The Indians and the immigrants have half the world to go to. Have them sent to that other half of the world. If we werent here the minoritys would have the whole world. By the way, the real French are supposed tbe one of ours and not the Blacks Latins Hispanics Asians of Orientals. So if there is the other than a real French then they are sometimes called Frenchy. Dureing their revolution they called them selves Jews. And today, the majority here in north America is anglo saxon which is Israeli and Jew. Hitler wanted to be an Arian which is Arabian or Asian. Hitler was supposed to hate Jews but he was in general a voilent transvert to anti-religion such as Cyrus and Darius which married in with Alexander who said the Jews can have their own religion but Cyrus and Darius are to be loard of loards and king of kings which you can find in the bible Revelations that Christ is called King of Kings and Loard of Loards So after Alexander dies the Ptolemic migration to S. America where the Latins and Egytions have flourished for thousands of years. And so have always had the other half of the world to go to Beautiful four seasons of the year for growing and now the new water plans roads and bridges which looks hopeful they would return there.