    I have been reading the Bible on Genesis. Can i say man is God?


    +1  Views: 987 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago
    Headless Man

    If you are just starting to read the Bible start in the new testament then after understanding it study the old as it will be easer to understand......JMO

    Just keep in mind that Jesus came to correct mistakes God made in the OT. That's why the Christians see the OT as just an easy read book but not a book by God.
    Get ready of the bible part 3 which will result in Jesus coming back to correct mistakes made in the new testament. Because God makes so many mistakes.
    Headless Man

    Only man (& women) makes mistakes. Jesus came to show the way....

    Jesus was a man. But you're correct. Only man makes mistakes so the mistakes in the OT and the NT are due to men proving the bible can not be wholly the word of God.
    Headless Man

    What mistakes are that?

    We've walked that path too many times Randy. You should have paid attention then.
    Headless Man

    And I believe I've answered most of them with links that you dismiss as wrong.

    You brought me links from a religion that I believe is all wrong. Of course I would dismiss them, just like you dismiss all my words.

    Oh dear, more bible babble.

    11 Answers

    You can say anything you like but you can bet your bottom dollar, somebody is going to argue with you......



    Each Soul is a part of God as it is created from the source of energy known as God. Every Soul is a particle of that energy. This is what is meant by man being made in God's image. It's speaking of Soul, not the body. So in a sense, one could say that man is God. 

    GOD  sacrificed his son for us too be redeemed for a future battle



    What exactly was the sacrifice? God did not lose Jesus. Jesus went back to him. WHERE IS THE SACRIFICE??? What did God lose???? Even Jesus didn't make that great of a sacrifice. He supposedly went back to being God in the heavens. Awesome reward for simply dying in the same manner as thousands of others died before him. Jesus was a threat and an enemy of the king. He worked to turn the people's minds away from the government of the king. This may be seen as a good thing now but what he did was still against the law in those days. He accepted his fate. He knew he had broken the law and said nothing to defend his actions during his own trial that condemned him to death. He knew he was guilty of treason. He went to the cross a martyr, not a savior. He even begged God to take away his fate but God said no, so in the end he accepted his fate. He was not scarified, he was punished for his crime.
    God does not need men to fight His battles. God handles all. Men just get in the way. What battle do you think you need to help fight? Do you believe God could not take care of evil on His own IF he wanted to?

    By the way, your God is not my life.
    Headless Man

    Jesus SACRIFICE was bearing our sin and sheading his blood for us, you think GOD enjoyed seeing his son suffering for us he who knew no sin.....

    If God did not like it, He could have changed it. As you know, I do not believe in sin so Jesus in my book was a martyr used by the Christian religion. There was no need for his blood to be spilled for imaginary sins. God does not kill just to make a point.

    Man exists, God probably not.

    Nope...unless you are telling a bad joke.

    Men is not God neither is women. However we will after this life,if we accept Jesus as our saviour.

    What about women? are they God daughter?


    Yea ,if you like,

    It is a big theology read from EOTC ,and Oriental Orthodox church.


    OK then. I did not see that ... to my mind "Man is God" would be more in keeping with the Universal Soul.

    Many think they are.  I don't. 


    Hi Bud I Guess you can say what you beleive its your right i was led to beleive God was a man once

    a bit different answer to your question however Genesis is very scary I would suggest reading a book on Pink Floyd or Lord of the rings at least you will be reading about fact and fiction

    Genesis you are delving into the unknown, another world, another dimention, one that claims to be the truth about mankind's  beggining. 

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