    What are your best tips on saving money on groceries?

    I don’t want to use coupons. They mess up my mind and purse.

    +5  Views: 1711 Answers: 15 Posted: 11 years ago

    You forgot Road Kill. Just bake a skunk and there’s your protein. Take the stink sack out, of course. (If you can find it)

    I have a VON'S savings card and it works pretty well. I just enter my phone number at the register where you swipe your ATM or credit card, and you get discounts. There's also Von's Pavillion, where you can get better discounts via the internet. It takes a little time to select the sale items on the internet, but there are no coupons required.

    15 Answers

    Make a list...and stick to it!...It`s so easy to come back with a dozen things that were tempting..but not what you really needed..or had in mind when you set out!...And as Clonge said...cheaper brands are often as are often paying for the brand label...or fancy packaging!:-)


    I’m about to do exactly that, millie. I will have my husband read all the suggestions as we are going to shop together.

    Only take your husband along with you its..if he doesn`t do the" men thing" of sneaking extra cakes/pies etc into your trolley !...I`ve learnt that the hard`s definitely a husband and kids thing!:-¬..(Sorry..I forget that..they tend to get bored and distracted..usually by the time you`ve reached the pie counter)!;-)...That`s rule Number One!:-)lol xx

    My husband is a much better shopper than I am. He is a much WORSE cook though.

    Wow its..a husband who actually shops for you..and shops well!:-)lol..unheard of:-)Lol!

    Exactly my thought, millie 111. Last week I took my list (3 items) and walked to the grocery store. I spent $175 and needed to wheel the cart home because no way I could carry it all. :(

    I do it too Bob...When I was little the shops weren`t open out of regular hours,and only the odd one open @all on Sundays...We were in the times where you`d have to "stock up"..just in case we ran out of something and would have to wait until the shops reopened..or go without...Lol.It`s not as if we`d starve etc..just an annoying concept!;-Z..But I still can`t get out of the old habit of those times!..(God,I`m sounding old and so out of the loop)!...but I still can`t ever stick to "The list"...I always go way over it!;-)xx

    We are not unique in that, for sure! My mom buys in bulk for two people, and I'm never short of toilet paper (and chocolate chips). I think the best way to save at the grocery store is to lose your job and have no choice but to cut back (which just happened to me, for no one's fault but my own, so I'm the only one who needs to be sorry about that). Hope today is a good one for you.

    I'm sorry for your loss. Your loss is our gain. You are back ... if only for a little while.
    What happened? Where do I put that question?

    itsmee, in a nutshell, I wanted to have more responsibilities and less envelope stuffing. I was too vocal about it and too negative. Live and learn.

    Oh dear..sorry re your job@Bob..This was the one which wasn`t overstretching your mind and abilities from day one,if I`m right?...As its says..our gain,their loss!They sound upside down to me,Ie.most employers are only to keen to have someone like you on- board who actually wants to be more pro-active!:-Z..Yep ..their loss!...How`s the family?..Baby A.doing well I hope ?..and your mom and your boys..all good I hope!...(On shopping),we bulk buy household products too..butI don`t think there`s ever a day still,when we don`t have yet more shopping lists and "organizing things lists" for everyday activities of daily living!Lol.Keep upbeat re job and sending love to you as always.xxxmillie

    Everyone is doing well, millie. The baby is now almost 7 mos old and getting big! The girls are full of personality. My eldest has been working at a temp job cleaning up a field the size of a football field; middle one is going to classes and working for his dad, aunt, and uncle. Youngest is back helping out my mom. Mom is tired, just very, very tired. I'd like to get her to Las Vegas for a couple of days. That always perks her up (and, for her, I could stand it). Hope you are hanging in there and keeping positive!

    I can`t believe that the baby is almost 7 Months old Bob..Where did that time go!..I`m so glad that he`s doing well,as are all the others!Sounds like you have the troops all in line;-)...I hope you get to go to Vegas soon..(Your Mum sounds amazing too wanting to travel,we think we`re doing well when we get our mum out much socially...but that`s how she prefers things..They are certainly a huge inspiration to all of us). You quite enjoy it in Vegas once you`re there,don`t you?..It sounds like a fab getaway to me!Love as always xxmillie

    We went out for dinner tonight and had a nice conversation. I'll mention Vegas to her tomorrow.

    Ahh Bob,that`s lovely!..What time is it now where you are it`s 06.40 here so I`d guess your about 5hrs back?..Yep..go for it;-!

    Good comments millie and Bob. I understand overdoing the list at the grocery store. I do it too. Everything looks really appealing, some days.

