    how to reset schwinn treadmill 5450p?

    0  Views: 2490 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Unsure if this your answer so forgive my ignorance. I was wondering if perhaps if you totally unplugged the device(just like a computer) say for several minutes and plug back in. Perhaps, this might reboot the unit.. If not see if you can locate the electric motor and search for a reset button(often red in color) and depress it. No, okay unplugg unit and keeping it unplugged until finished working on unit. Look for a small access hole on motor housing(usually small diameter hole on motor housing this could be a reset) try inserting a non conductive rod or if you use a coat hanger make sure its unplugged and you insulate youeself from the wire rod with a rubber glove for safety. If you are 18 or under seek adult supervision. I make no claim or cannot warrant any responsibilty for safety or damage. If you are unsure of what your doing? Don't do it. These are only suggestions. One might also, contactmanufacture through internet with specific make and model for trouble shooting answers.

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