    What is the number one thing in a marriage the causes a divorce?

    +14  Views: 2954 Answers: 31 Posted: 13 years ago
    Hired gun

    having been married to TWO wonderful women for a total of 45 years(just had 25th anniv. with 2nd wife) the one thing that will kill a marriage is DISHONESTY.Never lie about anything!!!!

    31 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    No communication!!!!

    Abuse, lies, adultery, narcissism, that's good for starters!



    OMG you know my spouse! Quick- RUN!!!!

    mine too!! RUNNNNNN!


    Money-related practices.


    Believe it,Don. The guilty party usually refuses to acknowledge this as the central cause.

    The other spouse.

    Deleted User

    Thats the way blame the other person lol
    Deleted User

    Thats the way blame the other person lol

    I agree with digger and difficulties causes so much protracted stress in relationships one blames the other for cause or for not providing sufficiently.


    that's what my husband's ex- wife did ---nagged him about not making enough money. She never got off her butt and worked, tho.


    Financial worries is agood start, and in my case, Infidelity on her part.

    Your goals change. Your no longer a unit. You become focused only on your needs. That applies to both sexes.


    Yeah--that happens a lot to people in their 20s. They grow apart
    ed shank

    I see it happening to couples in their 40's and 50's. There is no one thing that causes a breakup, it's a combination of issues. Boredom more than money from what I've seen is a big problem.

    There's usually more than one reason to an unsuccessful marriage. Each person has their  unique

    personality and problems(weakness) that eventually undermines the original attraction(reasons)

    they based their union on. People change and make bad choices or efforts in the relationship. Hopefully, persons can learn from the experience and find a partner which meets their needs better in the future and not remain bitter or discouraged about marriage or Love.

    Too high of an expectation by both husband and wife.   In other words, the expectations are not attainable by either party. 

    The marriage vows inconsistent:  Prenuptials.... "Love til death do us part..." ....He/she cheats....let's end this marriage....

    One problem, both husband and wife forget about the vows that they had made. 

    How bad is the problem in the U.S.?  Not bad, just 50% ends up in a divorce.

    Average length:  11 years.



    that 50% divorce rate is squewed by the all the divorces that occur with 2nd and 3rd marriages. They say that it's the kids that break up the 2nd and 3rd marriage.....more likely in the 2nd.

    Good point. Thanks for the clarification, MCM.

    money and the tv.. deciding what we are going to watch..


    Money. I agree.

    don't you have two T V s ?

    yes but the one in the bedroom is plasma.


    yeah..murder over the remote controls!!:-)...My ex-husband used to channel flick all the time..that wasn`t the reason I divorced him:-¬..He was a fruit loop/nutter...but the RC saga didn`t help!!:-0

    A Umbriel Yes in fact we have three (tv) between the two of us but at the end of the day we only have one bed to share and watch our favorite programs.
    being jelouse of each other

    too right!



    Unfortunately you are right.I think too many young people rush into marriages that should never be considered.

    I've got spell check, Don....

    Being unfaithful.....infidelity.


    Yes infidels very good with infidelity

    not respecting each other

    I would say.....Alcohol is a killer to ones marriage.

    Getting married in the first place. Just live together.


    Colleen that's exactly what i'm doing, we been together for 20 years as my partners says 'Why fix it if it's not broken'.
    Headless Man

    Thats right if you don't get married you won't get divorced, so why do you of all people want the right for gays to marry?

    For the same reason all you heteros keep getting married. All the breaks and protections that government recognized civil marriage offers. Just because I personally have no use for marriage, does not mean that others feel the same. I will fight for their right to be married.

    @Colleen..HERE HERE...:-) your soapbox please:-0...Live and let live!!!

    Cohabitation is what my partner and I did for 10 years but when I got to 60 and could take my pension we married because if I had died unmarried my pension would have died with me.

    The man being unfair and using the word NO all the time

    I think some folk get married to soon. I think that if you date for awhile and I mean about 3 or 4 years and learn that person then get married and even after that you find out you still dont know that person as much as you thought you did. Also people take marriage to lightly nowdays. Marriage is a thing that you need to talk about and think very hard about.Oh and money seems to be a big issue in most marriages today. Maybe thats why me and my hubby have lasted since highschool  cause we dont have any money to fight about!!!!


    You're right on all counts :-)

    No respect

    most divorces are caused by infidelity on teh part of the man. But the woman being unfaithfull is rising almost to the level of the man.  The three issues that married couples argue about the most are  1. money  2. sex  3. how to raise the children 4. in-laws greatly interfere too

    Infidelity, money, alcoholism,lack of respect, and most importantly someone that likes sport and loves the T.V latest battle


    All from the same guy?

    yup, the short fat one,he also snores....amongst other things

    Oh Haven't yo heard- starting July 1st 2012- women have custudy of the remote control (giving them a sense of peace as channels are not clicked every 3.5 seconds. iy aslo brings relationship peace because watching sports all weekend just won't be happening anymore! And with this comes drinking less, spending less, and less opportunity for infidelity.

    Thankyou Doo, this may even save the short chubby one from certain extinction

    We all become extinct- it's it he HOW we become extict that's important!! If he is need of being kicked to the curb- just hollar...Doo will be there to read him the" riot act" aka the "You have two choices and if I were you I'd take the first choice Act" :)

    sounds good, as long as he relinquishes the remote I'll be happy )oh and doesn't nag me to go fishing

    Falling 'in love' (lust) with somebody else.  Seems to make everything so final.

    Most people get married for the wrong reasons, if you let God choose your partner and wait for them you will be happy, just ask my wife.


    Do they come with a tag saying "God chose me for you"?
    Headless Man

    Yes they do if you wait on him and pray......
    I didn't the first time.

    I`m glad that you are happy Randy...but not Dissing God...That letting God choose is all way too weird for me!:-¬

    As neither God nor priests (RC) are married I don't see how they can choose one's partners.

    The woman


    You've picked the wrong woman huh?

    The man.

    @Colleen and like it!!;-)


    “Morals” or should I say the lack of them.

    A lack of mutual respect and failure to communicate will destroy a marriage, as will jealousy and distrust.  Stubbornness, arrogance, conceit, disparaging remarks, money, etc. etc. etc. 

    I think what caused MY divorce is that my ex-husband and I did not really like each other.  


    Why'd you get married, PK ?

    We had become best friends and lovers. Neither of us had children and that was something we both wanted..... I try to accept that I'd probably be childless if he hadn't come along; the only thing that bothers me is that I would have liked to be enjoying our grandchildren as grandma and grandpa together. I'm OK, though; getting closer to the kids with every visit.

    I think it was my mother-in-law that killed my first marriage. My present wife's mother had died by the time I met her. Possibly just as well in view of her ( the mother's) alcoholism and having had two children by other men while she was married.

    Too many pitfalls in life and easy to get divorced these days....Don`t buy the Mrs anything domestic for Christmas/ a hoover,washing up gloves...the list is endless!;-0...That constitutes instant grounds for divorce!!!;-)

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