My cyber Canuckian friend, As much as I try to avoid any involvement with social media, AKAQA was, for years, my exception and occasional refuge. Whatever the reasons are behind its’ ultimate demise, I still remember with fondness its’ glory days when opposing opinions flooded the site and made it addictive. For quite some time, too much effort by a very select few of the moderators that chose to assume the role, was spent sanitizing the site and trying to make it their own. You were not one of them, Ducky. You always left plenty of rope out there for people to participate actively and openly.
Most importantly, however, is the current and future state of your health. I hope that it is no more than a bump in the road. I wish you the very best for many more years ahead and want to thank you for having moderated me for years and for the many laughs we’ve had along the way.
Cheers ,
Hi Ducky. It's been a long year of lock downs, hasn't it? I hope you get to cheer on your local hockey team next fall. I miss the travel, live football and soccer ( or as the rest of the world calls it "American Football" and Football ) and the occasional live theater. Summers aren't the same without the steady flow of foodie and music festivals. Doesn't appear any of that will be happening anytime soon either.
Let's hope these elusive vaccines work their magic and that we don't go through this again for another 50 years. Spring is around the corner and outdoor strolls are something to look forward to.
To all the old AkaQA regulars, keep healthy. Cheers !
Well, it depends on whether you're referring to shopping carts that require a 25 cents coin to liberate or not.
There's a simple solution. It's a moderator with a Mute button.
"...It is what it is..."
"The people ?" Who would THAT be ?
No, the seven got it wrong. Sixty years ago, they would have ruled against an inter-racial marriage cake. Not anymore. The court has "evolved" on issues of race. One day, it will do so on issues of same sex marriage. Don't forget that back then, people of deep faith believed in the merits of racial segregation. So did the courts...on grounds of "freedom of religious beliefs".
The argument that a business owner has the "right" to serve or deny service to whomever he sees fit is fallacious. Is it OK for the baker to refuse baking our very own Ducky a birthday cake merely because she is a "spoiled" Canadian, as President Trump declared the other day ?
I say NOT ! Let her eat cake...and be it a maple lace one at that...baked at gunpoint if need be, by that Colorado baker.
...a town big enough for a junior hockey team but nowhere near large enough to ever have an NHL franchise.
The smell of the pocket of a worn, genuine cowhide leather baseball mitt.