    Do you trust people?

    +9  Views: 2421 Answers: 31 Posted: 13 years ago

    I trust 2 people one of them is me and the other one is not you.

    31 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    I used to trust most people and I learned the hard way.  I am very careful now who I trust.


    I was also like that, I was so nieve for so long. Then some people broke my trust. Now I'm careful, but I think that most people have good hearts.

    True. Through age/comes wisdom, but we all have to go through the experience of youth first to get to that understanding.

    Yes, also my biggest downfall.  My wife can attest to that, see has a few not so nice words she bombards me with when I get zinged by someone. But I follow my heart and I sleep good at nite knowing my intentions were well intended. Expect nothing. Be thankful for what good comes your way from them.

    I tend to trust people.  But also I know humans will do anything depending on what pressures are on them at any given time.  Some of my work environments have had the most trustworthy people there.  You could leave cash on the table and it will not move.  One of those places I worked was Stanford University.  Very trustworthy people.  Plus excellent drivers.  With the lowest insurance rate in almost the whole country, because of there good and careful driving habits.  I think the environment, and the level of people they hire had something to do with it.  Most were from stable backgrounds.  Not a lot of inner city garbage of high crime etc.  I got interviewed 5 times before I was hired.  Plus my sister that died worked there as well for a while.  I believe the more you are around somebody the more you can determine how much they should be trusted.  When people do things out of the normal,  that's when you start to see who and what they are inside.  Maybe.  I would love to be a profiler. 


    tabber, you r right, its the environment AND circumstances to an extent that has to do with trustworthiness. A young lad starving, steals a loaf of bread makes him untrustworthy or criminal. In the end societ label is not important.What is important is what does your inner voice tell you.

    tabber, great answer!

    Mmm I trust some people but I dont trust a lot people as I have always been let down so now I dont build my hopes on anyone then I dont feel let down well some times I still get a bit nigled about it but not as hurt as I use to

    I trust that everyone will disappoint me at some point. But that is how you build a relationship.. By working through it.


    I guess we all disappoint each other sometimes, don't we? Human nature?

    Not fully, ever. No one can be trusted. 


    Wow, you must have met an awful lot of nasty people in your life! Sorry you feel that way.

    until they breach the trust? how do u determine who to trust who not?

    Nope, I've met some very wonderful people but people are people and honesty is something everyone will fail at, at one time or another. All people are self serving no matter how much they claim they are not. We are in this world for ourselves and we will live for ourselves first and foremost. No one is ever 100% trustworthy, that's a fact.

    "how do u determine who to trust who not?"

    Simple, never trust anyone 100% and you'll never be surprised when they fail you.
    Headless Man

    Boy are you wrong, I know people I would trust with anything.

    Until they fail you. I bet they've never been put to a true and serious test. Where do you get off saying "boy are you wrong" when you can't ever prove it until you are dead and can then claim even 1 person was perfectly honest and trustworthy to you.
    Headless Man

    I know a person that if you loan him something it will be returned better than when he got it.
    I know several that if I left a dime where it could be found they would try to find out who's it was before putting it in there pocket.
    Also you can trust me with anything.

    Its good to develop an instinct to figure out what kind of people you can trust. You have to learn to trust some people in life. Your way of life depends on it.

    Headless Man

    True you can't trust everyone that you meet but there are several you can.

    I trust God and everyone until they prove me wrong, then it takes a long time to regain my trust.

    " Trust is like a mirror once its broken you can never look at it the same way, it only takes suspicion not proof to destroy it."


    WOW. That is a powerful observation. I won't forget that!

    yes sometimes you have to , like flying in a jet for example...!

    We all have been hurt. I believe it's not always intentional. I have inadvertently caused others discomfort, but there was no intention to do so. Depends on the circumstance as to whether I will have any further dialog with that person.

    I trust but few, and paddle my own canoe.

    I'm a very trusting person, but I do get bad vibes from those who are not trustworthy and I stay away from them.

    I trust that most people will eventually say or do something that will be hurtful to me.  


