blazing inferno. Do what right and safe have it looked at by someone that knows what their doing...

Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago
Electric fuel pump is not working after being replaced.What could be the problem
Answers: 2 Views: 761 Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago

As previously mentioned check the fuses and look for restrictions. A plugged fuel filter could be a restriction or even a bad ground to the pump. Check to see if your geting voltage to the pump and what voltage are you getiing? If you know your getting proper voltage and you clean your contacts and sure enough you know there isn't any restrictions in the fuel line Is there gas in the tank? On most electric fuel pumps if your hearing is okay one should hear an audible ticking when enerized. If you can't hear over the starter cranking just turn the key on and wait for a minute or two for it to prime the pump. Check under vehicle for leaks or signs of disconnect were one might be losing prime and sucking only air. If its in the fuel tank pump was it replaced as an assembly or what?If it failed what caused it to fail? was it time for failure? how many miles or was it because there was so much debris in the tank the protective sock on the pickup tube has become clogged. Usually, electric auto parts are not returnable due to incorrect installation and so on. Not trying to be ignorant if its an external frame mount try running a seperate wire directly to the battery and see what you get? Good Luck...

Rating: 0 Posted: 11 years ago

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