    why do people say god made when god did not make us

    0  Views: 470 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    because only God can breathe life into a body. You could build a human being, but could you breathe life into it ?  NO

    If you don't think God made you then whose child do you claim to be?

    god made us all in his image except for maybe you...

    Wow.  Get yourself a Bible and read Genesis. It gives the information.  then look up at the stars. Did you make them, direct their paths?   Then look at your own body, at the blood that circulates miles and miles and miles from the large arteries to the tiny connections to the tiny vein connections and up and back to the heart chambers supplying your body with needed oxygen. About  Look at your eyes. The eye has the most muscles of all the other Neuro Systems. the most muscles, Why.   Could you make an eye, let alone even draw one as seen in the Medical books. Next time you bruise yourself or get a little cut, observe how this all heals itself without our directions (its build into the system to do so) and/or how hour digestive system assimilates food. Why without ENZYMES to help achieve digestion, we would have to eat as much hay as a house full. Juck.     So .... what intelligence has created man, and perhaps regrets it, too,  because of mans misuse of his free will.

    If God or the Intelligence you can also call God or Creator  has not made man, then who did. Surely not a monkey.   And would a box full of alphabeth letters thrown into the air, make a dictionary; or is there some "intelligence" - human this time -,   in the background.

    It is good that you ask questions, it shows you have intelligence and want to learn  Read and search out of the best books, And the Bible.... the Book of Books, in this case Genesis,  is also a good start  KW.



    The bible is not the only book that speaks of God and creation.

    Man created God and caused religion, so that man could be controlled and subjected.

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