Wow. Get yourself a Bible and read Genesis. It gives the information. then look up at the stars. Did you make them, direct their paths? Then look at your own body, at the blood that circulates miles and miles and miles from the large arteries to the tiny connections to the tiny vein connections and up and back to the heart chambers supplying your body with needed oxygen. About Look at your eyes. The eye has the most muscles of all the other Neuro Systems. the most muscles, Why. Could you make an eye, let alone even draw one as seen in the Medical books. Next time you bruise yourself or get a little cut, observe how this all heals itself without our directions (its build into the system to do so) and/or how hour digestive system assimilates food. Why without ENZYMES to help achieve digestion, we would have to eat as much hay as a house full. Juck. So .... what intelligence has created man, and perhaps regrets it, too, because of mans misuse of his free will.
If God or the Intelligence you can also call God or Creator has not made man, then who did. Surely not a monkey. And would a box full of alphabeth letters thrown into the air, make a dictionary; or is there some "intelligence" - human this time -, in the background.
It is good that you ask questions, it shows you have intelligence and want to learn Read and search out of the best books, And the Bible.... the Book of Books, in this case Genesis, is also a good start KW.
Homelessness is a terrible disease. Just think how many veterans are homeless!!! and suffer from Post Traumatic Stress!!! Plenty of research has been done on the subject of homelessness, and some social programs are available. Many men have mental health issues that are not solved with one or two counceling sessions! And they really prefer being left alone. They are weary of the system, and beating the dog in this case, shows that the man has issues where the dog is just some body to get rid of anger. It's "safer" then hitting a person and landing in jail, just as it is safer for a male beating up his wife, instead of the boss! Him tying up the dog is so that he can not run away, which he probably would do. zit also shows the fear of being deserted by probably the only breathing thing that might like him (without the beating).
I am sure, that the man is on some kind of disability or social security and gets some funding somehow. Perhaps it is used for things other than food and lodging.
He lives behind a bar? Does the bar owners not complain. I would think, feeding the dog is ok and compassionate. The dog, too, is weary of human interactions for the pain it mostly causes.
In such a case many other "agencies" must be involved. One person can start, but others need to help, too. Yes, the Newspaper is a very good start, if they have some "investigative" team or care to get a story. But you will find, that this is not an isolated case in your town. There might be many others who are homeless for one reason or another.
With rectal bleeding ask yourself: 1. Since when, 2. what color (bright red could be hemorrhoids, dark red or coffee colored is higher up in the system. Either way, this warrants seeing an MD or DC for eval. Check the consistency of your Bowel movement, and perhaps get some prunes so soften the "production". Hard stool and straining can cause hemorroids. Prunes will help here naturallhy and give some food benefits. Good luck.
Hello: I am not sure if kyou might have clicked on the "remember me at this ccomputer" for your password. I suggest you change your password/ and or get a completetly new email address. It does no cost you a thing. KW
When do you think this world will end? Not in the near future. Perhaps political systems will change, but, as long as this globe spins, it will exist. About spirits, well ask your preacher. He might have some answer. Before anything was created that you can see ect, it was created spiritually. (I kind of compare it to a dressmaker, the process for creating a dress, and the stages thru which such a process goes, First there is the thought, then plans to accomplish what was thought and perhaps needs some adjustments and changes, and eventually the finished product, that one calls "good".)
Before we came to this place Earth, we all were in the spirit worlds as spirits. We made some decisions there. We would come down to live here for a testing period. Perhaps we passed the tests of living and loving and caring, -. those things the fruits of the spirit. .And when we leave this earthly prison, we will be back in the spirit worlds, learning more, evaluate, and who knows, going to another place to live. After all, this universe is so immense and life is eternal.
In the meantime, we should pay more attention to our relationship issues, our attitudes, and thinking. A life of SERVICE in a constructive way (not dependend and not in self-sacrifice and victimhood), such as a mother raising a child, a daughter taking care of her aging parents, the volunteer feedng a senior citizen in a convalescent home, a faithful not dominated wife, the porter who greets you and knows were you live, the nurse who takes care of you when you are sick and shows compassion, the detox councellors who went thru their own issues and know the stumbling blocks and so on, that then is a life not lived in vain! And yes, one can make a living in Service.
Whatever intelligence and growth-promoting experiences and goodness we attain in this life,(and much is up to choices, read about Dr.Victor Frankl "A Search for Meaning"), it will go with us into the "after" life. But above all, whatever you want to make out of the Man of Galilee, we should take his teachings much more serious.