    Bob...sorry to hear that news. :(

    There are store brands which are of equal or greater quality than "name brand" items, usually at a lower price. Unbeknownst to many people is that many such products  are made by the well-known companies.


    I’ve learned to buy store brands. In my store they are as good quality as “brand names.” I had to get used to the different art on the packages.

    Check the flyer of the supermarket that you shop in. Buy items that you use regularly that are on sale, in bulk. Buy meat that you use regularly and is on sale in bulk too . I buy most everthing I need on sale and stock up.


    I’ll have to be careful of that “stocking up” : )


    It's lethal.



    Yep, you pick up all the s**t you don't need and forget the stuff you do.

    Make a list and stick to it dd.
    country bumpkin

    You'll come home with 3 rolls of packing tape for your dinner!


    The only time I have the motivation to shop is when I’m hungry. I do know it’s BAD. SO BAD. No more of that. I’m a new leaf. Reminders are good.

    don..O.K...A DAISY maybe...but no Dumb Daisy:-)...Not a Daisy to mess with!;-)..The shops are trying to get you to part with as much cash as possible..I`d rather be a Daisy with some money left in my wallet by the time I get home!:-)lol.

    O.K don..You WIN!..But WHY,I must ask..(As a Matriarch;-) you never buy enough groceries..I hope you are eating properly);-?...And why do people not try to push their products at You,..When they seem to target me at every opportunity..even in the home!...Have you asked yourself if you are perhaps unapproachable?;->lol xx

    I keep a pad and pencil in my kitchen and write stuff down as I need it. If I shop for supper only (a bad habit), I scratch the item(s) off the list. I'll pick up what I can afford and carry in one trip.....


    I'm sick of Ramen. I eat that out of desperation only.....

    I like Ramen but there’s not much quality. You could have it with a salad and fruit and that’s not too bad for a dinner. Have milk if you do hard work and need the protein.

    I'll eat it with vinegar and hot sauce, make my own "hot 'n sour" soup. It's good in a pinch...

    with tiny slices of scallions. Yes, in a pinch.

    Julie~I like the picture of you and your catty. What’s her name?

    His name was Worthless. He disappeared on Dec 8.

    Try explaining that to Jamie Oliver, Don!:-0...(Has anyone ever even heard of Jamie Bloody Oliver..outside of the U.K)?..He won`t let anyone else eat junk food here..but I think that`s because he wants it all for himself:-?..(He`s kindy chubby..cute though)!:-)

    Oh so sorry to hear that he`s not back yet.XxMills

    Yes millie, I've heard of Jamie Oliver. He promotes good health by eating good food....seems simple enough but you wouldn't think so, if you look at the shelves and shelves of processed foods in the grocery store. We like to "pop it in the microwave" or "just add water" instead. Healthy meals take time and effort to prepare. And sadly, REAL food is more expensive to buy.

    Grow your own vegetables if you have a few square metres of land, otherwise see if your local authority has allotments to rent (UK), or if there is an elderly person who has a large garden they might let you use some of it for growing food in exchange for keeping their yard tidy.


    Hard work in the garden would make me want to eat more. Won’t work for me. My back wouldn’t take it. However, if you’re young, strong, and dedicated it is a grand idea.

    I have a neighbour aged 89 who cultivates his garden about 20 metres square and raises rabbits to eat.It really can be done and the exercise will be good for your health.

    nd., I grow most of my Vegetables, I think most European people do. It sure is much heathier and cheaper. Its work, but worth it.

    I haven’t personally known anyone who raises their own vegetables since I was a child and lived in the mountains. I live in the U.S. and do wonder why more people don’t raise a garden. Some raise a few tomatoes. My grandpa had a garden and it was one of the high parts of being a child and picking out my vegetables and washing them in the hose water. Yum! No one had to urge me to eat my vegetables. Congratulations, Ann. Do you sell any of your vegetables? Give them away?

    Itsme, I dont have a big enough garden space to sell Vegetables. But yes I always give some away.

    Eat less. Make sure you have a store card that get's swiped to give you the sale price. Check out generic foods rather than the name brand foods. Buy the value pack meat and split it up when you get home. Value pack is cheaper. 


    Can be done.

