    When we die, where does our energy go?

    +4  Views: 1144 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

     Your energy is part of the Universe... it is always there, here ... all around. 


    Excellent answer and one I believe!

    I agree also...a simple, very truthful and probable answer.

    Fishlet's answer is perfect. I agree 100%.

    It gets reabsorbed.........

    The energy of your spirit is always here, there ,where ever! Not your human body energy That will be unimportant!

    Poof ! Gone. Ba-bye. Adios.


    I have never made Risotto in my life before today... oh my goodness! Now that's Italian Energy! What an amazing invention!

    mmmm...creamy risotto with mushrooms,chicken and topped with lots of grated Grana Padano.
    Ahhh...La dolce vita !

    No,Who's on first.

    Yer it's Pie in the sky digger

    @BiPaulie. What on earth are you saying ?

    I am wondering the same Digger... in a few threads... Curious Creature!

    When you die of old age! You have no energy left, so that mean your on the way out of here.


    LOL! :)

    did, did, and done baby!!! ;D

    I know it's sad just when things were just about to become interesting

    Energy isn't that what burn you up? So we are slowly but surely burning up, it's what we call " oxidation".


    I am not oxidizing... I am aging with pride in the physical sense of affairs. I am not a painting on watercolour paper that has not been framed correctly and I am not a photograph... I am a spirit that is learning, loving and moving forward.... always.
    That is the deal baby-cakes!
    millie111!..NICE ONE!!:->

    :D... Creative moment!

    Hey Fishlet! If you don't believe me put some acid in your battery after it dead and see if it come back to life? Are body is the same as a battery, once we are burn up with this life or oxidize..say good Bye to the old battery or body,in my case it would be baby-cakes!

    You have your faith and I have mine... it makes life far more interesting and colourful. :) big hug!



    LMAO! Too funny, Country! :)

    I have no energy at the moment, either, and haven't for the past 6 1/2 months.  The desire is here, but it's just not happening.  But that's not the energy you are talking about, because I'm not completely dead, yet.
    While I have a serious discord with sawali in our chosen faith, I do agree that the soul leaves the body upon the death of the physical being.   
    At death, the body ceases to possess the capacity to work and overcome resistance. Its production of energy ceases; its resource of energy is depleted with the last breath, the last heartbeat.
    I've been around dead people. The "essence" of the person is NOT there. What remained was the "capsule"   the "essence" (soul) and energy occupied. 

    To our beneficiaries.

    When we die our mitochondria also die. These are the energy producers in our cells, so they will decay as will the rest of our body, and the heat energy will dissipate into the environment.

    By energy you mean thr soul. The soul is eternal and never dies. It leaves the body upon death of physical being.


    How do you know? Can you prove it? Go on....Oh yes, you get 42 or 72 virgins when you die. Poor virgins...

    eggie, Death applies to physical being. Spirit never dies. We see that all the time - a second ago the person was alive because his soul was in the body. The moment soul leaves the body and he is dead.

    'Ive heard some say we travel Light Speed to God

    as for our bodies worm food

    ed shank

    You can travel for billions of light years and not hit the end of the universe. God is with you right now, exactly where you are.

    Dead, energy. They contradict one another. Being a believer in Christ, I believe my soul will ascend into heaven. What mystical "energy" can possibly leave a corpse? Where are the billions of energy's from those before us? Sorry guys, don't believe any of this.

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