I have a Doctorate in Life Skills. LOL yvonne57
Aloe directly from the plant.
Colleen, WOW!!!!! I don't think that will ever be topped. You are amazing.
My Dear queen-185. I would be watching my bank account and my heart at the same time. Please just remain friends. You certainly don't need to move to Ghana and he certainly does not need to move here and into your home. I see warning flags all over this. BE CAREFUL.
You won't be the first that has had a "grilled cheese vacation". I can't remember who took the first one....who remembers that?
That's a lot of quackers!!! Congratulations. r/yvonne57
The interest rates continues to accrue. They can take your collateral away ( car title, etc.). They can take you to court. It will ruin your credit for 7 years. Other than that...nothing.
You have the wrong website. We are a question and answer forum not affiliated with the website you are looking for.
Hot Dogs or Pizza and cake. Pin the Tail on the Donkey, who can stack building blocks the highest. A Piñata is always fun, just have to watch the stick. It's hard to keep their attention. They are only 3 and won't even remember it so I wouldn't fork out a lot of money or energy over it. Remember, it's for the child, not the adults.
What website is it?