    I have learned from living in a large family growing up when things were not as plentiful then.  Also, I have modified what I knew then with what my wife knows.  Combined they are:  Only buy what you need, not what you think you want.  Inventory items in the pantry and rotate stock!  Plan a menu, and do not overcook, or over purchase, unless you will really use  the leftovers!  Have some staples on hand in the freezer and pantry, with those, the addition of one ingredient purchased fresh could make a complete meal.  Do grow a garden, however, only grow what you will actually eat, the catalogs make everything seem like a must-have.  Shop for the sales, stock up on non perishable items.  Do not use an extra freezer or refrigerator if you do not really need it, the cost of operation, and loss of old foods not used, erases any savings!  Go to the big box membership warehouses, if you have someone to share the volume and expense with, you really can save!  Shop around your smaller deli facilities, their cold cuts are usually less expensive than the chain super markets.  Important things, like toilet paper, there is no savings in the one ply products(off brands)  which you need three times the volume per usage.  Same with cleaning products, you get what you pay for, more concentrated products use less, save money.  Again, everyone sells this stuff, do not buy it from your supermarket, unless it is cheaper.  Use store coupons, and reward cards, if they really save you money! 


    bustie..N.b...This is the only time I got the honour/or of Best Answer:-)...I.E.EVER;-0...Please don`t usurp my title...Hahaha;-)

    Millie, you do know that it is never my intention to do that, right? Thanks for the compliment by the way, it would be great to be compared to one of the best! Regards...
    millie111 should know by now that I`m only kidding you..LOL...I`m more than happy just being here!..your answer was excellent...the crown is yours;-)XX

    No, No, it would not be right to take the crown from our Queen Millie! ha,ha, :>

    No demand the crown is yours;-)..Why does it bring to mind the story of King Solomon?...You must know that one:-)!It`s rightfully yours! xxlol

    No Millie, I look silly in a crown, and it doesn't stay put on a bald head anyway...

    You two people are good, kind, funny and wise about shopping. There should be two crowns.

    No crown needed, just the rewards of helping others is my prize...

    LOL...No...please have the crown,it comes with superglue!...It def.looks so much better on you:-)....(Besides it`ll only interfere with my halo!;-)..(deluded moi);-?!

    Millie, hope things are going well with you and the children, all the best, regards. Bus.

    I've read all the answers that were already given and can't seem to improve on any of them. Except to add that at our age we need to eat healthy, for the pennies that are saved will turn into dollars at the doctors offices. I'd rather give to the grocer than the doctor!


    Bravo! In other words we should not use our coupons for frozen cakes, fritos, and diet pepsi. : )

    Exactly. Coupons promote good business, not good health.


    We grow our own veggies . I buy large quantity meat on sale. Also our stores have senior discount day which is 5% off- so be sure to take advantage of that if you can.


    I saw a consumer report last night on canned goods- Almost 50% of the weight on a can is water! Buying fresh or frozen may be a wonderful option!

    Cans are cheap as dirt and they will see you through when SKYNET take over.......BwAAAHaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

    Go on a diet


    My doctor put me & my husband on a diet on time. I don't remember the name of the diet but it doesn't matter because I sure don't recommend it. This diet was based on CHEESE. We do have cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, parmesan cheese, mozerella, cream cheese, pineapple cheese ... and even strring cheese.
    This recommended book had 100 cheeses to buy for the week. Many I'd never heard of. My grocer didn't carry the cheeses and I had to go to speciality shops ...It cost about a million dollars.
    How did I get on this?!

    I think as mentioned, planning a menu is important, it often puts and end to those impulse purchases, also eat seasonally, the produce grown locally when in season is not only cheaper but often better, no point buying spring lamb in the middle of winter! I also plan for leftovers,I know we will get sick of the same thing so I alternate them between other meals and when all else fails the dog next door gets a feed, he earns it, he's a great watchdog, I also make one or two vegetarian meals a week

    Make sure you spray your goeseberrys,


    hector, dear: I swear I would have awarded you with "Best Answer" But sweet millie got that honor. I will always keep your tip on the top of my little round head.

    --hector : D x

    Check out decent bargins, buy Stores own brand, cheaper and just as good.

    I buy groceries and cook. I buy quality food and eat lightly. A simple breakfast, toast with a bit of and ½ glass of milk with meds. no lunch, just a snack if that, maybe a salad. Dinner, 1 cup of soup and 1 little bread with a slice roast beef,ham and or cheese. Fruit, an apple, pear, grapes etc sparingly and usually around noon. Tea, coffee and/or distilled water daily and lots of it. I have been drinking distilled water of 45 years. I price check and buy in bulk when it beats out the regular sales prices. I make my  own jam, jelly, vinegar, alcohol, colloidal silver and environmental controls. I raise chickens for eggs which produce more than enough to pay for their own feed and provide eggs for home use. I am very ambitious (who knew)  but my shop looks like a junk yard dump presently. But it does change a lot and …..maybe it will get completely cleaned-up by next year this time. If I put it off long enough, I will have to get it cleaned up next lifetime.       

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