    You of all people surely dont deserve this ,and I am sad knowing that quite possibly you will be right. I hope this is not so . May these people pass you by with their bad hearts . Bill

    You are sweet and kind to say this, Bill. Part of the problem is that I am too sensitive and take most things to heart; probably my Pisces nature. Most of the time, people have no clue how hurt my feelings are.

    No!! I don't trust anyone 100%.Apart from one particular person in my life that is.

    Everyone else needs to prove themselves before I will even trust them 5%.

    I have had a bucket of shit tipped over me by too many so-called friends to be trusting of people.

    ed shank

    You and my wife would get along just fine. She is also suspect of everyone at first. I am the exact opposite. That's why I'm the one getting zinged all the time.

    Cover your own arse Ed.No-one else will.

    LOL !!!!!! Ha Ha HA !!!!!!!!!!! So very funny !!!!!!!!! You are kidding right ???? Let me think for a minute ,okay times up ............... My answer is ................................................ NO !!!!!!!!! No way no how not ever ,not in the least . Fact is people will let you down every time the only question is how long it will take ,and how much the final betrayal will cost . Better off kissing snakes at least their true nature is evident at the start . Best to be polite and good natured deal with the facts and extend no trust ,expect nothing or less and you will be okay .


    There is a lot of cynicism coming out from this question, mine included. I can honestly think of one friend who has been trustworthy and true since we met in kindergarten. To this day, she is a true, solid friend who has never betrayed me or let me down. I wish I could say the same of myself as regards my trustworthiness to her.

    i trust people but sadly some of them let you down. Recently i  sold an expensive desk and credenza for $200 to a young lady with a child when she came to see it. Also sold to her a $250 exec. chair for $60. Pick up time only $200 came but not the $60. still gave the chair only to told she will mail the cheq. 3 months later, nothing. Begs the question should i have trusted her? 460 is no the end of the world but a trust has been breached. 


    That rests on her soul not on yours. You did something very kind and in return you were not treated with honesty.
    You have learned the lesson but that woman is still walking around doing exactly the same thing.
    When her lesson comes it will be a doozey.
    Your's wasn't so bad if you look at the big picture.
    I am a great believer in "What goes around, comes around"... sometimes it just takes a while.
    The next thing that will happen is you get a great deal on something you need or a wonderful gift will come your way.

    yes beyond belief it is a reseanable thing to feel that instead of paranoia. I feel vulnerable. thats the difference between the two.

    No really. Even when you get to know them really well, they back stab you and turn  your friends against you . Then they  become two faced hypocrites


    are you thinking of some of the people ive worked with?Sure as heck sounds like it!

    I trust only 2 people one of them is me the other one is not you.

    Headless Man

    I'll bet I know......

    who is the 2nd one?

    Wouldn't you like to know?

    Its human nature for people to do whats most important to them, first, always!   You maybe second.

    If someone attends to your needs first, its because that service is more imporantat to them at the moment.  In this world you gotta always wear your seat belt, "speak softly but carry a BIG stick"

    as the man said.  I trust many but if any of them think that they can take advantage of my trust they better duck.  Here commeth the Biggeth Sticketh.  I'm always "on".   



    you are right in that people do what is in their interest so guardedly trust them.

    Trust is something that is earned, not given away easily.

    He comes across as a really nice chap,in a way im annoyed about what my son and my friend said but i can see their point,its lovely to think they were looking out for me.So im a bit stuck...

    A man i know to chat to asked if he could call for coffee,so i said yes,youll be welcome,i thought it was a nice idea.My son wiped the floor with me,my friend wasnt very pleased with me either.Seemed such a nice person too,doesnt look like an axe murderer...

    Headless Man

    Sounds like a person with troubles, but don't be afraid to look at yourself also.

    I think you can trust people most of the time BUT not all the time!

    Only if they eat pork.

    Headless Man

    Good answer.........

    "Trust but Verify" (Russian proverb):  I have learned, over the years, to trust my wisdom and experience to discern who's trustworthy and who's not.  To trust people blindly in this day and age could bring harm to yourself and especially to your family.  Be careful, trust your gut feeling, and don't just blindly trust people.



    I do some, some I don't.

    No, I am especially suspicious of those that are extrmely nice to me.  Sad to say, but this is the truth.

    no only your famliy sometime like a friend say i will help trust them maybe

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