This continues to be an avoided issue in the race for the White House. Is it that our candidates are afraid to lose votes or is this issue beyond correction?
Probably not. You can count on our liberal media crucifying him. Too bad. Another three years with Obama could lead to a third world nation.
Not on my life.
Lower your prices.
Today, a credit card is a necessity, but it could lead to financial disaster. People need to understand percentage rates and the actual cost of borrowing. Unfortunately, our schools require algebra, but do not teach personal finance and the risks involved with credit card use. I do have more than one card and try to keep my balance to a minimum.
Black History Month is approaching. Does anyone have any strong opinions on this question/topic?
Are you kidding me?? Judging from some of the answers, questions, poor spelling and horrific grammer, I would say no. Not to mention, most of these people have too much time on their hands.
Good Luck. A friend of mine tried to disable her children's accounts and it was a nightmare. Getting a real person to respond is near impossible.
No, I am especially suspicious of those that are extrmely nice to me. Sad to say, but this is the truth.