'Ive heard some say we travel Light Speed to God
as for our bodies worm food
Who is the healing for, also what is the nature or the Pain is it mental, Physical or spiritual
Who's the Slapper
What year are you in bub??
Someone told me once, Its like Rank, Private, lance corporal, seargent, and so one, lead you to the Queen if yer lucky.
Some one told me also, in heaven you have an Order, structure of Rank, like Angels, Ark Angels, the Maryters dying for their religious beleife, Of course lesser ranks such as Principalities and powers, cheif demons, and dirty low rotten demons, I guess God is the highest Rank above all these, who ever he is.
Hi Bub I would liken it to, why the Police fasten Computerised tags to some trublesome type of human, one its for their own protection, also its for the protection of the civilians within the community were he or she would roam.
I guess his mark was like a tag so God and everyone else could keep an eye on him.
Hi Bud I Guess you can say what you beleive its your right i was led to beleive God was a man once
a bit different answer to your question however Genesis is very scary I would suggest reading a book on Pink Floyd or Lord of the rings at least you will be reading about fact and fiction
Genesis you are delving into the unknown, another world, another dimention, one that claims to be the truth about mankind's beggining. 09007627@hope.ac.uk