    what makes you cry

    +11  Views: 1440 Answers: 29 Posted: 13 years ago

    Good question, Chain! :-)

    29 Answers

    Moral injustice. Crimes against nature. Acts of violence that harms or causes the harm of a human, regardless of age, color, social status, religion, or political beliefs. No one should be desensitized by it!


    Totally agree !!

    Injustice against against animals.


    And your fellow human beings?

    Loss of a loved one.


    yes Pamela its very hard to get over I still miss my dad and wish he was still here I just noticed that you mentioned a film Imatation of life sounds very good who was in it thanks :-)

    Lana Turner, Sandra Dee, and Juanita Moore. :-)

    Has to be Animals I cant even watch the telly if there is a animal being abused i get to up set


    It does bring anger and tears to see an animal or human being abused physically.

    hear hear Pamela lol

    Yes. Oh yes!

    I have to admit.  I am a cryer.  I cry over music that is beautiful, TV commercials that are touching.  Books that are sad.  Beautiful babies.  Talking to my grandchildren.  Getting fussed at by my Husband.  Memories make me cry.  Things I've done in the past that I'm ashamed of makes me cry too.  I could go on and on.  But I might start crying so I'm going to stop it here.  yvonne57


    I know what you mean, Yvonne. Basically,I get teary eyed from a lot of things, too. Take for instance, the movie, "Imitation of Life," a pure tear jerker. :-)

    Thank You for saying you cry over beautiful music,me too! I think it's the passion, longing and desire that touches me.
    I'm a big baby when it comes to great novels and films.
    All the rest makes me cry too, but in a different way. I guess it comes with age. That's what they say, frankly, I have always been a big cry baby! Not for what I want, but out of compassion/empathy/and love.

    What makes people cry ?  ONIONS.

    Animal cruelty in any way,shape or form.

    compassion for my fellow human beings


    Wow - that's heavy carmaxable

    interesting question.i tend to get angry rather than upset but will freely admit to being in floods of tears when my last dog was in a fatal(for her)accident.i was devastated



    I'm sorry. yvonne57

    I thought I'd gone crazy when I lost my Golden Retriever. Terrible.

    I thought I'd gone crazy when I lost my Golden Retriever. Terrible.

    My dad, who passed away 10 years ago.

    Thinking about him still makes me cry... I miss him so much.

    any animal abuse and chidren abuse



    hey TSC I have just seen your Body it looks good to me ! LOL

    Look closely, just my head.

    Hi TSC I did it looks like your head is stuck on your body HEEE lol Ps and there is nothing wrong with your head as I made another comment on that pehaps you didnt see that yet!

    pain or emotionial issue


    What is difference, pain becomes an emotional issue.

    The loss of my dad almost 2 years ago. He was my best friend, and very funny too.

    Being a Pisces through and through makes me an emotional creature.  Sometimes, just asking me, "How are you?" can cause me to burst into tears.

    The other day my ex-husband told me he had a family video transferred from VHS to DVD and wanted me to have a chance to watch it.  He cautioned me that it might make me cry.  I couldn't even get the words, "It doesn't take much to make me cry" because I was already in tears!


    The past, cruely to animals, children and the elderly and the homeless.Just   thinking about all those things makes me an emotional basketcase.



    Love it! Gotta have it! Don't YOU love it. (In small doses. I've eaten mine off a tooth pick)

    Sashimi with wasabi is my favorite.

    I am sappy.  I find it easy to cry...empathy...great art...a hallmark commercial...babies...cruelty to animals, children and the elderly....when soldiers come back from war alive or dead...war it's self.  I bought Beauty and The Beast for my son and it reminds me of my girls when they were small...I can't sing along with the songs, they make me cry....The Lion King is going to make a mess of me. Last week a friend gave me a tour of her property and with this tour came the history of her family to date...I was a watering can.  It was so nice.

    See sappy.


    This is beautiful, and you told volumes about your true self. You have character, morals, and
    a good heart! Glad to know you!

    I don't cry easy. I'm stoic. Maybe all cried out?


    There's a commercial on TV about a little white dog who wants to protect his bone. He takes the bone in his little mouth and carries it to a financial institution when he is greeted by the bankers and they take the doggie to a bank vault where he deposits his bone, and then he goes home and gets in his dog house. All night he worries. He has nightmares. The next morning he hurries back to the bank and retrieves his bone and takes it home with him and buries it next to his little dog house. He smiles. Life is good again.
    I think it's Traveler's Insurance. My husband blocks the screen and turns down the music. I become a puddle.
    It's probably on You Tube. I'm not looking!

    No, you keep your feeling deep. You feel everything, you have better control over them.
    Stoic, no, I don't think so. You like to laugh to much for that.

    Daisy! That was a thoughtful answer. I really do feel things. I've learned not to cry. I used to cry a lot and I felt sooo good after. You're right about me loving to laugh. You do too!

    Touching commercials and sad books....

    good food going to waiste.. while theirs millions starving...

    When I tell what God has done for me.

    I put a message on the blog below and I still tear up when I read it although its been years sense that happened. The written word can't tell the story.

    Animal cruelty

    answer above  mouse was sticking..................

    " The stock market reports of late! I'm heavily invested." & heavily sedated as of late! " do you blame me? "

    when i think about my sons sorry no good so called friend framed him for his own car and hell probably wind up in prison for his own property. i dont mean to sound racist because im not. but i told him to leave that white trash alone. he will f you if he can. by the way, i am white, all six of my children belong to my black husband


    You are a smile...and Mom's are always correct. Especially you!
    I wish this darned thing had hearts...xo Fish



    this happenedto me also today!



    Headless Man

    Your mouse button sticking

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