27 Answers
I don't think I would. I say this, in that although I might feel comfortable speaking to this person, I'd have to ask myself how well I really knew this person. But also, how comfortable would I feel seeing this person, knowing they knew every facet of my life or feelings about things? After all, they are only human beings, and they have their flaws also...and who truly knows what their flaws are! Perhaps I have saw too many examples of clergy violating their congregation's trust. Any time someone lays it all out before someone else, they leave themselves vulnerable to that person judging them on one level or another, and they having the ability to manipulate them. You hear of this sort of thing all the time, especially with women who are at a vulnerable point in their life.
13 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Yes, but I still wouldn't tell him about it.
13 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
I realize this may not pertain to any of you, but it may to those who read this (our members who rarely chime in or are just looking at the site) In America if you share certain things with a pastor, rabbi, priest, etc. thay Have to report it or they are considered an accessory to the crime. The killing of someone (not for the armed services who were fighting), Having a plan to kill some one, most forms of child abuse and neglect, and other crimes.
We had a priest here in the USA whose confessor told him he had just killed a woman (girlfirend, wife, someone close to him). The priest discretely asked the man questions..her name, the town she lived in, etc. Where he was headed (I believe the man shared his full name too). When the man had left the confessional the priest called the police- sure enough they found her body, found the confessor and arrested him. The priest was not required to testify...and got some flack, but he said he felt the need to follow the law and felt strongly that it was the right thing to do.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I would advise not. They are merely men/women, and prone to the same feelings as any one of us. Have a talk with God, he is the best confessor, and you will find that the answers also come from him, via you, your subconscious mind. Not a great believer in the sanctity of the confessional, and even friends get maudlin, or talkative, and sometimes bitter. But a talk on say a subject that is not linked to yourself if you need guidance from a religious perspective, then do so.
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |