9 Answers
First of all, the article starts out by saying "supreme court ruled narrowly". Huh? A vote of 7-2 is "narrowly".
Secondly, why should it be so odd that a business owner can say "no" to whatever or whomever he decides. HE owns the business, HE puts his money into the business, HE works long hours, HE hires people and HE takes all the risks.
Thirdly, we hear nothing these days about any and all religions except that we must always be tolerant, accepting and never, ever discriminate against any religion, always let them believe what they believe and without question or else, God forbid, we are bigots! Christians seem to be required on a regular basis to adjust to what others believe. It's time that people simply accept what this man's Christian beliefs are and walk down the street to another baker! No more "adjusting". Let the two gay guys adjust! I'm glad the baker took a stand.
6 years ago. Rating: 11 | |

Ok, I heard a different story: it was the design on the cake that the baker refused to do. I mean, there shouldn’t have been any reason to assume the couple was gay. The gay guys just wanted to jump on the discrimination band wagon. I don‘t have a problem with anyone being gay, I just don’t care for it being shoved down my throat.....
6 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
If you run a business you should be able to choose for yourself who you sell to or serve in your shop. I also believe that people are entitled to their own opinions , on any subject. As a Christian I don't mind gay marriage ,as long as it's not conducted in church. however if I were a baker or cake maker ,I wouldn't refuse to make a cake for them.
6 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I'll have to think about that one! The baker didn't get it right when it came to my wedding. The cake was delicious, but after it was baked, the bride and the groom on top started arguing!
6 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
No, the seven got it wrong. Sixty years ago, they would have ruled against an inter-racial marriage cake. Not anymore. The court has "evolved" on issues of race. One day, it will do so on issues of same sex marriage. Don't forget that back then, people of deep faith believed in the merits of racial segregation. So did the courts...on grounds of "freedom of religious beliefs".
The argument that a business owner has the "right" to serve or deny service to whomever he sees fit is fallacious. Is it OK for the baker to refuse baking our very own Ducky a birthday cake merely because she is a "spoiled" Canadian, as President Trump declared the other day ?
I say NOT ! Let her eat cake...and be it a maple lace one at that...baked at gunpoint if need be, by that Colorado baker.
6 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I hope that on this planet, you'll never be wrongly judged by the courts.

Yes, except for those two dissenting Socialists (aka anti-Americans), the court got it right. I'm surprised some bunch hasn't gone after Hobby Lobby in court for being closed on Sunday.
Ducky, you presented the "case" eloquently.
ROMOS, well put and directly to the point.
JHHarlan, I don't like being force fed, either.
6 years ago. Rating: 8 | |