Personally, I say....hang it up...way too many tax dollars spent thus far....Hey!!!!...how is everyone??? Still alive and somewhat well here....will communicate further
Old would be number one........compassionate would be number two and gullible #3.that's me
You are too funny....my computer is so terribly slow therefore I would not even attempt such a magnificent feat!
It is wonderful to "hear" all your answers! you are all special people in my heart...I will check in as often as I can......but, for now I must rest.....love to all....(:
You are a sicjk pup......but I like that ina person!
Thank you for your welcome....does this old heart good!...have missed you all.....health issues have kept me away but I have thought of and missed all of you.....peace and love to all!!
Contray to all of the other answers.....you have a point albeit your own!
#1 of course is that you know where your food is coming from.....no worries about pesticiides and such........#2 this is harder as farmers are overworked and underpaid without a doubt #3 farmers are generally very very nice down to earth folks...I was married to one and I know!.(:
Sing me the blues baby!
You got this one right and it applies to both sexes!