There would have to be somekind of legal reason y they toke them away do you know why?
Well thats not always true @phyco mum, me and my fiance met when we were only 15 and ill be proposing to her in a couple weeks, her parents forbid her from seeing me but she still did...its not a matter of weither you should or not, its weither the consequences arnt to horrible and the reward is just, the outcome may not always be the one you want what you want be prepared to take the conseqences, and make sure that u have ur facts straight from both your parents and your boyfriend, your parents might say wait a year till u date and id just wait..but if there is a spefic reason id find it
Myalgia Rheumatica is usually caused by injury or trauma including sprains and strains ,using a muscle too much, too soon,or too often, and tension or stress
Faith is a choice, I even as a First Responder do not have a religion, it seems that most relgious people are so forced into there faith that they upset at comments directed negativly at god, faith is blind trust, thats all faith is, faith in god is somthing different but faith is just blind trust and most people believe that wrong.
The Government is structured on rules and regulations...taxes to help fuel an econmy and rebeling against the government is what has caused the economic downfall, and the countless lifes of firefighers, police, military and city offcials..rebelling is wrong and should not be tolerated, the government is there to protect us and not hurt us..
Both are great sources of Vitamin C but Orange juice is the average drink used by Americans to get there Vitamin C but both will keep you happy and healthy as long as ur not having any donuts on the side ;) anyway...both are great ...and this is a great question
As a registered Paramedic i cannot legally stop you from stopping this, it is a hard addiction and causes many emotional, pyhclogical, and physical issues, im sorry that you have this problem and i would suggest seeking immediate medical help
In a Revolution it usually involves going up agaisnt a government, it in no way will change the government system. it is not worth giving up anything for it. Public uprisings hurt and kill good and inicent Police Officers, Military Officers, And firefighters trying to keep everyone safe...a revolution is a bad idea to begin with and sacrificing for it is a worse idea..
I think that you should review your lease agreement and hopefully you can find something that requires your landlord to put in something that will help you...most states have laws prtecting tenants saying that any nessity like that is the landlords finacial responsiblity. hope that i helped in some way
Dont feel bad as it happens to everyone it can be hard to make new friends, id talk to coworkers or go out somewhere that you can meet friends, but be mindful no friends are better than fake friends, and bad friends