As they say, "You can't fix stupid." I'm referring to the cops. There's nothing peaceful people can do. I was just thinking the other day, that I hadn't heard of a mass shooting for several days. Then I went home and saw the news about the mall shooting in Indiana.
The Runaway Duck - YouTube Don't ever leave!
You don't ask "what kind". I've had 5 dental implants. Pain-free while procedure was done. Last one, I had pain for a few hrs. after. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being most painful, I had a "3" and took the prescribed Tylenol w/codeine, that one time only. It was "painful in the pocket", though. About $5,000 per implant..post, bone graft and crown.
She's American. "Evancho" is a Ukrainian name. For those who don't know of her, she is sweet, beautiful and exteremely talented....and very funny! #Kitty Performs " Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend " #THEMASKEDSINGER - YouTube
Because in multiplication, the order of the numbers you're multiplying NEVER matters.
Confusing. How are they related, cryptos and gas?
Their recipes are well-guarded secrets and chances are that you'll never be able to duplicate them. They also have and had some loyal customers.
I wouldn't call it a trick. For years I've been taking a 50,000 mg prescription Vitamin D pill per week. Also, using common sense by wearing a mask ((DUHHHH?) and avoiding crowds.